John Kerry

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Clinton Clings to Lead in Superdelegates

Democrats trade words about process; AP tallies votes

(Newser) - Even after Barack Obama's weekend primary victories, he and Hillary Clinton are neck-and-neck in the delegate race thanks to her lead among superdelegates. By the AP's count, Clinton has won endorsements from 243 of the 796 party officials and insiders who vote at the convention for the candidate of their...

Key Dems May Have Had Enough
Key Dems May Have Had Enough

Key Dems May Have Had Enough

Tired of Clintons' grip on party, many leaders defecting to Obama

(Newser) - As Hillary Clinton loses Democratic stalwarts like Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and now Ted Kennedy, the New Republic looks at Democratic power brokers who have had enough of the Clinton brand and many who dismiss the former first couple as power-hungry and legacy-obsessed. Although it’s not obvious outside Washington,...

Kerry Deplores Nevada Lawsuit
Kerry Deplores Nevada Lawsuit

Kerry Deplores Nevada Lawsuit

Ex-candidate condemns attempt to shut down some caucus sites

(Newser) - John Kerry came out swinging today against voter suppression, insisting on Talking Points Memo Cafe that all Democrats reject a lawsuit that would block special caucus sites for Las Vegas Strip workers. The Obama booster didn’t call out the Clinton campaign by name, but said “certain tactics make...

John Kerry Endorses Obama
John Kerry Endorses Obama

John Kerry Endorses Obama

Former Dem nominee backs the Chicagoan in South Carolina

(Newser) - John Kerry threw his support behind Barack Obama's candidacy today at a Charleston, South Carolina, rally, saying "Barack Obama can help our country turn the page." The Democratic standard-bearer said Obama is best suited to unite the country, and spark "a transformation, not just a transition."...

Swift Boaters Resurface for GOP
Swift Boaters Resurface for GOP

Swift Boaters Resurface for GOP

Kerry angered over donations to fellow veteran McCain

(Newser) - The renamed Swift Vets and POWs for Truth—infamous for derailing John Kerry’s 2004 presidential bid—have returned, contributing and bundling nearly $200,000 to Republican candidates. This doesn’t “bode well” for clean politics, writes the Nation’s Christopher Hayes, who sought out Kerry’s comment on...

Interest Groups Gain in Cash —and Influence

As party $$$ dips, issue $$$ rises; will further polarize 2008 election

(Newser) - The swift-boating of John Kerry was only the first wave—election spending by groups unaffiliated with the major political parties nearly tripled between 2000 and 2006, the Wall Street Journal reports, to 19% of the total. And the so-called "527" groups, which don't have to disclose their donors, are...

Iowa First Lady Backs Edwards
Iowa First Lady Backs Edwards

Iowa First Lady Backs Edwards

Abandoning neutrality, Culver supports 'electable' candidate

(Newser) - Iowa’s first lady backed John Edwards today but said her husband would steer clear of endorsements, the Des Moines Register reports. "I'm my own person," said Mari Culver, wife of Gov. Chet Culver. "I have my own political interests." Tom Vilsack similarly stayed above the...

'04 Defeat Begat '08 Edwards
'04 Defeat
'08 Edwards

'04 Defeat Begat '08 Edwards

'Sunny centrist' now the fighter the ticket needed, say loyalists

(Newser) - The John Edwards of the 2008 campaign is a changed man from the VP-candidate who stumped across America with John Kerry four years ago, notes the New York Times, and Kerry loyalists can't help being frustrated watching Edwards displaying the aggression they pined for then. "A lot of what...

Kerry Takes $1M Swift Boat Challenge

Senator vows to face Texas billionaire and blast allegations

(Newser) - John Kerry accepted a $1 million challenge today to back his military record against claims by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the AP reports. The former Dem nom answered an open challenge by oilman T. Boone Pickens, a key funder of the group that claimed Kerry fudged his military...

Nader Sues Dems, Claiming '04 Conspiracy

Suit says Dems and Kerry-Edwards blocked him from state ballots

(Newser) - Ralph Nader jumped into the political fray today, suing the Dems for a "vast Democratic Party conspiracy" to block his 2004 election, McClatchy Newspapers reports. He accused the Democratic Party, Kerry-Edwards 2004, and other groups of keeping him from state ballots "as a means to drive into deep...

Rudy, Mitt Trade Kerry Insults
Rudy, Mitt Trade Kerry Insults

Rudy, Mitt Trade Kerry Insults

In debate post-mortem, GOP hopefuls spar over who's less like the Democratic loser

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney couldn't seem to get out of the ring yesterday, even though their tussle at Tuesday's debate was over. The campaigns  kept it going with press-release jabs, each rehashing his opponent's debate language on Iran and each comparing the other to John Kerry, notes Election Central’...

Police Who Tasered Student Placed on Leave

University prez calls incident at political forum 'regretful'

(Newser) - Two University of Florida police officers who used a stun gun on a 21-year-old student at a campus forum with John Kerry have been placed on paid leave pending an investigation, CNN reports. Disturbing video of the incident, in which the student pleaded with police not to taser him, has...

Student Tasered at Kerry Speech
Student Tasered at Kerry Speech

Student Tasered at Kerry Speech

Senior zapped and arrested for disrupting U of Florida forum

(Newser) - Police Tasered and arrested a University of Florida student after his belligerent questioning of John Kerry during a campus event last night. Andrew Meyer, who has a history of recording his own pranks, spent the night in jail after pressing Kerry beyond his allotted time, the AP reports. Officers removed...

Flip-Floppers See Light—Or Just Want Job

Romney and Kerry stand in long line of political mind-changing

(Newser) - Maybe Mitt Romney and John Kerry should hold their flip-flopping heads high: Changes of mind have furthered the causes of abolition and civil rights over the centuries. Ronald Reagan defiantly claimed his biggest reversal—promising feet “in concrete” about raising taxes, then singing “the sound of concrete cracking”...

Bad News Plagues Bears
Bad News Plagues Bears

Bad News Plagues Bears

As ice caps melt, trophy hunters take aim, polar bears belong on endangered list

(Newser) - It's bad enough when 40% of your habitat will disappear by mid-century, but add trophy hunters taking advantage of a loophole in US law, and it's not a good time to be a polar bear, the Independent on Sunday reports. The bears are not listed as endangered so 950 pelts...

Nussle's New Budget Boss Despite Dem Protests

Opposition a blow against Bush policies

(Newser) - Despite opposition from several Democrats, the Senate yesterday approved former Iowa Rep. Jim Nussle as the new White House budget director. The dissenters were largely protesting Bush’s economic policy, rather than Nussle himself, recalling the criticism they faced after approving Gen.Petraeus while opposing Iraq policy, The Hill reports.

Dems Seize on Ugly Iraq Report
Dems Seize on Ugly Iraq Report

Dems Seize on Ugly Iraq Report

GAO says 11 of 18 benchmarks unmet; majority prepares to push Bush

(Newser) - Harry Reid and the majority Democrats burst out of the vacation gates today with a damning Iraq scorecard, beating the policy-change drum a day after President Bush cited improvement while visiting Iraq, and ahead of Gen. David Petraeus’ supposedly positive surge report. The GAO report concluded Iraq had failed to...

New Hampshire Could Give McCain a Jolt

Vote-second state has rescued flailing frontrunners before

(Newser) - John McCain’s candidacy may be getting dragged through the mud lately, but the presidential hopeful might have an ace up his electoral sleeve—New Hampshire. The Granite State has a history of rescuing listless frontrunners, the Boston Globe reports, and the straight talker understands the state’s importance better...

Edwards Goes All-Out in Courting Labor

Candidate can't count on AFL-CIO but can target individual unions

(Newser) - Even though he can’t expect broad endorsement, John Edwards is pushing hard for labor support, hoping to rack up the backing of a slew of individual unions. The Washington Post reports ahead of tonight’s AFL-CIO-sponsored Democratic forum that union backing is key to the Southerner’s strategy, even...

Kerry Says Imus Shouldn't Have Been Fired

"To me it was in the hands of the young women"

(Newser) - John Kerry defended Don Imus in a TV interview last night, saying CBS should have suspended the shock jock, not fired him. The network should have waited to make its move, he suggested, until after Imus met with the Rutgers team. "To me it was in the hands of...

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