John Kerry

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19 Get the Presidential Medal of Freedom Today

Biden will honor politicians, activists, athletes, and more

(Newser) - Clarence B. Jones says he thought a prankster was on the line when he answered the phone and heard the caller say they were from the White House. "I said, 'Is this a joke or is this serious?'" Jones recalled. The caller swore that President Biden wanted...

John Podesta to Take Over Climate Role

To avoid a confirmation fight, the title 'special envoy' will leave with Kerry

(Newser) - White House senior adviser John Podesta will add climate policy to his job responsibilities, replacing John Kerry as the top US official on international climate issues, the White House said Wednesday. Kerry announced in mid-January that he would step down as special climate envoy to work on President Biden's...

John Kerry to End Tenure as Climate Envoy

Former secretary of state considers Biden's reelection key to climate battle

(Newser) - John Kerry has told President Biden he plans to resign as special envoy for climate—a job created for him— by spring. The former secretary of state and US senator told the president on Wednesday and his staff on Saturday, the New York Times reports. Kerry will instead work on...

Xi Jinping Snubs Kerry, Welcomes Kissinger

Chinese leader hails 'insightful' American

(Newser) - Xi Jinping didn't meet John Kerry while the top US climate envoy was in China this week—but he met, and praised, an American who first came to Beijing for talks with Chinese leaders more than 50 years ago. Xi described Henry Kissinger as an "old friend" when...

Climate Talks End in a Deal Without Altering Planet's Course

Weakened wording on coal clears way for accord

(Newser) - Negotiators from almost 200 nations reached an accord Saturday in the fight against climate change, acknowledging that the problem isn't solved but setting up another attempt at more dramatic action next year. The Glasgow summit did not achieve the central goal of agreeing on action to limit the warming...

US, China Say They Agree on Urgency of Climate Change

Announcement precedes Biden's summit this week

(Newser) - Setting the stage for President Biden's summit this week, the US and China announced Sunday that they've agreed to cooperate in urgently addressing climate change. A joint statement said the two powers are "committed to cooperating with each other and with other countries to tackle the climate...

Biden Introduces National Security Team

'America is back,' says president-elect

(Newser) - Declaring "America is back," President-elect Joe Biden introduced his national security team on Tuesday, his first substantive offering of how he’ll shift from Trump-era "America First" policies by relying on experts from the Democratic establishment to be some of his most important advisers. "Together, these...

Kerry Pick Signals 'War Footing' on Climate
Kerry Pick Signals
'War Footing' on Climate
the rundown

Kerry Pick Signals 'War Footing' on Climate

For first time, a climate adviser will sit on the National Security Council

(Newser) - Joe Biden unveiled several picks for his administration Monday, including John Kerry as his special presidential envoy for climate. Kerry will not be the first presidential "climate czar," but he will be the first to sit on the National Security Council. That alone is seen as a signal...

Biden Pick's Unusual Hobby: 'He's a Rocker'
Biden Pick's
'He's a Rocker'

the rundown

Biden Pick's Unusual Hobby: 'He's a Rocker'

Antony Blinken set for state post, while John Kerry and some notable firsts also are on board

(Newser) - Joe Biden is fleshing out his White House. Word leaked Sunday night that he plans to nominate Antony Blinken as his secretary of state, while other big picks were unveiled on Monday. More on Blinken and the others, including John Kerry and some notable firsts:
  • Blinken's hobby: For a

John Kerry Unloads on Lawmaker in Surprising Tweet

He says Thomas Massie has 'tested positive for being an a--hole'

(Newser) - Rep. Thomas Massie is not a popular man on Capitol Hill because he's gumming up quick passage of the massive stimulus bill in the House. The Kentucky Republican said Friday morning he planned to ask for a roll call vote, meaning lawmakers would have to be physically present to...

John Kerry 'Categorically' Denies 2020 Rumors

He was overheard talking about Sanders 'taking down the Democratic Party'

(Newser) - John Kerry has angrily denied claims that he might be plotting to enter the Democratic race at the last minute. The former secretary of State, who was the party's 2004 nominee, spoke out after NBC reported that he had been overheard in an Iowa hotel talking about entering the...

Biden Picks Up Backing of a Former Nominee

John Kerry endorses the former VP

(Newser) - Joe Biden picked up a notable endorsement on Thursday from someone who once won the Democratic nomination. Former Secretary of State John Kerry backed his longtime friend for the White House, reports the Boston Globe . "The world is broken,” said Kerry, "and I believe very deeply that...

Trump Says He Can't Get Anybody to Prosecute Kerry

Iran talks violate Logan Act, president argues

(Newser) - President Trump said Thursday that John Kerry, who was secretary of state under President Obama, should face charges for talking to Iran after leaving office. Trump told reporters that Kerry told Iranian leaders not to talk with Trump administration officials, the Washington Post reports, saying, "he should be prosecuted...

Graham on Meghan McCain: 'She's Her Father's Daughter'
Senator Praises Meghan
McCain Following Funeral

Senator Praises Meghan McCain Following Funeral

The South Carolina Republican praised his friend's child

(Newser) - On CNN's State of the Union , Sen. Lindsey Graham praised Meghan McCain as "her father's daughter" following her headline-grabbing eulogy to her dad that many said appeared to bash President Trump. Former Secretary of State John Kerry appeared on Face The Nation and bashed the country's...

Chances of Trump Staying in Iran Deal 'Very Small'

President says he'll announce his decision Tuesday

(Newser) - President Trump says he will announce his decision on the Iran nuclear deal at 2pm Tuesday—and he's widely expected to declare that the US is pulling out. European diplomats who've been trying to change the president's mind now say the chances of him staying in the...

John Kerry on 'Stealth Campaign' to Save Iran Nuke Pact

Former Secretary of State is talking to world leaders

(Newser) - While President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly slam the Iran nuclear deal, John Kerry is quietly trying to save it. The former secretary of state has held private meetings with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, French President Emmanuel Macron, and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in an effort...

Gore on Trump's Tweets: It's Not 'Time to Be Divisive'
Gore Accuses
Trump of Being
'Divisive' With
London Tweets

Gore Accuses Trump of Being 'Divisive' With London Tweets

Trump criticized and misquoted London mayor in tweet

(Newser) - Al Gore appeared on CNN's State of the Union Sunday to take President Trump to task for criticizing and misquoting London Mayor Sadiq Khan in a tweet while the latter attempts to deal with the aftermath of Saturday's deadly attack. “I don’t think that a major...

Israel PM Rejects Kerry's 'Parting Shot'
Israel PM Rejects
Kerry's 'Parting Shot'  

Israel PM Rejects Kerry's 'Parting Shot'

Bill Clinton offered very similar solution in 2000

(Newser) - John Kerry fired what was widely seen as a frustrated parting shot at Israel amid rising tensions Wednesday, warning, as "a friend," that the country needs to hear some "hard truths" about its settlement policy, which he believes is jeopardizing any hope of a two-state solution. The...

Kerry: Israel Needs to Hear 'Hard Truths'

Secretary of state lays out vision for Middle East peace one last time

(Newser) - John Kerry says the US is still Israel's friend—despite last week's surprising decision to allow a UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements—but said Wednesday that sometimes "friends need to tell each other the hard truths," the New York Times reports. With just 23 days left...

China to Trump: We Didn't Make Up Global Warming

Minister points out Reagan's role in climate talks

(Newser) - China wants Donald Trump to know that contrary to his notorious 2012 tweet , global warming is not a concept it invented to undermine American manufacturing. At United Nations climate talks in Morocco Wednesday, China's Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin pointed out that Republican presidents helped launch Intergovernmental Panel on...

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