
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Dalai Lama Begins US Visit
 Dalai Lama Begins US Visit 

Dalai Lama Begins US Visit

Amid Tibet, Olympic turmoil, Seattle peace conference first stop for spiritual leader

(Newser) - The Dalai Lama arrived in Seattle today to begin a five-day series of speeches and workshops on peace and compassion, the Seattle Times reports. He told a group of Tibetan supporters at the airport that he was saddened by yesterday's protests in San Francisco surrounding the Olympic torch, and reiterated...

IOC Head: We Can Weather Torch 'Crisis'

Dalai Lama supports Chinese Olympics —and open protests

(Newser) - The protests following the Olympic torch around the globe are a “crisis,” but the International Olympic Committee has faced worse, its chief said today. The Games, he said, would “rebound," the BBC reports. Meanwhile, the Dalai Lama said China “deserved” to host, CNN reports. "...

SF Mayor Takes Heat for Torch Dodge
SF Mayor
Takes Heat for Torch Dodge

SF Mayor Takes Heat for Torch Dodge

Rerouting Olympic flame relay enrages duped protesters

(Newser) - The San Francisco leg of the Olympic torch relay avoided some of the chaos that plagued London and Paris, but pro-Tibetan activists were fuming that Mayor Gavin Newsom rerouted the flame's path at the last minute to dodge protesters. "He did it so China can report they had a...

Torch Changes Keep Protesters Off Balance

San Francisco's bait-and-switch approach keeps Olympic flame's tour mainly peaceful

(Newser) - Throngs of pro- and anti-China demonstrators in San Francisco forced drastic changes in the Olympic torch's tour of the city, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Officials bused the flame and relay runners from the bayside opening ceremony miles across town; after heading west toward the Golden Gate Bridge, the convoy...

San Francisco in Fine Frenzy Over Torch

Security tightens as protesters hit streets for relay

(Newser) - The Olympic torch winds its way through San Francisco today and authorities are bracing for big trouble from protesters who have already hit the streets, AP reports. The torch was buffeted by protests in London and Paris, where the relay was cut short, and the worst may be yet to...

Flame Arrives in San Francisco
 Flame Arrives in San Francisco 

Flame Arrives in San Francisco

Protesters absent amid heavy security; torch in hiding before tomorrow's city tour

(Newser) - The Olympic flame landed in San Francisco early this morning, accompanied by Chinese officials and protected by riot-ready security, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The 3:40am landing was followed by a round of photographs before a quick retreat to an undisclosed location, where the torch will await tomorrow's relay...

Olympic Committee May Cancel Torch Relay

IOC to meet in Beijing to discuss massive protests

(Newser) - The International Olympic Committee has scheduled an extraordinary meeting to discuss whether the remainder of this year's torch relay should be canceled. In the face of massive protests against China's human rights abuses, the committee is considering a plan to limit the remainder of the relay to China, reports AFP....

Beijing Blasts Torch Protests

Marches "tarnish the lofty Olympic spirit," China says

(Newser) - Today China denounced the protests that have disrupted Olympic torch relays in London and Paris over the past 2 days, Reuters reports. "The despicable activities tarnish the lofty Olympic spirit," a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said. She also denied media reports that "the Olympic torch was forced to...

Clinton to Bush: Skip Olympics
 Clinton to Bush: Skip Olympics 

Clinton to Bush: Skip Olympics

Candidate cites Darfur and Tibet as reasons not to go

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton urged President Bush today to skip the Beijing Olympics over China's role in the Darfur genocide and violence in Tibet, Politico reports. She joined ranks with Nancy Pelosi in calling for Bush to protest Beijing's human rights record "absent major changes by the Chinese government," Clinton...

Torch Protesters Climb Golden Gate Bridge

Pro-Tibet students make statement from above

(Newser) - With the Olympic torch due to reach San Francisco tomorrow, protesters climbed the Golden Gate Bridge today to unfurl banners reading “One World, One Dream" and "Free Tibet 08.” The climbers, members of Students for a Free Tibet, were arrested after they rappelled down the bridge’s...

China Wikipedia Access Not So Impressive
China Wikipedia Access Not So Impressive

China Wikipedia Access Not So Impressive

Recent move isn't enough to meet IOC's request for openness

(Newser) - It's good for Chinese Internet users that the government has lifted bans on Wikipedia and Blogspot, but the move isn't the great breakthrough it may seem to be. If the policy change was intended to fulfill requests from the International Olympic Committee for an open internet, it falls well short...

Olympic Flame Doused 5 Times; Paris Relay Cut Short

Torch is put out, put on a bus, re-lighted, then put out again

(Newser) - Paris police today extinguished the Olympic flame five times after massive pro-Tibet protests turned the torch relay into chaos. The torch was doused for the first time near the start of the route at the Eiffel Tower and taken on board the bus that accompanies the runners, the AP reports....

London Erupts in Torch Protests

Activist grabs torch, 25 busted in street battles with cops

(Newser) - Despite massive security, London erupted today in a series of protests along the route of the Olympic flame relay, and a "free Tibet" protester managed to grab the torch before police wrestled him to the ground, reports the Guardian. At least 25 protesters were busted as scores of police...

China Plans 'Education' of Tibetan Monks

Beijing's move to enforce loyalty raises fears of more violence

(Newser) - Fed up with protests from Tibetan monks, Beijing said today it will step up a campaign of "patriotic education," the AP reports. Beijing will try to force monks to denounce the Dalai Lama and declare their loyalty to China, adding to worries that the current tension over human...

Beijing Eases Limits on Wikipedia
Beijing Eases Limits on Wikipedia

Beijing Eases Limits on Wikipedia

But topics such as Tibet, Tiananmen remain off limits

(Newser) - Prodded by the International Olympic Committee, China has seemingly eased restrictions on the English-language version of Wikipedia, Reuters reports. But authorities continue to block access to articles related to sensitive topics such as Tibet and Tiananmen Square. Users in Shanghai and Beijing, the site of the summer Olympics, reported being...

Chinese Police Kill 8 Protesters

Clash in Sichaun province comes as officials try to search Tibetan monastery

(Newser) - Chinese police killed eight protesters and wounded dozens more overnight in Sichuan province when they opened fire on a demonstration led by Tibetan monks, the Times of London reports. The altercation started when police searched a Tibetan monastery, confiscating phones and images of the Dalai Lama. After arresting two, the...

Chinese Get No Independent News on Tibet

Official story of foreign-incited riots is playing well at home

(Newser) - China's media outlets have been getting their information about the recent unrest in Tibet solely from the state-controlled news agency, Xinhua. As a result, most Chinese citizens are buying the government's handling of what has been portrayed as mob violence plotted from abroad—when it's been covered at all, the...

India Tries to Placate Both China and Tibet

Home of exiled Dalai Lama plays delicate balancing act

(Newser) - India enjoys a trade relationship with China, its fellow powerhouse economy, that experts value at around $40 billion this year. But it also hosts the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan government in exile, and about 100,000 Tibetans who live in the country. As tensions in Tibet continue, writes the Washington ...

China Blasts Dalai Lama 'Suicide Plots'

Monks amassing arms, planning to disrupt Olympics, Chinese charge

(Newser) - Chinese authorities are accusing the Dalai Lama of organizing suicide attacks, building an arsenal of weapons and explosives in Tibetan monasteries, and plotting to disrupt the Beijing Olympics. The fresh allegations come in the wake of last month's raging protests in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa and China's violent response.

House Speaker Calls on Bush to Snub Olympic Ceremonies

Pelosi urges move to protest 'oppression'

(Newser) - House speaker Nancy Pelosi calls on President Bush to consider skipping the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics in an interview airing today, ABC reports. Pelosi, a fierce critic of China's human rights record, isn't suggesting an American boycott of the games themselves, but. she says that it was a...

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