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University's Commencement Speaker Was AI Robot

Some students at D'Youville felt 'disrespected'

(Newser) - At D'Youville University in Buffalo, graduates were given life advice from a commencement speaker that wasn't alive. Sophia, a humanoid artificial intelligence robot, addressed the crowd in what the New York Times calls "a bold decision that drew mixed reactions." Like human speakers, the robot received...

Airport Robot Will Be Disguised as Coyote or Fox

Alaska authorities plan use Aurora to scare wildlife away from runways

(Newser) - A headless robot about the size of a labrador retriever will be camouflaged as a coyote or fox to ward off migratory birds and other wildlife at Alaska's second-largest airport. The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities said its "new hire" Aurora will be based at the...

Worker Inspecting a Robot Is Killed by It

South Korean man was testing robotic arm at produce distribution center when it grabbed him

(Newser) - Movies show us nightmare scenarios of artificial intelligence rising up and intentionally killing humans. That's not a reality, at least as far as we know. But accidents do happen, most recently in South Korea. On Wednesday, a robotics company employee was inspecting a robot used to move boxes at...

Actual Warning From Oregon State: 'Avoid All Robots'

Threat involving food delivery robots was later determined to be a hoax, company says

(Newser) - Authorities say an Oregon State University student has been arrested in connection with a hoax bomb threat that led to this alert on X from the university Tuesday afternoon: "Bomb Threat in Starship food delivery robots. Do not open robots. Avoid all robots until further notice. Public Safety is...

This Chatbot Wows Users, but There Are Concerns

1 million users have signed up with OpenAI's ChatGPT since Wednesday

(Newser) - Need to write a history essay? Or need instructions on how to remove a peanut butter sandwich from a VCR written in the style of the King James Bible? It's now made easy thanks to OpenAI's ChatGPT , an AI-powered chatbot that's taking the internet by storm. It'...

Restaurant's New Hire Talks, Plays Music, and Works for Free

Faced with worker shortage, Tin Lizzie's in Deadwood, SD, recruited a robot server

(Newser) - At the Tin Lizzie Gaming Resort in Deadwood, SD, a labor shortage left management scrambling to figure out a way to alleviate current workers' stresses. "We thought outside the box," Assistant General Manager Josh Thurmes tells Local 12 in introducing the casino eatery's newest staffer: a robot...

Is Mark Zuckerberg a Robot? Traffic Lights Reveal the Truth

Podcaster asks Zuckerberg to prove he's not 'Zuckerborg'

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg has long known that he comes across as, well ... not quite human, acknowledging in a 2019 interview that "historically, I've had a very hard time expressing myself. ... I just come across as robotic." One computer scientist and AI researcher recently decided to carry out a...

White House: We Need an AI Bill of Rights

Biden administration seeks plan to protect from faulty, harmful uses

(Newser) - Top science advisers to President Biden are calling for a new “bill of rights" to guard against powerful new artificial intelligence technology. The White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy on Friday launched a fact-finding mission to look at facial recognition and other biometric tools used to...

Here's Your New Pizza-Delivery Robot

Domino's is testing service in a single neighborhood in Houston

(Newser) - Robot pizza delivery is here, at least for a limited few. Domino's Pizza is testing a service that allows customers in Houston's Woodland Heights neighborhood to have their pizza delivered by autonomous vehicles created by robotics company Nuro. These were the first completely autonomous vehicles approved by the...

Robots Won't Track Inventory at Walmart

Machines were cruising the aisles of about 500 stores

(Newser) - Robots may still replace us, but not today, and not in the aisles of Walmart. One lesson the company has learned during the pandemic is that while robots can keep track of store inventory, human employees are pretty good at it, too. Workers are in the aisles more often now...

Got a 'Kind and Friendly Face'? It Could Make You $127K

You just need to sell the rights to it in perpetuity, no big deal

(Newser) - If you are in need of money and happen to possess a "kind and friendly face," one company has a proposition for you. Geomiq, a London-based engineering startup, is helping its client, an unnamed robot company, to develop a "virtual friend" for elderly people. That's where...

Robot Dog May Have a Future in the Circus

Cirque de Soliel is in talks with Boston Dynamics

(Newser) - Animal-like robots that started out as a military-funded research project might be shipped off to the circus instead of the battlefield. Cirque du Soleil says it's in talks with robot maker Boston Dynamics about using the four-legged Spot robot in its live shows, the AP reports. The agile robots...

After Getting 'Stuck in Traffic,' ISS Now Has a New 'Bot

Russian humanoid robot Fedor is 'ready to work now' after a week's delay

(Newser) - A Russian space capsule carrying a humanoid robot has successfully docked at the International Space Station after a failed attempt last week. Russian space agency Roscosmos said on Tuesday that the capsule carrying the robot and other cargo docked at the orbiting lab early morning Moscow time. The robot, called...

Disney Unveils New Animatronic Trump

He's the latest addition to the Hall of Presidents

(Newser) - Disney World's revamped Hall of Presidents is set to reopen Tuesday, with Barack Obama shifted to the side and a new robot with an extra-long tie center stage. The animatronic President Trump figure, which stands between Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant, moves its hands as it recites dialogue Trump...

Elon Musk, AI Experts Warn of 'Pandora's Box' of Weapons

Open letter asks for ban of autonomous 'killer robots'

(Newser) - Elon Musk's wariness on artificial intelligence is well documented, and he just stepped up his anti-robot efforts with a note to the United Nations. The Guardian reports that the Tesla CEO and Alphabet's Mustafa Suleyman, along with nearly 120 robotics and AI specialists from more than two dozen...

A Loaf-Sized Robot Just Took This Important Photo

Locating melted fuel at Fukushima is key, and this is believed to be it

(Newser) - An underwater robot captured images of lava-like lumps Thursday inside a damaged reactor at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant , spotting for the first time what is believed to be nuclear fuel that melted six years ago. Locating the fuel in each of the three wrecked reactors is crucial for...

'Suicidal Robot' Apparently Had Enough of DC Life

Nice knowing you, Steve

(Newser) - If you ever find yourself being chased by a mob of angry robots, find a set of stairs or, even better, a fountain. Less than a week after it was dispatched to an office building in Washington, DC, a Knightscope K5 security robot by the name of "Steve" tumbled...

'When the Robot Served Us Pizza We Felt Very Happy'

Robot waitress draws diners to Pakistani pizza joint

(Newser) - The owners of a pizza shop in Pakistan say business is booming now that they've introduced a robot waitress. Osama Jafri, the engineer who designed the 55-pound robot, says it can greet customers and carry pizzas to their tables. The AP reports the robot resembles a short, slender woman...

Robot Gets Revenge After Drunk Guy Picks Fight

Security droid sounded the alarm in Mountain View

(Newser) - A crime-fighting robot wasn't able to prevent a drunk guy from attacking it—but it did get the last laugh, er, whistle, according to police. Authorities say Jason Sylvain, 41, knocked down the 5-foot-tall, 300-pound Knightscope K5 security droid —which is equipped with a camera, per Ars Technica...

Here's How Much Robots Have Lowered Humans' Wages in US

A new study quantifies the impact of the robot uprising on the American worker

(Newser) - It turns out the robot uprising was a whole lot less The Terminator and a whole lot more Roger & Me. A study from economists at MIT and Boston University published this month by the National Bureau of Economic Research attempts to quantify the effects of industrial automation on American...

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