
Stories 81 - 92 | << Prev 

Spain Rejects Asylum Bid of Osama's Son

He and his British wife made the request from an airport in Madrid

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's son is not welcome in Spain, even if he has denounced his father's ways. The government today rejected an asylum request from Omar bin Laden, 27, and his British wife, the BBC reports. Omar lives in Egypt and says his life is endangered there because of his...

Osama Son Seeks Asylum in Madrid

Trained operative now rallying for peace

(Newser) - Omar bin Laden—goateed, peacenik son of Osama—is seeking political asylum in Spain, where he and his British wife arrived from Egypt. He's being held at Madrid airport while authorities make a decision, Reuters reports. The al-Qaeda-trained Saudi, 28, made headlines earlier this year when, sporting a leather jacket...

Mukasey Steps Into Genital Mutilation Case

Citing further danger, AG gives woman second shot at asylum

(Newser) - In an extremely rare move, the US attorney general has stepped into a low-level immigration case and ordered that a victim of female genital mutilation be given another chance at asylum, CNN reports. AG Michael Mukasey slammed a previous decision that said the African woman had no reason to fear...

Ignore Pirates or Face Asylum Claims, UK Says

Navy argues blind eye not best policy

(Newser) - In an odd new take on piracy, the British Royal Navy has been told by the Foreign Office not to detain pirates—or they may seek asylum to escape death sentences in their home countries. It's not a strategy roundly hailed. “These people commit horrendous offenses. It’s a...

7 Cuban Soccer Players Defect to US
7 Cuban
Soccer Players
Defect to US

7 Cuban Soccer Players Defect to US

Five are already in talks with pro team in Miami

(Newser) - Seven Cuban soccer players defected from the national team over the last two days—five on Tuesday and two last night—slipping from their Tampa hotel after a game to seek asylum in the US, the Miami Herald reports. The first five have contacted a lawyer and are in discussions...

Iraqi Officers Going AWOL in America

About a dozen have skipped out while here for military training

(Newser) - Nearly a dozen Iraqi military and law-enforcement officials have fled specialized training programs in the US, the Washington Times reports. The men are either seeking asylum in this country or are still missing—leading a high-ranking congressman to warn of the national-security implications. An Army spokesman says none of the...

Muslim Critic Back in Holland, Goes Into Hiding

Ex-MP Hirsi Ali seeks protection after bodyguards stand down

(Newser) - Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the former Dutch parliamentarian who has lived in exile since 2006, has returned home after Holland's government stopped paying for her security. The Times of London writes that Hirsi Ali, a Somali refugee known for criticizing Islam, has been under round-the-clock protection since the 2004 murder of...

Israel Welcomes 500 Darfur Refugees
Israel Welcomes
500 Darfur Refugees

Israel Welcomes 500 Darfur Refugees

All others will be expelled

(Newser) - Israel has agreed to allow 498 refugees who fled Darfur through Egypt to remain in the country, although their legal status remains undecided. Africans from other parts of the continent and new arrivals from Darfur, however, will be expelled. Egypt has agreed to accept refugees who are returned after trying...

Iraq's Upper Class Flees
Iraq's Upper Class Flees

Iraq's Upper Class Flees

2M Iraqi refugees flood surrounding region

(Newser) - More than 2 million Iraqis have left home, mostly crossing the borders into neighboring Jordan and Syria. And the upper class has been the first to go—robbing the country of the doctors, engineers and government officials necessary to rebuild it. With one of ten Iraqis living abroad, the war...

Israel Rejects Refugees from Darfur Region

Jewish state conflicted about denying migrants targeted by genocide

(Newser) - Israel has turned back 48 Africans to Egypt and says it will no longer accept Darfur refugees who illegally enter the country, the AP reports. Some of the 50 migrants a day who have already snuck into the country will be allowed to stay, Israel says, but all others will...

After Uproar, Britain Reviews Asylum Policy

Iraqi interpreters left for dead may win refugee status

(Newser) - A row over the fate of 91 Iraqi interpreters working for the British military took a new turn today, with the government promising to reexamine its refusal to grant them asylum. The Times of London, which broke the story on Tuesday, now reports that Gordon Brown has ordered a review...

New Van Gogh Surfaces
New Van Gogh Surfaces

New Van Gogh Surfaces

Work created during stay at asylum

(Newser) - A previously undiscovered Van Gogh has been found hiding in plain sight—beneath another painting. Conservators at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts X-rayed The Ravine, revealing another painting created several months earlier, the MFA and the Van Gogh Museum said today. A pen-and-ink drawing of the concealed painting, Wild Vegetation,...

Stories 81 - 92 | << Prev