
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

After Hiker Notices Smell, Stream Found to be 1.2% ABV
Stream in Hawaii
Was 1.2% Alcohol

Stream in Hawaii Was 1.2% Alcohol

Nearby liquor distributor was ordered to 'stop the discharge'

(Newser) - Streams of alcohol have been trickling down the rocks not in the Big Rock Candy Mountains , but in Waipio, around 15 miles north of Honolulu, Hawaii. The stream was contaminated by runoff believed to be from Paradise Beverages, the state’s largest distributor of liquor and alcoholic beverages, which owns...

Researchers: Strong Evidence Links Alcohol to Cancer

But there's also good evidence that coffee reduces the risk of liver cancer

(Newser) - The effect of diet on cancer is tough to determine for many reasons, including the fact that most studies rely on data self-reported by participants, researchers say in a new study. The Imperial College London scientists looked at 860 meta-analyses of published studies involving 11 anatomical sites and found that...

FAA Makes Big Ask of Airports to Control Unruly Travelers

Agency wants bars, restaurants to nix booze 'to go,' as passengers try to bring those drinks on board

(Newser) - Multiple airlines have already cut back on serving alcohol in the air, due to a spike in incidents involving out-of-control passengers, and now the Federal Aviation Administration is appealing to airports to do their part. Per NBC News , FAA chief Steve Dickson's letter to airport managers on Tuesday noted...

Have Heart Issues? A Bit of Booze Daily 'Not That Bad'

New research shows light to moderate alcohol consumption may protect previous heart patients

(Newser) - Alcohol was the bad guy again in a recent study tying it to hundreds of thousands of cancer cases, but if you're already suffering from a cardiovascular condition? A small amount daily is "not that bad." That's how scientist Emmanuela Gakidou of the University of Washington'...

740K Cancers Around the World Blamed on Drinking Alcohol

Study looked at how much people drank and then how many got sick a decade later

(Newser) - Have you been coping with pandemic stress with a glass of wine at night? A team of researchers has some unhappy news for you. In a study published Tuesday in the Lancet Oncology , scientists have linked even moderate drinking to cancer. The authors of the study wrote that they saw...

Patricia Heaton Talks About Her '3 Years of Freedom'

'Everybody Loves Raymond' actor celebrates anniversary of kicking alcohol to the curb

(Newser) - A post over the weekend from Patricia Heaton gave a shoutout to both America and to an achievement by Heaton herself. "It's July, [when] we celebrate our nation's freedom," the 63-year-old Everybody Loves Raymond and The Middle actor noted in a Saturday video on social media...

Double Standard on Pot, Alcohol Needs to Change

Olympic officials will have to accept reality eventually, Nancy Armour writes

(Newser) - Marijuana use is legal in 18 states, and it's been decriminalized in another 12. One of the states where it's legal is Oregon, where a test found traces of pot in Sha'Carri Richardson's system, tossing out the sprinter's 100-meter victory at the US Olympic Track...

Companies Make Staggering Amount Off Underage Drinking
The Value of Underage
Drinking? It's Staggering
new study

The Value of Underage Drinking? It's Staggering

Study finds 8.6% of alcohol sold in 2016 was consumed by minors

(Newser) - That alcohol companies make money off booze consumed by minors isn't surprising. Just how much money might be. CNN reports a study published Thursday in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs found minors drank some $17.5 billion of the beer and liquor sold in 2016. That...

You Probably Should Stop Drinking Alone
You Probably
Should Stop
Drinking Alone

You Probably Should Stop Drinking Alone

Kate Julian does a deep dive into the pros and cons of American drinking in the 'Atlantic'

(Newser) - To get a big-picture perspective on the pros and cons of drinking, settle in with Kate Julian's piece in the Atlantic , headlined, "America Has a Drinking Problem." And we mean big picture: The story goes back to the earliest days of civilization, diving into humans' unique ability...

Yet Another Airline Pulls Back on the Booze

United joins Southwest, American in limiting or suspending alcohol service over unruly passengers

(Newser) - A third airline has hopped on the "curtail alcohol" bandwagon after a slew of increasingly aggressive in-flight incidents, many related to unruly passengers balking at having to wear face masks. Airlines in general had suspended serving alcohol during the pandemic to limit passenger-flight attendant interaction and prevent spreading the...

Your Pandemic Drinking Is Hurting Your Brain
Safe Alcohol Consumption?
There's No Such Thing

Safe Alcohol Consumption? There's No Such Thing

Study finds drinking impacts brain's white and gray matter

(Newser) - "So many people drink 'moderately,' and think this is either harmless or even protective," says Oxford University researcher Anya Topiwala. The opposite is true, according to Topiwala's new study , which finds any amount of alcohol consumption reduces the volume of gray matter in the brain,...

Why a Number of New Bars Don't Actually Serve Booze

They're opening up as more people experiment with sobriety

(Newser) - There’s something missing from a new wave of bars opening around the world: Alcohol. Aimed at the growing number of people exploring sobriety, the bars pour adult drinks like craft cocktails without the booze, the AP reports. At 0% Non-Alcohol Experience, a futuristic bar in Tokyo, patrons can sip...

Whiskey Makers Try to Hack Tradition

New processes might eliminate the need for the usual aging process

(Newser) - Most people want to turn back time. Among whiskey makers, a quest has evolved to speed it up. Last fall, Silicon Valley startup Bespoken Spirits made headlines by raising $2.6 million in seed funding to introduce a rapid-aging process that would nix having to mature whiskey in barrels, which...

New Dietary Guidelines Skip 2 Controversial Suggestions
New Dietary
Guidelines Skip
2 Controversial
in case you missed

New Dietary Guidelines Skip 2 Controversial Suggestions

USDA rejects idea to further cut alcohol and sugar intake, weighs in on breastfeeding

(Newser) - The official new dietary guidelines for Americans have been updated for the first time in five years, and they might be more notable for what they don't include. As the Wall Street Journal reports, the federal guidelines don't call for cuts in alcohol and sugar intake. Over the...

This May Be a Surprisingly Easy Way to Rid Body of Alcohol
This May Be a Surprisingly Easy
Way to Rid Body of Alcohol
in case you missed it

This May Be a Surprisingly Easy Way to Rid Body of Alcohol

Breathing hard speeds up process, and device helps people do so without passing out

(Newser) - When a patient turns up in the ER with alcohol poisoning, doctors don't have many options when it comes to getting the booze out of their system. Dialysis works but isn't always practical, meaning it's up to the painstakingly slow liver to get the job done, explains...

Van Gogh&#39;s Deliriums Tied to Alcohol Withdrawal
Van Gogh's Deliriums
Tied to Alcohol Withdrawal

Van Gogh's Deliriums Tied to Alcohol Withdrawal

Forced withdrawal in hospital may have triggered 'unbearable hallucinations'

(Newser) - More than a century after his death, people remain fascinated with Vincent Van Gogh's life, particularly the last few years , which were marked by mental illness. Indeed, a new study focusing on that most-productive period suggests he didn't have schizophrenia but may have been suffering from delirium linked...

No More Pints or Pimm's Here for Now

Alcohol sales banned in British Parliament's bars, restaurants as COVID restrictions are tightened

(Newser) - Don't expect to grab a pint at your favorite Parliament watering hole anytime soon. Starting Saturday, alcohol is banned at all House of Commons venues, in what Speaker of the House Sir Lindsay Hoyle says is an attempt to bring the governmental institution "into line with the national...

Opening More Bottles Than Usual? You&#39;re Not Alone
Opening More Bottles Than
Usual? You're Not Alone

Opening More Bottles Than Usual? You're Not Alone

Study finds Americans 30 and older are drinking booze 14% more during pandemic than last year

(Newser) - If you've been throwing back more vino than you used to, join the stuck-at-home crowd. A new study conducted by the Rand Corporation has found that Americans are drinking alcohol 14% more often during the pandemic than they used to, with NPR citing everything from Zoom happy hours to...

Taco Bell's Newest Menu Item Is Simply Intoxicating

Chain's Canadian outpost to offer 'Jalapeno Noir' red wine for $20 a bottle

(Newser) - Starting five years ago, Taco Bell crossed over into boozy beverages, offering liquor-spiked Mountain Dews and punches , margaritas, and even its first branded lager , which seem to make sense with such fare. Now the fast-food chain has an alcohol addition that's slightly more upscale (and "democratizing," per...

Experts Halve Recommended Alcohol Limit for Men

It's now 1 drink a day, same as for women

(Newser) - If you decide to have an alcoholic drink, limiting yourself to one a day is best—whether you’re a man or woman. That’s the new advice experts are recommending for the US Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which are scheduled to be updated later this year for the first...

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