classified information

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Manning Hearing Turns Secret, Supporters Outraged

Two witnesses have also declined to testify, on self-incrimination grounds

(Newser) - Bradley Manning’s pretrial hearing was closed to the public today, with media and spectators forced out of the courtroom so that an Army special agent who had examined Manning’s computers could testify about classified information. The move drew criticism from WikiLeaks supporters, particularly the Center for Constitutional Rights,...

More Than 4.2M People Have Security Clearance

That's almost double previous estimates

(Newser) - A whopping 4.2 million people have access to classified government information, according to a new government report. That’s a far cry from the 2.4 million estimate the Government Accountability Office came up with just two years ago, and, the Washington Post points out, it’s just over...

Did White House Leak Osama Secrets to Hollywood?

Maureen Dowd says access granted for positive pre-election film

(Newser) - A Republican congressman is demanding an investigation following reports that the White House leaked top secret information about the Osama bin Laden kill operation to Hollywood filmmakers. Details were handed over to Hurt Locker director Kathryn Bigelow to make a positive film to boost the president's image before the...

Senator Wyden: The Real Patriot Act Is Classified

And he wants the government to make it public information

(Newser) - If you think the Patriot Act is invasive, you don’t know the half of it, Ron Wyden says—and he can’t tell you. In an interview with Wired , the Democratic Oregon senator reveals that the government is operating on a much broader interpretation of the law than it...

State Dept. to Staffers: Don't Read WikiLeaks at Home

Cables still aren't declassified, department warns

(Newser) - The State Department is reminding staffers that just because everybody can read its leaked cables, it doesn't mean they're declassified. Employees in the department's Consular Affairs-Passport division yesterday received a memo telling them that if they don't need to access the information for the performance of official duties, they should...

US Government to Workers: No Reading Leaked Docs!

Plus, State Dept. official gives similar warning to university students

(Newser) - Despite the fact that many diplomatic cables and other classified documents have already been public and easily accessible for a week thanks to WikiLeaks , the government is ordering federal employees not to read them. “Classified information, whether or not already posted on public websites or disclosed to the media,...

WikiLeaks Criminal Probe Under Way

White House orders classified-document security review

(Newser) - A criminal investigation is under way into WikiLeaks' release of hundreds of thousands of classified documents, Reuters reports. “To the extent that we can find anybody who was involved in the breaking of American law,” said Attorney General Eric Holder, “they will be held responsible, they will...

Your Guide to WikiLeaks' Latest Dump
 Your Guide 
 to WikiLeaks' 
 Latest Dump 
it's here

Your Guide to WikiLeaks' Latest Dump

The New York Times offers an extensive preview

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s last-ditch attempt to stop WikiLeaks from releasing its latest batch of documents didn’t work: More than a quarter-million American diplomatic cables will be made public beginning today, and the New York Times has already seen some of them. It offers a preview of what the...

US to WikiLeaks: New Leak Risks 'Countless' Lives

State Dept. urges Assange to hold diplomatic cables

(Newser) - The Obama administration is urging WikiLeaks not to follow through on the expected release of secret diplomatic cables, saying the move would threaten “the lives of countless innocent individuals,” damage counterterrorism work, and rattle relations with US allies, the AP reports. A State Department lawyer calls the release...

CIA Chief: Everybody Stop Leaking Stuff

Leon Panetta plans WikiLeaks probe

(Newser) - CIA chief Leon Panetta has sent a memo to employees of the nation's spy agency warning them that leaks of classified information "cannot be tolerated." Panetta warned that "a damaging spate of media leaks on a wide range of national security issues" has endangered lives and compromised...

WikiLeaks Files Detail Civilian Deaths, Iran's Aid

Site dumps nearly 400,000 secret military documents about Iraq

(Newser) - WikiLeaks has dumped its new trove of classified military documents, cataloging the Iraqi war's heavy toll on civilians, the systematic abuse of detainees by Iraqi police as the US looked the other way, and evidence that Iran has been helping anti-US militias more than has been acknowledged. The whistle-blowing site...

Your Guide to Wikileaks' Next Bombshell
 Your Guide 
 to Wikileaks' 
 Next Bombshell 

Your Guide to Wikileaks' Next Bombshell

Docs may touch on secret prisons, IEDS, Iran

(Newser) - Wikileaks is prepping for the biggest leak of military intelligence ever: A trove of documents from the toughest years of the Iraq war. The leak will include up to 400,000 reports from 2004-2009, notes Wired , and may shape America's tenuous relationship with the Iraqi people. Here's what to...

Pentagon May Buy 10K Copies of Book to Protect Secrets

It finds breaches after memoir is published

(Newser) - The Pentagon plans to buy—and destroy—the entire first run of an Afghanistan war memoir that officials say contains classified information, the New York Times reports. Operation Dark Heart, by former Defense Intelligence Agency officer Anthony Shaffer, got approved by Army reviewers in January and sent to the presses....

WikiLeaks Preps Biggest Leak Ever

Iraq info ever expected within weeks

(Newser) - WikiLeaks is preparing a leak of Iraq war records that will dwarf its publication of secret Afghanistan information, according to a nonprofit journalism organization working with the site. The material, which will be released in a few weeks, is the "biggest leak of military intelligence" in history, Iain Overton,...

WikiLeaks to Pentagon: More on the Way

Undeterred Assange to release 15K remaining docs

(Newser) - Julian Assange thumbed his nose at the Pentagon today, telling reporters in Stockholm that WikiLeaks is about halfway through a "line-by-line" review of its remaining 15,000 pages of documents, and will soon release them. "This organization will not be threatened by the Pentagon or any other group,...

Wikileaks Set to Release US Massacre Vid

Assange: 140 civilians killed in bloody tape

(Newser) - Wikileaks' founder has emerged from hiding from federal officials to announce plans to release a US troop massacre video leaked to the whistleblower website. The classified Pentagon video shows the Garani attack last year that resulted in the death of some 140 Afghanistan civilians, many of them children, Julian Assange...

Pentagon Hunts for Wikileaks Founder
Pentagon Hunts for Wikileaks Founder

Pentagon Hunts for Wikileaks Founder

DoD fears site will release classified US embassy cables

(Newser) - The Pentagon is frantically searching for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, hoping it can somehow convince him not to release hundreds of thousands of classified State Department cables it believes he has. The cables were pilfered by 22-year-old Army intelligence specialist Bradley Manning, according to the Daily Beast , and contain communiqué...

FBI Linguist Gets 20 Months for Leaking to Blogger

Sentence underscores Obama's hard line

(Newser) - A former FBI linguist who leaked to a blogger information so top secret that even the sentencing judge wasn't allowed to know what it was has been sentenced to 20 months in prison. "I don't know what was divulged, other than some documents, and I don't know how it...

More Ex-Detainees Returning to Fight: Pentagon

Classified report puts Guantanamo's recidivism rate at 20%

(Newser) - One in five terror suspects released from the Guantanamo Bay prison has returned to the fight, according to a classified Pentagon report. Early last year, the Pentagon reported that the rate of released detainees returning to militancy was 11%. In April, it was 14%. The latest figure was 20%, according...

Obama Moves to Declassify US Secrets

More than 400M pages could be declassified after prez order

(Newser) - More than 400 million pages of Cold War-era documents could be declassified as the federal government responds to President Obama's order to rethink the way it protects the nation's secrets. Among the changes Obama announced yesterday is a requirement that every record be released eventually and that federal agencies review...

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