cell phones

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NYC Subway to Get Wireless, Cell Service

Australian company revives 3-year-old plan

(Newser) - A plan to bring cellphone and wireless Internet service to New York's subway is set to start after years of delay. The $200 million project was hobbled by the recession but has been made viable again by a large financial commitment from Broadcast Australia, Bloomberg reports. The firm bought a...

Cell Phones May Be Killing Bees
Cell Phones May Be Killing Bees 

Cell Phones May Be Killing Bees

Radiation thought to be disrupting navigation

(Newser) - Cell phone radiation has been implicated in the disastrous decline of bee populations around the world. Add mobile phones to the list of culprits that already includes parasites, pesticides, and climate change, say biologists who've looked at the data from a new study in India. Researchers hooked up hives to...

Supreme Court Backs Boss Who Read Employee Texts

Police chief has right to investigate on-the-job texting: justices

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of a police chief who read sexually explicit text messages on an officer's department-issued pager. In a 9-0 ruling, the court found that a police chief in Ontario, California, did not violate the 4th Amendment's ban against unreasonable searches. The chief been worried...

SF Passes Cell Phone Radiation Law

Stores must display details on radiation levels

(Newser) - San Francisco has become the first city in the nation to pass a law warning consumers about cell phone radiation. Stores selling the phones will be required to display information on how much radiation each model emits. The law passed the city's board of supervisors 10-1, despite stiff opposition from...

Cursed Cell Number Retired After Owners Keep Dying
Cursed Cell Number Retired After Owners Keep Dying
in case you missed it

Cursed Cell Number Retired After Owners Keep Dying

Three users in 10 years suffer same fate in Bulgaria

(Newser) - Grim reaper going high tech? Bulgaria has retired a cellphone number after three consecutive owners turned up dead. The first was the chief of a cellphone company who died of cancer, though rumor has it that a rival did him in with radioactive poisoning, reports the Telegraph . The next two...

Wife Sues Phone Company After Bill Exposes Her Affair
Wife Sues Phone Company After Bill Exposes Her Affair
in case you missed it

Wife Sues Phone Company After Bill Exposes Her Affair

Cheater: Itemized bill ruined my life

(Newser) - A woman who says a phone bill ruined her life is suing Canada's Rogers Wireless for $600,000. The 35-year-old complains that her cell phone records were bundled into the same bill when her husband signed up for Rogers home phone service—leading him to discover an affair she had...

Cancer Risk From Chemicals 'Grossly' Understated
Cancer Risk From Chemicals 'Grossly' Understated
President's panel

Cancer Risk From Chemicals 'Grossly' Understated

Carcinogens in food, water systematically ignored

(Newser) - Environmental factors play a much bigger role in causing cancer than currently acknowledged, and President Obama needs to do something about it, the President's Cancer Panel concluded today. “The true burden of environmentally induced cancer has been grossly underestimated,” the authors found after two years of testimony and...

Government must inform us of cell phone risk
 Cell Phones Are 
 the New Cigarettes 

Cell Phones Are the New Cigarettes

Government must issue warning, as it did with smokes in the '60s

(Newser) - It's time for the government to warn the public about the potential dangers of cell phones, much as it did with cigarettes in the 1960s, writes Joel Moskowitz. We don't have definitive proof yet, but quality studies point to a "harmful association between phone use and tumor risk,"...

Oprah Winfrey: Text, Drive, Kill Somebody

Queen of talk warns of dangers behind the wheel

(Newser) - She's made her living as the queen of talk, but Oprah Winfrey wants you zip it behind the wheel. Winfrey takes to the op-ed pages of the New York Times today to warn of the dangers of distracted driving, citing a 9-year-old girl killed "just 15 pedals from her...

7 Unlikely Threats to the Planet

 7 Unlikely Threats 
 to the Planet 
earth day

7 Unlikely Threats to the Planet

Mobile phones and concrete are on the list

(Newser) - Environmental hazards lurk everywhere, says LiveScience , which rounds up 7 "secret polluters." A sampling:
  • Cell phones: They use a rare mineral called coltan, which mainly comes from Congo via unsound mining methods. Plus, the phones have toxic chemicals that can pollute upon disposal.
  • Concrete: The way it's manufactured

Feds Plan Cell Phones That Can Smell Biochem Attack

Detector chip could save lives: Homeland Security

(Newser) - Ever wish that your cell phone could double up as a poison gas detector? If so, you'll be thrilled to learn that Homeland Security's science division is working to make your somewhat unusual dream become reality. The scientists are in talks with cell phone manufacturers about inserting a chip into...

'Text Rage' Sparked Vicious Teen Beating

Boy taunted about brother's suicide attacks girl

(Newser) - Florida police are citing "text rage" as the trigger in a savage beating of a teenage girl after she sent her attacker a vicious cell phone message. Josie Lou Ratley, 15, is in a medically induced coma to relieve swelling on her brain after she was repeatedly kicked in...

Ringtone Cures Hay Fever: Japanese Co.

'Ringtone therapy' with cellphones treats obesity, too

(Newser) - Japan has had multifunction smartphones longer than the rest of the world, but one feature is new even to the cellphone-loving Japanese: a ringtone that cures hay fever. The offering from Japan Ringing Tone Laboratory—which also sells a gizmo that purports to be a dog-to-human translator—is designed to...

8th-Grader Sells Nude Sext of Girlfriend
 8th-Grader Sells 
 Nude Sext of Girlfriend 

8th-Grader Sells Nude Sext of Girlfriend

He passes out pix for $5 to pals

(Newser) - A Massachusetts middle school is caught in a sexting scandal after an 8th-grade boy allegedly sold naked pictures of his girlfriend to fellow students for $5 a pop. Since the girl is only in 8th grade, the photo she sexted of herself and her beau's financial transactions may violate child...

Phone Dead? Just Add Water
 Phone Dead? Just Add Water 

Phone Dead? Just Add Water

Pocket-sized charger could be boon in developing world

(Newser) - A Swedish company has produced a pocket-sized hydrogen fuel cell, which will allow users to charge cell phones and other devices using just water and a little hydrogen fuel. The H3 charger will be released by myFC in Scandinavia in December, globally in 2011, and will cost about $45. The...

Study: Driving's Really Bad for Your Conversation Skills
Study: Driving's Really Bad for Your Conversation Skills

Study: Driving's Really Bad for Your Conversation Skills

It's harder to remember details when you're occupied

(Newser) - Verifying that what most think is obvious is indeed true, scientists say driving really kills your conversation and memory skills. A study found that those talking and driving were much worse at relaying details of the conversation, and at remembering details later. No harder than walking and chewing gum? Ha!...

Cell Phone Radiation May Stave Off Alzheimer's

Electromagnetic waves might boost memory

(Newser) - Researchers finally have some good news about the health effects of cell phones. The electromagnetic waves the phones emit may improve memory and prevent Alzheimer's disease, according to a recent study of mice exposed to radiation similar to electromagnetic waves from cell phones. The mice showed improved cognitive function and...

Google Poised to Unveil Nexus One

Smartphone launch expected at 'event' today

(Newser) - The eyes of the tech world swing over to Google HQ today, where the search engine is expected to roll out its much-anticipated Nexus One "superphone." Google has stayed tight-lipped about the phone—confirming only that handsets have been handed out to employees for testing—leaving the industry...

Unlocked Google Phone Will Set You Back $530: Leak

Gadget $180 on 2-year T-Mobile contract

(Newser) - Google’s upcoming phone will cost users $530 unlocked and unsubsidized—or $180 with a 2-year T-Mobile contract, Gizmodo reports from leaked documents. The tech firm will sell its new gadget itself, and sources tell TMO News that it will go on sale January 5 at 9am, There’s just...

German Hacker Cracks Cell Phone Code

Expert warns 80% of cell phones lack proper protection

(Newser) - A German hacker says he and his team have managed to crack the code that has protected most of the world's cell phone conversations for over 20 years. Karsten Nohl told a hackers' conference in Berlin that cracking the encryption code for GSM communications—which secures 80% of cellular communications—...

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