surgeon general

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Surgeon General: Gun Violence Is a Public Health Emergency

Vivek Murthy's official advisory is likely to be controversial

(Newser) - The US surgeon general on Tuesday declared gun violence a public health crisis, driven by the fast-growing number of injuries and deaths involving firearms in the country. The advisory issued by Dr. Vivek Murthy, the nation's top doctor, came as the US grappled with another summer weekend marked by...

Surgeon General Wants Warnings on Social Media

Vivek Murthy says online platforms pose risks for kids, teens; he wants Congress to act

(Newser) - The US surgeon general has called on Congress to require warning labels on social media platforms, similar to those now mandatory on packs of cigarettes. In a Monday opinion piece in the New York Times , Dr. Vivek Murthy said that social media is a contributing factor in the mental health...

Former Surgeon General Gobsmacked by $5K ER Bill
Former Surgeon General
Stunned by $5K ER Bill
in case you missed it

Former Surgeon General Stunned by $5K ER Bill

'The system is just broken,' says Jerome Adams

(Newser) - One might expect a cranky elderly relative to be stunned by the cost of a visit to the emergency room and flummoxed in navigating a recourse. One wouldn't expect the same of a relatively young and spry former surgeon general of the United States. Yet here we are . As...

On 'Defining Public Health Issue of Our Time,' a Warning

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy says social media is driving depression, anxiety in teens, kids

(Newser) - Few parents love seeing their kids hunched over their phones, scrolling like zombies through TikTok videos or Instagram posts, and a new warning from the nation's top doctor isn't about to alleviate those feelings. Per NBC News , Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has issued a new report on youth...

US' Top Doc: We Need to 'Pull Back the Curtain' on This Risk

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy says widespread loneliness can be as risky to health as smoking

(Newser) - Widespread loneliness in the US poses health risks as deadly as smoking a dozen cigarettes daily, costing the health industry billions of dollars annually, the US surgeon general said Tuesday in declaring the latest public health epidemic. About half of US adults say they've experienced loneliness, Dr. Vivek Murthy...

Report: Florida's Top Doc Nixed Key Data From Vaccine Study

Analysis shows State Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo cut data on COVID being riskier than shot

(Newser) - An analysis that was the basis of a highly criticized recommendation from Florida's surgeon general cautioning young men against getting the COVID-19 vaccine omitted information that showed catching the virus could increase the risk of a cardiac-related death much more than getting the mRNA shot, according to drafts of...

Lawmaker Slams Fla. Surgeon General's 'Shocking' Mask Rebuff

State Sen. Tina Polsky, who has cancer, says Joseph Ladapo wouldn't don mask in her office

(Newser) - Florida's top health official was asked to leave a meeting after refusing to wear a mask at the office of a state senator who told him she had a serious medical condition, officials have confirmed. Florida Senate leader Wilton Simpson, a Republican, sent a memo to senators Saturday regarding...

Florida's New Surgeon General: 'We're Done With Fear'

Joseph Ladapo makes quarantining optional for asymptomatic students who've been exposed

(Newser) - If Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis needed an ally in his approach to public health in the age of COVID, he just got one in his new surgeon general, who announced a new emergency order this week on student quarantines. "Florida will completely reject fear as a way of making...

Surgeon General Warns Misinformation Costs Lives

COVID battle especially is threatened, Murthy says in asking Americans' help

(Newser) - The US surgeon general pointed out Thursday that the national advisories issued by his office usually concern a disease, or our diet, or smoking, or drinking. Not this time, ABC reports. "Today, we live in a world where misinformation poses an imminent and insidious threat to our nation's...

On COVID Toll, Trump Gets Pushback
On COVID Toll, Trump
Gets Pushback

On COVID Toll, Trump Gets Pushback

Fauci, Adams say the numbers are real after president tweets the CDC exaggerates

(Newser) - President Trump tried to discount the destruction caused by COVID-19, tweeting Sunday that government counts of cases and deaths are "far exaggerated in the United States." He blamed the way the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention compiles the statistics, adding, "When in doubt, call it COVID....

White House Plans Parties Amid Warnings to Hunker Down

Melania Trump will host 'holiday reception,' with other parties to follow

(Newser) - Health officials have been issuing warnings against traveling and gathering for the holidays in the midst of a coronavirus surge across the US, but 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue doesn't seem fazed by the cautionary advice. Despite the White House's own issues with COVID-19 after an indoor election night party...

Surgeon General Cited for Visiting Closed Hawaii Park

Jerome Adams told cops he wasn't aware of rule

(Newser) - The US surgeon general was cited for being in a closed Hawaii park in August while in the islands helping with surge testing amid a spike in coronavirus cases, according to a criminal complaint filed in court. A Honolulu police officer cited Jerome Adams after seeing him with two men...

Surgeon General: Wearing Masks Now Will Help Schools
Surgeon General: We Can Do
One Big Thing for Schools
the rundown

Surgeon General: We Can Do One Big Thing for Schools

Lower the transmission rate by wearing masks

(Newser) - The surgeon general on Tuesday weighed in on the should-we-or-shouldn't-we debate over the reopening of schools. If we want to get students back into classrooms safely in the near future, everybody should be wearing masks now, Dr. Jerome Adams told CBS This Morning . "The biggest determinant of whether...

Surgeon General on Floyd: 'That Could Have Been Me'

Jerome Adams talks to Politico podcast about the Minneapolis death

(Newser) - One fact in particular stood out to Surgeon General Jerome Adams about George Floyd: He was a 46-year-old black man, just like Adams. "I really do think that could have been me," Adams tells the Politico Pulse Check podcast. And the same is true for many African-Americans, he...

Elective Surgeries? Cancel Them, Surgeon General Says

Operations could spread coronavirus and tie up staff, Adams says

(Newser) - The surgeon general is asking hospitals to postpone elective surgeries. Operations risk spreading the coronavirus through the hospital, Jerome Adams warned Saturday, Politico reports, and tie up medical personnel who could be needed to deal with the outbreak. "Hospital & healthcare systems, PLEASE CONSIDER STOPPING ELECTIVE PROCEDURES until we...

Surgeon General on Coronavirus: 'Stop Buying Masks!'

Surgeon general warns of a possible shortage for health care workers

(Newser) - Face masks aren't going to save us from contracting the coronavirus while commuting or grocery shopping, health officials say. But they do help health professionals working with infected patients in a closed environment. And uninfected people around the world are hoarding them. So the US surgeon general tackled the...

Scientists Warned in 2006 That Opioid Crisis Was Unfolding

Surgeon general agreed to issue call to action, but it never came to be

(Newser) - In 2006 the surgeon general was just about to warn the nation of an impending health threat—but that warning didn't materialize. Politico reports that in a March 15, 2006, memo to then-Surgeon General Richard Carmona, the heads of the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institutes...

Trump Donates Quarterly Salary to Surgeon General

$100K will fund an upcoming health initiative

(Newser) - President Trump is sticking to his pledge to collect no salary as president. The White House tells USA Today that Trump donated his second-quarter pay to the surgeon general's office. The $100,000 will fund an upcoming public health advisory, though no details were provided. A White House statement...

Doctor on Board? Yes, the Surgeon General

Jerome Adams helps unconscious passenger

(Newser) - A reminder that the US surgeon general is himself a doctor: Jerome Adams, an anesthesiologist, assisted someone on a Delta Air Lines jet as he prepared to fly Wednesday to Jackson, Miss. It seems a person lost consciousness when the plane was on the ground in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and...

'Lifesaving' Item the Surgeon General Wants Us to Carry

Jerome Adams wants more Americans to keep naloxone on hand to prevent fatal overdoses

(Newser) - The US' chief doctor wants more Americans to carry the overdose antidote naloxone to help combat the nation's opioid crisis and save lives. US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams was to speak about the new public health advisory Thursday at the National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit in...

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