
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Hospitals Are Scrambling for the 'Simplest of Drugs'

There's a critical shortage of sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda

(Newser) - The "simplest of drugs" is in short supply at hospitals around the country, causing crucial surgeries and other treatments to be reprioritized, and it's a cheap drug whose main ingredient may be found in your own pantry, the New York Times reports. That drug is sodium bicarbonate solution,...

Air Force Chief Warns of 'Critical' Personnel Shortage

He's going to ask Trump for at least 33K more airmen

(Newser) - The US Air Force "got too small too fast and we've got to grow," says the service's top officer, who wants to expand the force by at least 33,000 airmen in the years to come. "We're at a risk level I’m not...

Venezuela Faces Beer Shortage

To join its power blackouts and two-day workweek

(Newser) - Having a five-day weekend every week as public sector workers in Venezuela do for the time being would probably be a lot more appealing if you had a home with steady electricity and a fridge full of beer. But residents of Venezuela may actually prefer to go back to work...

Lawmaker: Let SEALs Keep Their Combat Rifles

SEALs are made to 'share' their customized weapons after deployment ends

(Newser) - The tip of the spear may be losing its edge. Navy SEAL teams don't have enough combat rifles to go around, even as these highly trained forces are relied on more than ever to carry out counterterrorism operations and other secretive missions, according to SEALs who have confided in...

'Entitled Millennials' Help Create Chef Shortage

They'd rather try to open their own place than work their way up: Fortune

(Newser) - As the economy continues to revitalize, more restaurants are opening—but according to eatery owners who talked to Fortune , there aren't enough chefs to man the kitchens. "[A few years ago], if I had a position open in the kitchen, I might have 12 résumés, call...

All the Internet Addresses Will Be Gone by the Summer

Nearly all of the 4.3B IPv4 addresses created in early '80s are now in use

(Newser) - Engineers who created 4.3 billion Internet Protocol addresses back in 1981 probably thought that by the time we ran through all those, we'd be puttering around in flying cars. Flying cars are going to be a while , but it looks like our IP numbers are finally up: The...

Ex-Smokers Jittery About 'Magic' Lozenge Shortage

Some who've relied on Nicorette suckers for years are hoarding them

(Newser) - Nicotine-replacement therapies are often a lifesaver for former smokers who want to make sure they kick the habit forever. But while gum and patches may do the trick for certain ex-inhalers, there's a product that, its loyal followers say, is the only smoking-cessation remedy that's worked for them:...

McDonald's Venezuela: No Fries, Want Yuca?

All franchises are out of potatoes

(Newser) - Forget the French fries. How about a side of yuca with that Big Mac? Venezuela's more than 100 McDonald's franchises have run out of potatoes and are now serving alternatives like deep-fried corncakes or yuca, a starchy staple of traditional South American cooking. McDonald's is blaming a...

Our Hospitals Have a Serious Saline Problem

If shortage gets bad enough, it could claim lives

(Newser) - Sometimes, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. Such is the case with saline, a pharmaceutical-grade salt water that is in short supply across the US. The reasons for the shortage appear to be numerous, one being that the simple solution, used to mix...

Cheesepocalypse: Velveeta Shortage Looms

High demand eating up supplies, Kraft says

(Newser) - In what some Twitter users have dubbed a Cheesepocalypse, a Velveeta shortage is spreading just as cheesy dip season is reaching its peak, Yahoo finds. "Given the incredible popularity of Velveeta this time of year, it is possible consumers may not be able to find their favorite product on...

Venezuela: Churches Running Out of Wine

Consecrated bread makers hike prices

(Newser) - The Catholic Church in Venezuela could use the services of somebody who can turn water into wine: Its only supplier has stopped selling wine to the church and priests are in danger of running out of supplies with which to celebrate Mass, the BBC reports. The country's only wine...

That Drug You Want? Sorry, There's Still a Shortage

Nationwide shortfall ultimately hurts 'the little guy'

(Newser) - Why would a paramedic in Ohio not administer morphine to a woman in pain? Because it was his last vial—and he wasn't alone in making such an agonizing decision, the New York Times reports. A nationwide drug shortage is leaving health care workers without a variety of drugs,...

US Has Huge Shortage of Primary Care Docs

Health care reform efforts may suffer

(Newser) - Congress may be unable to agree on the details of an overhauled health care system, but there’s one fact on which there’s little debate: America urgently needs more primary care doctors. Experts predict the nationwide shortage of family physicians will reach 40,000 within the next decade, a...

Doctor Shortage Could Hurt Obama Health Care Plans

More primary care physicians are needed to serve aging population, uninsured

(Newser) - President Obama's ambitious plants to expand health care for millions of currently uninsured Americans while simultaneously meeting the needs of aging boomers, may be stymied not only by politics-as-usual but a shortage of primary care physicians, the New York Times reports. Officials are weighing several options, including increasing Medicare payments...

LA Moves to Ration Water
 LA Moves to Ration Water 

LA Moves to Ration Water

Statewide water shortage means LA may impose first water limits since 1991

(Newser) - Los Angeles is taking steps toward rationing water for the first time since 1991, reports Reuters. The LA Department of Water and Power has approved a plan to charge a penalty rate for water use over a set monthly limit that will take effect in May unless it is vetoed...

Russia Halts All Gas to Europe Via Ukraine

Last pipeline shut as shortages spread as far as France

(Newser) - Having slowed to a trickle yesterday, Russia today shut off all its gas supplies to Europe through Ukraine, the latest move in a pricing dispute that has affected fuel deliveries to a dozen countries during a winter cold snap. Gazprom, the Russian state gas company, blamed Ukraine for shutting down...

EU Faces Crisis as Russia Cuts Off Gas

Spat with Ukraine leaves half of continent short of fuel

(Newser) - European nations from Austria to Greece lost most or all of their gas supplies today, as a showdown between Russia and Ukraine imperiled the entire continent. Last night Gazprom, the Russian state gas company, cut its supply by 60% to punish Ukraine for allegedly stealing fuel that should flow through...

Nurses With Doctorates Ease Shortage

Advanced degrees, 'hybrid practitioners' raise questions

(Newser) - As part of the effort to counter the worsening doctor shortage, some 200 American nursing schools plan to train "hybrid practitioners" with doctorates in nursing practice who can function as independent primary care givers. But even as the concept of the DNP catches on, some physicians and nurse practitioners...

Guaranteed Wii ... Come January
Guaranteed Wii ... Come January

Guaranteed Wii ... Come January

Nintendo, GameStop to offer rain check on video-game console

(Newser) - Kids hoping to score a Nintendo Wii this Christmas might have to settle for a skimpy rain check instead, the Los Angeles Times reports. Nintendo has completely sold out of its popular video-game console and won't be shipping any new units until January. Instead, buyers can reserve systems with full-price...

By Any Means Necessary: Buying a Wii

Shoppers explore varied strategies to get Nintendo's rare console

(Newser) - The holiday-season shortage of Nintendo’s Wii console is fostering some creative  shopping strategies, shared on a number of websites devoted to tracking down the device, the Washington Post reports. One advises Wii hopefuls not to ask store employees when the next shipment will arrive—instead, ask when the last...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>