Jennifer Wexton

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Congresswoman Will Retire After Diagnosis Worsens

Democrat Jennifer Wexton of Virginia has 'Parkinson's on steroids'

(Newser) - When congresswoman Jennifer Wexton of Virginia revealed that she had Parkinson's earlier this year, the 55-year-old said she planned to continue serving in Congress for years to come. On Monday, however, the Democrat announced that while she'll serve out her current term, she won't seek reelection because...

Virginia Congresswoman: I Have Parkinson's

Jennifer Wexton announces her diagnosis on National Parkinson's Day

(Newser) - Virginia Rep. Jennifer Wexton survived a dogfight of a re-election campaign in November, but she's got a personal fight on her hands now: As Politico reports, the 54-year-old Democrat revealed on Tuesday that she has Parkinson's disease, saying in a video that if "there’s one thing...

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