Walmart shooting

2 Stories

Walmart Shooting Survivor Files a Big Lawsuit

Donya Prioleau wants the company to pay $50M in damages

(Newser) - In the aftermath of the mass shooting at a Walmart in Virginia last week, store employee Donya Prioleau was widely quoted in the media as making this jarring statement: "I just watched three of my friends killed in front of me," she said. Now Prioleau wants Walmart to...

One of the Walmart Victims Was a 16-Year-Old Employee

Names of 5 of the 6 victims have been released

(Newser) - Five of the six people who were killed in a Virginia Walmart on Tuesday night have been identified in a news release from the city of Chesapeake; the name of the sixth person is being withheld because he was just 16. CNN reports all were Walmart employees. Those killed were...

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