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Israeli Troops Strapped Wounded Palestinian to Vehicle

UN official calls conduct in West Bank operation 'human shielding'

(Newser) - The Israel Defense Forces confirmed that its troops strapped a wounded Palestinian man to the front of their vehicle and drove off during a raid Saturday in the occupied West Bank, saying the conduct violated protocol and "does not conform to the values of the IDF." Video of...

'Stop the Genocide' Banner Unfurled on El Capitan

Climbers With Palestine group says of Yosemite protest: 'We need to stop killing people, today'

(Newser) - Pro-Palestinian protests over the Israel-Hamas war that have proliferated on college campuses have now made their way into the national parks. SFGate reports that four climbers stopped partway up Yosemite's El Capitan on Monday—not to rest, but to unfurl a 25-by-15-foot banner in the colors of the Palestinian...

Entire Palestinian Families Are Being 'Decimated'
Entire Palestinian Bloodlines
Are Being 'Decimated'

Entire Palestinian Bloodlines Are Being 'Decimated'

The AP investigates the effect the Israel-Hamas war is having on large family groups

(Newser) - To a degree never seen before, Israel's air and ground campaign in Gaza is killing entire Palestinian families. Entire bloodlines, sometimes four generations from the same family, have perished in single airstrikes or a series of airstrikes on members of the same family sheltering together from the bombs. Often...

Columbia Law Review Website Pulled Offline Over Essay by Palestinian

Board says the move is a temporary one

(Newser) - The Columbia Law Review website has been taken offline after an article by a Palestinian human rights lawyer was published there. As of this writing, the website URL leads to a page reading simply, "Website is under maintenance." The university's law review is, per the New York ...

Families of Israeli Soldiers: Rafah Is a 'Death Trap'
Families of Israeli Soldiers:
Rafah Is a 'Death Trap'

Families of Israeli Soldiers: Rafah Is a 'Death Trap'

Israel looks poised to launch full-scale offensive despite lack of support

(Newser) - Israel continues to face pressure to call off its offensive into Rafah, the southern Gaza city host to one million sheltering Palestinians—now from the parents of more than 900 of its own soldiers.
  • 'Deadly trap': With forewarned "forces on the other side actively preparing to strike,"

UN Vote on Palestine Seen as a Rebuke to US

Members overwhelmingly back granting full membership to Palestine

(Newser) - The UN General Assembly voted by a wide margin on Friday to grant new "rights and privileges" to Palestine and called on the Security Council to favorably reconsider its request to become the 194th member of the United Nations. The 193-member world body approved the resolution by a vote...

Israel to Palestinians in Rafah: Get Out

Directive suggests that a ground invasion in southern Gaza city is imminent

(Newser) - The Israeli army on Monday ordered tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza's southern city of Rafah to start evacuating from the area, signaling that a long-promised ground invasion there could be imminent. The announcement complicates last-ditch efforts by international mediators, including the director of the CIA, to broker...

Mom Dies After Israeli Attack, Baby Saved via C-Section
Gaza Baby Delivered
From Dead Mother Dies

Gaza Baby Delivered From Dead Mother Dies

Sabreen Jouda weighed just 3.1 pounds when she was delivered by emergency C-section

(Newser) - A premature baby orphaned by an Israeli airstrike has died less than a week after she was rescued from her dead mother's womb. Sabreen Jouda was almost two months premature when she was delivered by emergency C-section on Sunday. Her lungs hadn't developed properly yet, so she suffered...

Dozens Arrested as College Protests Spread

Yale, NYU, others see large pro-Palestinian demonstrations

(Newser) - As pro-Palestinian protests spread on college campuses across the US, dozens of students were arrested at Yale University and New York University protests Monday.
  • At Yale, 47 protesters were arrested after school officials warned them over the weekend that arrests were coming, citing "harmful acts and threatening language."

After Valedictorian Hubbub at USC, a New Development

After nixing commencement speech, university nixes appearances by outside speakers, honorees

(Newser) - First the University of Southern California nixed a commencement speech by its valedictorian. Now, university officials say they're "redesigning" the entire graduation ceremony, with one especially notable move. "Given the highly publicized circumstances surrounding our main-stage commencement program, university leadership has decided it is best to release...

Ilhan Omar's Daughter Arrested at Campus Protest

Isra Hirsi took part in encampment at Columbia University

(Newser) - Ilhan Omar's 21-year-old daughter was arrested and suspended from college after participating in pro-Palestinian protests. Isra Hirsi, who attends the private liberal arts school Barnard College in Manhattan, was participating in a "Gaza Solidarity Encampment" at Columbia University, Barnard's partner school which is located across the street....

Jill Biden's Reported Plea on Gaza: 'Stop It Now, Joe'

Guest at White House meeting for Muslim leaders was surprised to hear first lady's alleged take

(Newser) - A guest at this week's tense gathering of Muslim leaders at the White House is relaying a conversation overheard involving first lady Jill Biden's thoughts on the Israel-Hamas war, and the resulting death and devastation in the Gaza Strip. The New York Times reports that Salima Suswell, founder...

Celebrity Chef's Aid Group in Spotlight After Fatal Strike

Jose Andres' World Central Kitchen was delivering food in Gaza when hit by Israeli forces

(Newser) - The Israeli airstrike that killed seven workers with the charity World Central Kitchen in Gaza has focused attention not just on WCK but on its high-profile founder, chef and restaurateur Jose Andres.
  • About him: The 54-year-old is a native of Spain who moved to the US at age 21 and

In Gaza, Desperately Needed Airdrops Are Fatally Botched

Pentagon said parachute issues caused bundles to fall into the sea, where drownings were reported

(Newser) - Crowds race across a beach in north Gaza, watching as boxes of aid dropped from the sky miss their target and fall into the Mediterranean Sea. Despite large waves pounding the shore, people venture into the sea after the US-dropped food they so desperately need. "It is a famine,...

UN Demands Ceasefire in Gaza During Ramadan
UN Demands Gaza Ceasefire

UN Demands Gaza Ceasefire

Security Council resolution wants an end to violence for the rest of Ramadan

(Newser) - The United Nations Security Council on Monday demanded a ceasefire in Gaza during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, its first demand to halt fighting. The United States abstained on the resolution, reports the AP , which also demanded the release of all hostages taken captive during Hamas' Oct. 7 surprise...

Palestinian Town Honors US Airman Who 'Sacrificed Everything'

Jericho names a street after Aaron Bushnell, who set himself on fire outside Israeli embassy

(Newser) - An American airman who shouted "Free Palestine" as he set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, last month has had a street named after him in a Palestinian town. Abdul Karim Sidr, the mayor of Jericho, said Aaron Bushnell "sacrificed everything" to support Palestinians,...

Biden Targets Israelis Who Attack West Bank Palestinians

Executive order will look to crack down on settlers carrying out attacks

(Newser) - President Biden is expected to issue an executive order targeting Israeli settlers in the West Bank who've been attacking Palestinians in the occupied territory, according to four people familiar with the matter. The White House was expected to announce the order later Thursday, reports the AP . Biden has spoken...

Watermelon at Center Stage of Pro-Palestinian Protests

Fruit has become symbol of resistance, solidarity against Israel-Hamas war in Gaza

(Newser) - Over the past three months, on banners and T-shirts and balloons and social media posts, one piece of imagery has emerged around the world in protests against the Israel-Hamas war: the watermelon. The colors of sliced watermelon—with red pulp, green-white rind, and black seeds—are the same as those...

Shaun King: I've Been Booted From Instagram Over Palestine

Meta says activist's 'praise for designated entities' violated its policies, leading to ban

(Newser) - Social justice activist Shaun King says he was banned from Instagram, where he counted millions of followers, for expressing support for Palestinians. A Meta rep said King's account was disabled on Christmas Eve "due to multiple instances of praise for designated entities in violation of our policies,"...

Fetterman: Both Right and Left 'Are Hoping That I Die'

Democratic senator takes flak over pro-Israel stance, balks at 'progressive' label for himself

(Newser) - John Fetterman has been a staunch, vocal supporter of Israel since the Oct. 7 terrorist attack by Hamas, advocating for the return of Israeli hostages, slamming calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, even draping himself in the Israeli flag on occasion. Thanks to this stance, 16 former campaign staffers have...

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