
Stories 1081 - 1100 | << Prev   Next >>

Five Mumbai Terrorists May Yet Be 'Missing'

Boat that transported gunmen had supplies for more assailants

(Newser) - Indian security forces say at least five terrorists could still be at large after last week’s assault on Mumbai, the Times of London reports. While police said earlier that only 10 militants were behind the attacks that killed almost 200, the fishing boat that transported them carried supplies for...

Docs: Jews Were Tortured in Mumbai

Hospital staff horrified by condition of bodies recovered from Jewish center

(Newser) - Jews taken hostage in the Mumbai attacks were tortured by their captors before being bound together and executed, the Daily Telegraph reports. Doctors in the hospital where victims' bodies were taken say the level of brutality evident was among the most disturbing sight of their careers. Six Jewish victims have...

India Demands Pakistan Deliver Fugitives

Tensions rise as India calls for concrete action in wake of Mumbai attacks

(Newser) - India is demanding that Pakistan turn over 20 fugitives as a show of good faith that the nation intends to fully cooperate with investigations into the Mumbai terror attacks, Reuters reports. The list of fugitives, which was first submitted to Pakistan in 2002, includes a reported financier of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the...

'You Won't Hear From Me'
 'You Won't 
 Hear From Me' 

'You Won't Hear From Me'

A Clinton fan, Rice plans to hand off, then back off

(Newser) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will offer some private advice to her successor—then get out of Hillary Clinton's way, she tells AP. Rice briefed Clinton on the terrorist attacks in India before leaving for Mumbai on what is likely to be her last official trip overseas. 

Liberal Dreams Died in Mumbai
 Liberal Dreams 
 Died in Mumbai 

Liberal Dreams Died in Mumbai

(Newser) - Unlike the terrorists in Mumbai, the mainstream media has missed the boat—but can still dispel illusions about how to curb terrorist threats, Arthur Herman writes in the National Review. One illusion is that resolving India-Pakistan tensions, and problems in Kashmir, will deter terror. "Terrorists see it the other...

When Did Bombay Become Mumbai?

Locals have always called it that, but city made it official in 1995

(Newser) - The terrorist attacks last week saw Mumbai dominate headlines across the world. But when did Bombay become Mumbai? For locals it’s always been Mumbai, in honor of Mumbadevi, the city’s deity, writes Christopher Beam for Slate. But the city’s official name change happened in 1995, when the...

Chopra Blames Mumbai Attacks on US Policy
Chopra Blames
Mumbai Attacks
on US Policy

Chopra Blames Mumbai Attacks on US Policy

And Rabinowitz finds guru's mantra on CNN anti-American

(Newser) - What was Deepak Chopra, New Age philosopher and feel-good guru, doing holding forth on the Mumbai terror attacks on CNN this weekend, Dorothy Rabinowitz wants to know. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Rabinowitz airs her outrage at Chopra's reflexive blaming the United States for an attack perpetrated neither by...

How 10 Young Men 'Took Over Our City'
 How 10 Young Men 
 'Took Over Our City' 

How 10 Young Men 'Took Over Our City'

In minutes, group landing from sea spread terror across Mumbai

(Newser) - How did 10 young men cripple a bustling Indian city in minutes? It started when four arrived on an inflatable boat in a poor fishing colony, scaring off inquisitive residents and jumping into taxis for the Oberoi Trident hotel, the Washington Post reports. “It’s a slum area. We...

Luxury Hotels Emerge as Terrorist Targets

Luxury establishments are becoming terrorist targets

(Newser) - The Mumbai attacks have provided world travelers with a new cause for concern, writes the New York Times: Increasingly, luxury hotels in developing countries are becoming terrorist targets. The raids on the Taj and Oberoi hotels come only 2 months after a car bomb blew apart the Islamabad Marriott, and...

Cemetery in Mumbai Won't Bury Terrorists

Gunmen 'cannot be called Muslim,' says graveyard trust

(Newser) - A Muslim graveyard has refused to bury nine gunmen who terrorized Mumbai over three days last week, leaving at least 172 people dead and wreaking havoc at some of its most famous landmarks. The shooters, whose bodies are unclaimed thus far, are not true followers of the Islamic faith, according...

Rice to Jet to Mumbai as India Talks War

India security raised to 'war level' as Pakistan shifts troops

(Newser) - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is preparing to fly to India as the Indian government yesterday raised its security to "war level," proclaiming it has proof that Pakistan played a role in the Mumbai terror attacks that killed more than 170 people. Pakistan has responded by threatening...

Finish My Fight With Big 3: Gore to Obama

We need urgent action, Gore warns

(Newser) - Al Gore doesn't want a White House job, but he does have advice for Barack Obama: Use the bailout plan to transform the Big Three automakers. As vice-president, Gore rolled out a billion-dollar program to pay for fuel-efficient Detroit vehicles—"but as soon as they felt they were...

Meet India's New Security Chief
 Meet India's New Security Chief 

Meet India's New Security Chief

Palaniappan Chidambaram to fill portfolio empty following Mumbai attacks

(Newser) - A shakeup following the Mumbai terror attacks has put India's finance minister in charge of security, the Wall Street Journal reports. As home minister, ex-finance chief Palaniappan Chidambaram is expected to forge an anti-terror task force and may station commandos around the country. His predecessor, who had spoken repeatedly of...

Murdered Brooklyn Rabbi, Wife to Be Buried in Israel

'Crying' son marked 2nd birthday yesterday

(Newser) - The Brooklyn-raised rabbi and his wife who were murdered in the Mumbai attacks will be buried in the Holy Land, the Daily News reports. Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, had wrapped the bodies of slain hostages in prayer shawls before being shot himself. The couple’s orphaned son marked his second birthday...

Who Needs CNN?
Who Needs CNN?

Who Needs CNN?

Citizen journalists capture Mumbai story without bureaucratic headaches

(Newser) - Witnesses of the Mumbai terror attacks didn’t wait for CNN to get information: They captured it themselves, the New York Times reports, the latest example of citizen journalists using technology to put themselves on the frontlines of news. “I felt I had a responsibility to share my view...

Mumbai Photog: 'I Only Wish I Had a Gun'

Police wouldn't shoot at gunmen, he says

(Newser) - The photographer who took pictures of Mumbai terrorists seen worldwide snapped his train-station shots as armed police stood by, he told the Belfast Telegraph. “At one point, I ran up to them and told them to use their weapons. I said, 'Shoot them, they're sitting ducks!' but they...

Pakistan Pressures West to Rein in India

Vows to end Afghan operations if India builds troops along border after Mumbai

(Newser) - In a thinly veiled message to the US, Pakistan officials have threatened to withdraw troops fighting Islamists along Afghanistan if India builds up forces along the border it shares with Pakistan. Furious Indian officials have linked the deadly Mumbai terror operation to Pakistan. "If something happens on that front,...

We Aimed to Murder 5,000: Mumbai Terrorist

'I have done right,' militant declares to police

(Newser) - The lone Mumbai terrorist captured alive said months of training had prepped him and his cohorts to kill 5,000 people, the Daily Mail reports. Describing the massacre to police, Azam Amir Kasab of Pakistan, 21, said his instructions were to “target whites, preferably Americans and British.” He...

Why Wasn't India Prepared?
 Why Wasn't 
 India Prepared? 

Why Wasn't India Prepared?

In aftermath, many ask how 10 men wreaked such havoc

(Newser) - With Mumbai's bloody 3-day siege over, questions are arising about India's failure to anticipate and quickly repel the attack on its financial capital, the New York Times reports. A gang of only 10 terrorists caused widespread carnage, infiltrating three buildings, fighting off security forces, and fooling them into believing there...

Mumbai-Style Terror Poses Threat to Western Cities

Well-organized attack could become the norm

(Newser) - Counter-terror officials say they fear for Western cities after analyzing the Mumbai terror attack, the Guardian reports. The strike was far more sophisticated than the self-radicalized, self-selected suicide attackers seen in London. “The Mumbai operation was planned, premeditated and executed under a command and control apparatus,” said one...

Stories 1081 - 1100 | << Prev   Next >>