
Stories 921 - 940 | << Prev   Next >>

Bing, Yahoo Bar Web Porn in India

Search engines switch India to stricter settings

(Newser) - Indian computer users enter "sex" into search engines more than users in any other country, but Internet firms have moved to deliver only sanitized results to the nation. Yahoo's search engine and the Flickr photo-sharing site have switched the entire country's setting to "safe search" only, as has...

Forget Soccer Moms— Meet Ping-Pong Parents

Immigrants' kids dominate table tennis scene

(Newser) - Good old-fashioned American sports parenting meets immigrant drive at the India Community Center in the Silicon Valley town of Milpitas, Calif., which is churning out the country’s best young ping-pong players. Top coaches from India and China are schooling the children of high-tech workers who know the drill for...

I Saw China Wreck the Copenhagen Talks
I Saw China Wreck the Copenhagen Talks
Obama's Innocent

I Saw China Wreck the Copenhagen Talks

The West's getting the blame, but Beijing's the real villain here

(Newser) - Barack Obama is getting the blame for the limp Copenhagen deal, but Mark Lynas knows it was China that really scuttled it—because he watched it happen. Sitting in on the closed-door meetings, the Guardian writer “saw Obama fighting desperately to salvage a deal, and the Chinese delegate saying...

Obama's Pact Is Slap at Progressive Ideals

Copenhagen deal creates 'league of super-polluters'

(Newser) - The Copenhagen climate deal President Obama struck with China, India and South Africa flies in the face of progressive values, environmental writer Bill McKibben rages. Here’s how:
  • Obama made the UN obsolete: “The clear point is, you poor nations can spout off all you want on questions like

Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions
Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions
climate summit

Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions

Copenhagen summit yields basic deal to fight climate change

(Newser) - President Obama and the leaders of China, India, and South Africa reached a "meaningful agreement" tonight in Copenhagen on steps to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the White House announced. The deal requires the nations of the world to list their actions to curb emissions and sets up a framework...

Mumbai Gunman Recants Confession

Kasab says he was framed, tortured

(Newser) - The only surviving suspect from last year's Mumbai terror attacks has withdrawn his confession, saying police tortured it out of him. Mohammed Kasab—who was photographed carrying an assault rifle at a railway station during the attacks—told an Indian court that he was framed by police who arrested him...

Indian Sect Pledges to Marry Prostitutes

Group aims to end exploitation of sex workers

(Newser) - A controversial Indian sect says more than a thousand of its members have pledged to marry prostitutes to free them from sexual servitude. The leader of Dara Sacha Sauda, which has a huge following of Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims, issued a call last month for volunteers to help stop sex...

New Proposals Boost Hopes of Copenhagen Deal
New Proposals Boost Hopes of Copenhagen Deal
climate summit

New Proposals Boost Hopes of Copenhagen Deal

Negotiators appear ready to extend, build on Kyoto protocol

(Newser) - New draft proposals at the Copenhagen summit have renewed optimism that negotiators will find consensus on a substantial deal. One plan would renew and extend the Kyoto protocol—this time, presumably, with a US endorsement—which is set to expire in 2012. Another draft proposal, framed as a "Kyoto...

Developing Nations Were In on 'Danish Text'
 Developing Nations 
 Were In on 'Danish Text' 
CLIMATE summit

Developing Nations Were In on 'Danish Text'

China, India helped draft leaked agreement they railed against

(Newser) - The “Danish text”—the leaked climate change agreement that infuriated developing nations in Copenhagen and sparked accusations of bullying by rich countries—was actually drafted by a group that included China, India, and Brazil, among other countries. They had “input into the process and product” of the...

Banker for Drug Gangs, Al-Qaeda Nailed

Dubai-based banker helped shift money launder funds

(Newser) - One of al-Qaeda's favorite bankers has been busted in India after a year-long manhunt. Naresh Jain is accused of running a worldwide money laundering empire from his Dubai headquarters that handled over $2 billion a year from terrorist groups and drug traffickers, the Independent reports.

Obama Headed to Copenhagen for Climate Talks
Obama Headed 
to Copenhagen 
for Climate Talks

Obama Headed to Copenhagen for Climate Talks

He'll propose 17% cut in US emissions of greenhouse gases

(Newser) - Barack Obama will head to Copenhagen on Dec. 9—the day before his Nobel Prize ceremony in Oslo—to advocate for a comprehensive global climate accord. The White House had vacillated on whether Obama should go, since no one expects a legally binding treaty, insiders tell Politico . But Obama decided...

Obama: US, India Natural Allies
 Obama: US, India 
 Natural Allies 
first state visit

Obama: US, India Natural Allies

Countries will have 'defining relationship' for 21st century

(Newser) - President Obama declared that US ties with India will be "one of the defining relationships" of the 21st century as he welcomed India's prime minister for the first state visit of the Obama administration. At the conclusion of about two hours of talks, Obama said he and Prime Minister...

First State Dinner to Reveal Obama A-Listers

Mad scramble for invitations

(Newser) - Washington notables are still scrambling for an invitation to the White House state dinner Tuesday in honor of Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh. The event, to be held in a heated tent on the South Lawn, will display who’s truly on Obama’s A-list, and the lobbying for a...

India Miffed By Obama's Bond With Beijing

Perceived slights complicate PM Singh's DC visit next week

(Newser) - President Obama might find Indian PM Manmohan Singh a bit prickly when he arrives in Washington this weekend, after Obama gave India short shrift during his recent Asia trip. Obama didn’t mention India at all in his speech on US relations with Asia, and caused further offense in a...

21 Killed in India Train Wreck
 21 Killed in India Train Wreck 

21 Killed in India Train Wreck

Train plows into rear car reserved for women, disabled

(Newser) - An Indian passenger train plowed into another near the Taj Mahal early today, killing 21 people and injuring more than a dozen. The rear car of the struck train, which was reserved for women and disabled passengers, took the brunt of the impact. Soldiers and villagers near the accident in...

Now Driving Innovation in India: the Poor

As developed economies slump, it markets directly to the lower class

(Newser) - Indian engineers once did little but cater to Western companies, while consumers at home made do with hand-me-down products from the developed world. That is changing in a big way as foreign economies crater and the 1.1 billion consumers of the subcontinent reveal a taste for, well, consuming. And...

West Eases Off Carbon Demands for China, India

Copenhagen deal closer, but 2050 goal less likely

(Newser) - Industrialized nations backed away from long-term carbon cut demands on developing nations yesterday, in the hopes of reaching a deal at December's Copenhagen summit. The US and EU have pushed for a 50% reduction in global carbon emissions by 2050, but China and India refused to sign up, wary of...

India Won't Hand Over Mother Teresa's Remains

Nuns from her charity call Albanian request 'absurd'

(Newser) - Mother Teresa isn’t going anywhere, say Indian authorities. Teresa’s parents were from Albania, and the country had requested her remains. Macedonia, where Teresa grew up, may also want the body ahead of the 100th anniversary of her birth next year. “Mother Teresa was an Indian citizen and...

Columbus the Crusader's Legacy Endures

Americans forget religious fervor drove the 1492 expedition

(Newser) - This Columbus Day, James Carroll invites us to reconsider the man and his motivations. Pop culture has secularized Columbus, concentrating on his mission in search of gold, spices, and trade routes. That ignores his central motivation: expanding the dominion of Christianity. An “old Crusader” ambition motivated Columbus, Carroll writes...

Obama Team Downplays Risks in Afghan Pullback
 Obama Team Downplays
 Risks in Afghan Pullback
Pentagon Insiders:

Obama Team Downplays Risks in Afghan Pullback

Al-Qaeda, Taliban much closer than public has been led to believe

(Newser) - US military and intelligence officials see dangerous misrepresentations in the Obama team’s flirting with a limited, anti-al-Qaeda strategy in Afghanistan. “The White House is downplaying the dangers of doing the only thing that they think Congress and the public will support,” an official tells McClatchy. But taking...

Stories 921 - 940 | << Prev   Next >>