carbon dioxide

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Gas Still Rules Green Auto Show
Gas Still Rules Green Auto Show

Gas Still Rules Green Auto Show

'We're talking about decades' before cars can be weaned off fossil fuels

(Newser) - Green was the color of opening day yesterday at the International Auto Salon in Geneva, another show full of hybrids and other low-emission vehicles, with green lighting and nature-friendly slogans to prove car companies care, Der Spiegel reports. Still, cautions General Motors' CEO to those set to pronounce the gasoline...

Gene Discovery Holds Hope for Drought-Safe Crops

Scientists make botanical breakthrough

(Newser) - Scientists have discovered a gene that controls how plants absorb carbon dioxide and release moisture in a breakthrough discovery that could help develop drought-resistant crops, reports the BBC. The gene that regulates the work of stomata, or pores on plant leaves, has been sought by biologists for decades. The gene...

CO2 Emissions Linked to Human Death

Stanford study may bolster states' case against EPA

(Newser) - A Stanford University scientist has found for the first time a direct correlation between rising atmospheric carbon dioxide and increased human mortality—potentially aiding 16 states in their fight to regulate auto emissions. The air pollution spurred by each 1 degree Celsius caused by carbon dioxide leads to 1,000...

Climate Reps at Odds Over Deforestation

Rich countries balk at paying poorer nations to stop hacking trees

(Newser) - The triumph of the Bali summit may be its plan to stop deforestation, but rich and poor nations are still clashing over details, the Washington Post reports. A dozen developing countries want incentives to stop tree-cutting, but some developed nations wince at paying them for actions not taken. "The...

Sham Study Tricks Climate Skeptics
Sham Study Tricks Climate Skeptics

Sham Study Tricks Climate Skeptics

Warming blamed on bacteria; pundits trumpeted the news

(Newser) - Turns out undersea bacteria don’t cause global warming after all. But they were on trial for 70 minutes last week after a British prof's email chain linked to a sham study. Climate skeptics and conservatives—Rush Limbaugh included—trumpeted the study until a University of Colorado prof smelled something...

83% Back Sacrifice to Fight Warming

But global survey mixed on higher fuel taxes

(Newser) - Four out of five people worldwide indicated they're ready to make personal lifestyle changes to combat global warming—even those from the worst carbon dioxide spewers, China and the US, according to a BBC poll of 22,000 people. Support was mixed, however, on increasing taxes on coal and oil,...

Oceans Are Absorbing Less CO2
Oceans Are Absorbing Less CO2

Oceans Are Absorbing Less CO2

(Newser) - Oceans are absorbing half the CO2 they were in the mid-'90s, according to a study that collected more than 90,000 North Atlantic measurements over 10 years. Oceans typically absorb about a quarter of the world’s carbon emissions, but the new data suggest they're becoming “saturated,” which...

Bedbugs Make Bloodthirsty Comeback
Bedbugs Make Bloodthirsty Comeback

Bedbugs Make Bloodthirsty Comeback

Once thought gone for good, pests are on the rebound in US

(Newser) - Despite admonitions about not letting the bedbugs bite, Americans are doing just that, and infestations are being reported across the country. Once thought wiped out by the now-banned pesticide DDT, the insects have been found in hospitals, schools, and even high-end residences, the Times of London reports. "Saturday Night...

Iowa-Minded Candidates Learn to Love Ethanol

Doubts take back seat to politics

(Newser) - To a presidential candidate who has an eye on Iowa—and who among them can afford not to?—ethanol is a political home run. The Hawkeye State hosts 28 refineries, and every one of the ’08 hopefuls has duly supported some form of ethanol subsidies. This despite the fact...

Global Warming Battle Goes Out to Sea

Investors back plankton in bid to send CO2 to a watery grave

(Newser) - Plankton may hold the key to solving global warming—or so say Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who are investing heavily in the idea. Scientists will dump several tons of plankton-producing iron into the ocean to see if the microscopic organisms will, as they expect, suck CO2 from the atmosphere and carry...

Travel to Big Sky Is Killing It
Travel to Big Sky Is Killing It

Travel to Big Sky Is Killing It

(Newser) - Big Sky Country is under siege from the carbon spewed by the planes and cars we use to get there, says Montanan Deirdre McNamer. She remembers the days (the 1950s) when it was not politically incorrect to throw litter into the vastness of the high prairie that she thought could...

Sorry, Al: Tree Planting May Speed Warming

Outside the tropics, trees merely trap heat, study shows

(Newser) - Planting trees to offset your carbon footprint not only won't slow global warming, it may worsen its effects, a new study claims. Trees growing outside a small band of tropical zones don't cut the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by enough to offset the heat their foliage traps,...

They Pay the Price of Warming
They Pay the Price of Warming

They Pay the Price of Warming

when it comes to global warming, we're not in it together

(Newser) - The obligation of people who live in countries that contribute the most to climate change--the developed nations— to those who will suffer most from it —the poor ones—is the subject of a provocative piece in the New York Times.

EPA Must Regulate Greenhouse Gases
EPA Must Regulate Greenhouse Gases

EPA Must Regulate Greenhouse Gases

Supreme Court ruling a rebuke to Bush's hands-off policy on auto emissions

(Newser) - Carbon dioxide must be regulated by the federal government unless it can provide a scientific reason not to, the Supreme Court ruled Monday. The 5-4 decision, which ordered the EPA to consider CO2 an "air pollutant" as defined by the Clean Air Act, was a blow to the Bush...

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