carbon dioxide

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Scientists Pump CO2 Into the Earth, Turn It Into Stone

They managed to convert 95% of the CO2 in just 2 years

(Newser) - Here's an idea for dealing with carbon dioxide: Turn it into stone. Scientists in Iceland say they have managed the feat at the world's largest geothermal power plant, an accomplishment the Guardian says could have big implications for climate change. As they explain in Science , researchers with the...

The Planet Is Getting Greener Thanks to Pollution

But that doesn't mean global warming is a good thing

(Newser) - Dozens of scientists were shocked to find a dramatic increase in plant life around the world over the past 33 years instead of the global-warming-related "browning" they expected to find in their analysis of satellite data, Australia's ABC reports. According to a press release , a study published Monday...

Climate Change Hits 'New Milestone'

Temperatures and greenhouse-gas levels hit new highs

(Newser) - This year is on track to be a record 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) hotter than the 19th-century average, hitting a symbolic milestone in the temperature rise that scientists blame mostly on human activities, Britain's weather service said Monday. To measure global warming, scientists compare today's...

Town Hit by Sleeping Illness Gets Answer, No Resolution

A nearby uranium mine may be the culprit, but how?

(Newser) - The mysterious sleeping sickness that has befallen dozens of villagers in a remote region of Kazakhstan continues to befuddle scientists. Following reports of victims passing out in schools, at home, and even on a motorcycle, and sometimes failing to snap out of it for days at a time, scientists descended...

Scientist: Exxon Knew of Climate Change in 1981, Lied

'Guardian' explores explosive claims in newly uncovered email

(Newser) - Exxon was ahead of the game on climate change. According to Lenny Bernstein, who spent 20 years there as a climate expert, the company knew about the link between fossil fuels and climate change in 1981—seven years before the issue truly became public. But for the next 27 years,...

Scientists Argue That 'Age of Man' Began in 1610

We are in the midst of a new geologic time period, but when exactly did it begin?

(Newser) - It may have been more than a century after Columbus sailed the ocean blue, but some scientists are arguing that 1610 marks a "golden spike" in the geologic record that kickstarted what is being called the Anthropocene era, or "Age of Man," and that this spike is...

Humans Push Earth Past 4 of 9 Danger Zones
 Humans Push Earth Past 
 4 of 9 Danger Zones 
study says

Humans Push Earth Past 4 of 9 Danger Zones

Team of researchers sounds a warning

(Newser) - Be warned humans, five more strikes and you might be looking for a new planet to call home. A team of scientists that once laid out nine "planetary boundaries" that should not be crossed says humans have managed to cross four of them already, reports Reuters . The bad grades...

Where Our Lost Fat Goes: &#39;Into Thin Air&#39;

 Lost Weight Lately? 
 You Breathed It Out 
new study

Lost Weight Lately? You Breathed It Out

Most fat is exhaled as carbon dioxide, and a new study quantifies it

(Newser) - Where does your body fat go when you lose it? "Into thin air," quite literally, says Ruben Meerman. A new study out of Australia looks at how we shed pounds and the "surprising ignorance" around the process. Contrary to commonly assumed mechanisms—that excess fat is converted...

Plants Suck Up More CO2 Than Thought
 Plants Suck Up More 
 CO2 Than Thought 

Plants Suck Up More CO2 Than Thought

Finding makes climate fight 'slightly easier,' experts say

(Newser) - Some rare good news in the fight against climate change: Plants are an even greater ally than we knew, absorbing around 16% more carbon than previously thought, according to new research. University of Texas researchers took a fresh look at climate models and at how CO2 is absorbed by plants,...

2013 Saw Fastest Spike in CO2 Levels Since 1984

Greenhouse gases hit record highs: World Meteorological Organization

(Newser) - Greenhouse gases rose to record levels last year, according to a new report by the World Meteorological Organization, making a worldwide climate treaty more critical now than ever. Concentrations of carbon dioxide in particular peaked at 396 parts per million, the BBC reports—3ppm over the previous year, in the...

We&#39;ll Have &#39;Big Plants but Nothing to Eat&#39; by 2070
We'll Have 'Big Plants
but Nothing to Eat' by 2070

We'll Have 'Big Plants but Nothing to Eat' by 2070

Grain crops to have less nutrients in 40 to 60 years: study

(Newser) - As more carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere compliments of global warming, crops will indeed grow faster, but Harvard scientists have stumbled upon a big downside, too. They placed "rings of carbon dioxide jets" amid rice, wheat, peas, and other crops around the world to study what happens when the...

Obama to Bypass Congress, Put Limits on Power Plants

EPA to make announcement today

(Newser) - For the first time, the Environmental Protection Agency will set limits on the greenhouse gases power plants can emit. Today, the agency will announce that new coal plants' carbon emissions must stay below 1,100 pounds per megawatt hour, while new natural gas plants must maintain emissions below 1,000...

CO2 Report Portends 'Disaster for All Countries'

Worldwide emissions hit new record last year

(Newser) - The planet's carbon emissions rose last year to a record 31.6 gigatons, marking a 1.4% increase, according to a new report. That puts us on track for a surge in temperature far exceeding international benchmarks—a "disaster for all countries," says the chief economist for...

CO2 Levels Highest in Human History

Carbon dioxide reaches 400ppm milestone

(Newser) - Scientists have been anticipating this milestone for a while, but they won't be breaking out the champagne now that it's here: Carbon-dioxide levels in the atmosphere passed the mark of 400 parts per million yesterday for the first time in human history, reports the BBC . The National Oceanic...

Greenhouse Gas Levels About to Hit Bad Milestone
Greenhouse Gas Levels
About to Hit Bad Milestone 
in case you missed it

Greenhouse Gas Levels About to Hit Bad Milestone

Carbon dioxide ratio in atmosphere close to symbolic 400 parts per million

(Newser) - We're probably going to hear a lot about the "Keeling curve" and references to "400 parts per million" in the coming weeks. The curve measures the ratio of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere, and that ratio is about to cross the 400-ppm level for the...

GOP Lawmaker: Bicycles Pollute Worse Than Cars

Washington state Rep. Ed Orcutt takes a stab at science

(Newser) - All that sweaty cycling can kick up a lot of carbon dioxide—right? So said House Republican Ed Orcutt in an email as he defended a bike tax proposed for Washington state, reports the Seattle Bike Blog . Writing a constituent, Orcutt wrote that bicyclists emit more CO2 than car drivers...

Sitting in Traffic Cost Us Each $800 in 2011

Commuters released 56B extra pounds of carbon dioxide: study

(Newser) - This may not do much to quell road rage: America's commuters each wasted an average of $818 in time and gas while stuck in traffic in 2011, a yearly study finds, for a total of $121 billion nationwide. That's up $1 billion from the year before, the AP...

World Carbon Emissions Hit New Record in 2011

Climate change goals moving out of reach, scientists warn

(Newser) - Neither concern for the planet nor a weak global economy have been able to keep carbon emissions down, researchers say. Emissions rose 3.6% to a new record last year and have risen another 2.6% so far this year, putting the planet on what now appears to be an...

Scientists Turn Air Into Gas
 Scientists Turn Air Into Gas 

Scientists Turn Air Into Gas

British company thinks it can help energy crisis in a big way

(Newser) - An amazing-sounding breakthrough from the UK: Scientists have found a way to extract carbon dioxide from air and mix it with water vapor to create a cleaner, clearer gas that can be used in existing cars and other forms of transport, reports the Independent . A company called Air Fuel Synthesis...

To Fight Climate Change, Dump Iron in Water?

Old theory gains traction following experiments

(Newser) - Algae growing around Antarctica is short on iron. For decades, scientists have theorized that iron dumped in the oceans there could help fertilize the algae—and that algae could in turn absorb carbon dioxide, thus battling global warming. While tests have shown that iron can, in fact, fuel algae blooms,...

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