Biden infrastructure plan

20 Stories

'Great American Rail-Trail' Would Let People Walk From Coast to Coast

Or bike, if that's more your speed

(Newser) - When Mike O'Neil opened his bicycle repair shop in Muncie, Indiana, the Cardinal Greenway trail just outside its window stretched only 2 miles south of the shop. Today, it extends 33 miles beyond that, but the ultimate vision is far grander. The trail born from eastern Indiana's old...

Amtrak Aims to Double Riders With These Improvements

Major changes underway after influx of funding from infrastructure bill

(Newser) - Amtrak made the lofty goal to double its ridership in under 20 years, and the railroad company is using an infusion of cash ( some $22 billion ) from the 2021 infrastructure bill to help make it happen. The Wall Street Journal reports that improving some of Amtrak's...

Push to Bring Internet to the Rural US Is On
States Getting Billions
to Give Everyone Internet
the rundown

States Getting Billions to Give Everyone Internet

White House unveils major initiative to fully connect the US by 2030

(Newser) - They are the outliers in a modern age, and not by choice: More than 8 million homes and businesses in the US do not have broadband service that meets bare-minimum standards, reports Engadget . But a major push to remedy that was unveiled at the White House on Monday—a $42...

Biden: We'll Fix That Bridge, Others

There are many more like the span that collapsed, local officials say

(Newser) - President Biden had planned to give a speech about infrastructure needs Friday at Mill 19, a research and development hub that once was a major metals producer in Pittsburgh, WTAE reports. He did that, but he made a stop first at a place that made his point for him: the...

After Bridge Collapses, a Human Chain Forms

10 suffered minor injuries early Friday in Pittsburgh

(Newser) - Ten people suffered minor injuries when a two-lane vehicle bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh early Friday, hours before President Biden was due to visit the city to discuss a $1 trillion infrastructure plan . The bridge, which stretches over a wooded ravine and creek in the Point Breeze neighborhood's Frick Park,...

AOC: We Shouldn't 'Over-Promise and 'Under-Deliver'

She warns against infrastructure 'victory laps'

(Newser) - President Biden has signe d the bipartisan infrastructure bill, and a $1.9 trillion social spending bill has passed the House —but Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warns that her fellow Democrats should be careful about doing victory laps. The progressive Democrat says the base will be alienated and turnout at...

Biden: 'Your Life Is Going to Change for the Better'

He signs $1T infrastructure bill

(Newser) - President Biden signed his $1 trillion infrastructure deal into law Monday on the White House lawn, hailing it as an example of what bipartisanship can achieve. The president hopes to use the law to build back his popularity and says it will deliver jobs, clean water, high-speed internet, and a...

House Finally Passes $1T Infrastructure Bill

But vote on social spending bill has been delayed

(Newser) - The House approved a $1 trillion package of road and other infrastructure projects late Friday after Democrats resolved a months-long standoff between progressives and moderates, notching a victory that President Biden and his party had become increasingly anxious to claim. The House passed the measure 228-206, prompting prolonged cheers from...

House Is Finally Ready to Vote on 2 Massive Bills

Votes on social spending, infrastructure bills expected Friday

(Newser) - Days after a stinging defeat in Virginia, Democrats are trying to move forward quickly with President Biden's agenda. Sources tell the Hill that after a long day of meetings Thursday, House Democrats are planning to vote Friday on a massive social spending bill as well as the infrastructure package...

Biden Concedes Frustration, Saying He'll Keep Working

With bills stuck in Congress, president plans to lobby nation

(Newser) - With his domestic legislation not moving on Capitol Hill, even after his trip there Friday, President Biden insisted success is still possible, saying he'll "work like hell" to achieve it. But the president didn't try to sugarcoat the situation Saturday. "Everybody is frustrated," he said....

'We're Going to Get This Done,' Biden Says After Hill Meeting

President lobbies divided Democrats for the first time in person

(Newser) - With his domestic legislative agenda going nowhere in Congress, many Democrats had publicly urged President Biden to get more involved personally in negotiations. He did that Friday afternoon, going to Capitol Hill to meet with the divided House Democrats, the New York Times reports. As he left, he expressed confidence...

'No Room for Error' as Shutdown Deadline Nears

Stopgap bill would fund government agencies through early December

(Newser) - The White House told federal agencies last week to prepare for a government shutdown but it now appears that a shutdown will be avoided just before the deadline of midnight Thursday. The House and Senate are expected to vote on a short-term funding patch Thursday, but CNN reports that lawmakers...

Biden Betting the Farm on Manchin, Sinema

Getting them on board with his $3.5T package is key for infrastructure bill, too

(Newser) - "Biden bets it all on unlocking the Manchinema puzzle" is Politico's assessment of the fate of the president's $3.5 trillion package to expand the social safety net. CBS News explains why: The bill has zero support from Republicans, meaning it can only pass via a budgetary...

Dems Break Deadlock on $3.5T Budget Blueprint

It passes after Pelosi makes promise to moderates

(Newser) - Democratic leaders have overcome a standoff between progressive and moderates and passed a $3.5 trillion budget plan. A group of moderate House Democrats had threatened to block the plan, potentially derailing a big part of President Biden's agenda, unless there was an immediate vote on the $1 trillion...

This Is Going to Be a Tough Week for Biden

Democratic standoff threatens his agenda

(Newser) - Last week, Joe Biden faced the biggest crisis of his presidency so far after the collapse of Afghanistan's government and military—and this week is unlikely to be any easier. Top administration officials will face tough questions about Afghanistan in congressional hearings , and a standoff has developed among House...

Pelosi's New Problem: 9 Fellow Democrats

She's given an ultimatum over budget and infrastructure measures

(Newser) - A group of nine Democratic House members has told Speaker Nancy Pelosi they won't vote for the $3.5 trillion budget until the chamber takes up the Senate's infrastructure bill. "We will not consider voting for a budget resolution until the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act...

Pelosi: House Will Hold Off on Infrastructure Bill Vote

House Dems will wait until larger $3.5T package has also cleared Senate

(Newser) - A $1 trillion infrastructure passed the Senate with bipartisan support Tuesday—but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is resisting pressure from moderate Democrats to bring it up for a vote immediately. Sources tell the Hill that during a call with House Democrats on Wednesday, Pelosi said she was sticking to her...

Senators Vote to Work on $1T Infrastructure Plan

Package passes test vote, 67-32, and moves toward debate

(Newser) - Senators of both parties voted Wednesday night to get started on President Biden's $1 trillion infrastructure plan. The 67-32 vote puts the Senate on schedule to begin debate on the package this week, the Washington Post reports, a full month after Biden had announced that a deal had been...

Biden's Infrastructure Talks With GOP Collapse

Focus shifts to bipartisan group of senators

(Newser) - After weeks of talks, President Biden has failed to build a bridge between Democrats and Republicans on his infrastructure package. GOP Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, the chief Republican negotiator, said Tuesday that Biden had ended the talks, NBC reports. She said Biden turned down a "very robust and targeted...

Biden: People Will Say This Is When America Won the Future

He unveils 'largest American jobs investment since World War II'

(Newser) - President Biden unveiled his sweeping infrastructure investment plan Wednesday in the same city where he announced his White House bid in 2019. The president, speaking at a carpenters union training center in Pittsburgh, described the $2.3 trillion plan as a "once-in-a-generation investment in America" unlike anything since the...

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