Pramila Jayapal

5 Stories

Congresswoman in Testy Exchange Over Hamas Rapes

Pramila Jayapal grilled on why progressives aren't calling out Hamas more over rapes

(Newser) - A Democratic congresswoman got into a tense exchange with CNN's Dana Bash on Sunday over the reported rapes of Israeli women by Hamas, reports the Messenger . "I have seen a lot of progressive women, generally speaking, that are quick to defend women's rights and speak out against...

Nancy Pelosi's Husband Attacked at Home, Hospitalized

Assailant who broke in and assaulted Paul Pelosi is in custody, says office of House speaker

(Newser) - (Updated with new information throughout.) A jarring story out of San Francisco: Nancy Pelosi's office says somebody broke into her home overnight and "violently" assaulted her husband, Paul, reports the San Francisco Chronicle . The House speaker herself, who has been on the road stumping for Democrats, was...

Man Accused of Threatening to Kill Rep. Jayapal Gets Out of Jail
Seattle Man Charged With
Stalking Congresswoman

Seattle Man Charged With Stalking Congresswoman

Neighbors said he shouted threats outside home of Rep. Pramila Jayapal

(Newser) - Update: A Seattle man who was arrested, then released, after allegedly threatening to kill Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal earlier this month has been charged with felony stalking. Prosecutors said Brett Forsell, 49, was charged after new evidence emerged, Fox reports. After his July 9 arrest, authorities said there wasn't...

10 House Lawmakers Recount the Fear of Jan. 6 Riot

"I really thought ... 'We're going to die here'"

(Newser) - Around three dozen Democrats were trapped in the House gallery on Jan. 6, 2020, after the rest of their colleagues had been evacuated, ducking beneath their seats as supporters of then-President Trump laid siege. In interviews with the AP , 10 of the lawmakers who were there described their experiences in...

2nd Lawmaker Tests Positive, Blames Maskless 'Idiocy'

Rep. Pramila Jayapal had predicted 'a superspreader event'

(Newser) - A second lawmaker has tested positive for COVID-19 after sheltering with colleagues during the Capitol riot. Washington state Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a Democrat, says she tested positive late Monday after learning of possible exposure , pe r NBC News . Like New Jersey Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, who tested positive earlier Monday,...

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