Neera Tanden

6 Stories

Three Big Staffing Moves at White House

Gen. CQ Brown Jr. apparent pick for Joint Chiefs of Staff chair; Wolensky exits; Neera Tanden to replace Susan Rice

(Newser) - President Joe Biden is expected to nominate a history-making Air Force fighter pilot general with years of experience in shaping US defenses to meet China's rise to serve as the nation's next top military officer, according to two people familiar with the decision. If confirmed by the Senate,...

After Losing Bid for Budget Chief, a New Role for Tanden

Biden's former pick to lead OMB will instead serve as a senior adviser to the president

(Newser) - Neera Tanden may not have gotten the budget chief job she'd wanted, but she's now going to the White House. Officials there told NBC News on Friday that Tanden, whom Biden had originally tapped to lead the Office of Management and Budget, will instead serve as the president'...

In Big Setback for Biden, Neera Tanden Withdraws

She said there was 'no path forward' to confirmation as budget chief

(Newser) - A big setback for the White House: Neera Tanden, President Biden's embattled nominee for director of the Office of Management and Budget, withdrew from consideration Tuesday, saying it "now seems clear that there is no path forward to gain confirmation." Her withdrawal means that the White House...

Neera Tarden's Prospects Not Looking Better Today

Senate panels delay meetings that were slated for Wednesday on White House budget office nominee

(Newser) - It looked like Neera Tanden might have long odds in being confirmed as the head of the White House budget office, and "new hurdles" emerged on Wednesday, reports the AP . Two Senate committees postponed voting on her nomination, with a Democratic aide on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs...

Tanden Could Be First Biden Nominee to Fail

2 moderate Republicans say they won't vote for her

(Newser) - In November, GOP Sen. John Cornyn said there was "zero chance" that Neera Tanden, President Biden's nominee for director of the Office of Management and Budget, would be confirmed. He may have been right. Moderate Republican Sens. Susan Collins and Mitt Romney said Monday that they would oppose...

Senator: There Is 'Zero Chance' of Confirming Biden Pick

Neera Tanden has a controversial past

(Newser) - President-elect Joe Biden confirmed Monday that he plans to nominate Neera Tanden to lead the influential Office of Management and Budget in his administration—but she faces strong opposition from both Republicans and progressives. A spokesman for GOP Sen. John Cornyn said Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress...

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