Biden administration

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Failure of Border Bill Adds Fuel to Biden Campaign
After Border Bill Fails,
Biden Looks to Make Move
the rundown

After Border Bill Fails, Biden Looks to Make Move

President is reportedly considering executive action amid GOP leadership struggles

(Newser) - After Senate Republicans blocked a bipartisan border bill Wednesday, it's looking more likely that the Biden administration will move forward with plans to take executive action to deter illegal migration at the southern border. Two sources tell NBC News that the White House is considering measures that would be...

Biden Targets Israelis Who Attack West Bank Palestinians

Executive order will look to crack down on settlers carrying out attacks

(Newser) - President Biden is expected to issue an executive order targeting Israeli settlers in the West Bank who've been attacking Palestinians in the occupied territory, according to four people familiar with the matter. The White House was expected to announce the order later Thursday, reports the AP . Biden has spoken...

Mad Scramble in US Museums on Native American Displays

New rules handed down by Biden administration prohibit such exhibits without consent from tribes

(Newser) - Museums across America have started closing exhibits highlighting Native American artifacts in an attempt to comply with new Biden administration rules that mandate venues get the OK from Indigenous tribes before displaying those samples. The requirements under the updated Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act , originally passed in 1990,...

John Kerry to End Tenure as Climate Envoy

Former secretary of state considers Biden's reelection key to climate battle

(Newser) - John Kerry has told President Biden he plans to resign as special envoy for climate—a job created for him— by spring. The former secretary of state and US senator told the president on Wednesday and his staff on Saturday, the New York Times reports. Kerry will instead work on...

Biden Slams SCOTUS Decision on Idaho Abortion Ban

High court says state can enforce ban, even in medical emergencies, until legal fight resolves

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Friday allowed Idaho to enforce its strict abortion ban, even in medical emergencies, while a legal fight continues. The justices said they would hear arguments in April and put on hold a lower court ruling that had blocked the Idaho law in hospital emergencies, based on...

Tattoos Sank His Green Card, and SCOTUS May Step In

High court to review case of Salvadoran man who says he was wrongly pegged as gang member

(Newser) - For nearly a decade, a Salvadoran man has missed Christmas after Christmas in the United States with his wife—not because he doesn't want to spend it in California with her, but because he can't. Luis Asencio-Cordero has long been denied a visa from the American government, partly...

Biden Slams 'Failed Approach' to Pot, Clears Path for Pardons

President makes thousands more people eligible to receive pardons for marijuana-related crimes

(Newser) - President Biden is making thousands of people who were convicted of use and simple possession of marijuana on federal lands and in the District of Columbia eligible for pardons, the White House said Friday, in his latest round of executive clemencies meant to rectify racial disparities in the justice system....

Administration Skirts Congress on Tank Ammunition for Israel

Blinken invokes emergency provision for $106M ammunition deal

(Newser) - The Biden administration is selling 13,000 rounds of tank ammunition to Israel for its war against Hamas, invoking an emergency provision to avoid waiting for the usual congressional review to be completed. A Defense Department agency announced the $106.5 million deal on Saturday. Congressional committees were informed at...

Memo Shows US Diplomats Splitting With Biden on Israel

State Department staff members call for making criticism of military strategy public

(Newser) - A dissent memo circulated by State Department staff members includes blunt criticism of President Biden's diplomatic efforts involving the Israel-Hamas war and proposes the administration make changes. Although it's not clear how many people signed the memo, or what it says in its final form, indications are that...

WH Chief of Staff: Biden Wants to Move Super Fast on AI
'Alarmed' Biden Wants to
'Move Fast' on AI

'Alarmed' Biden Wants to 'Move Fast' on AI

President signs executive order aimed at guiding its development

(Newser) - This article was updated following the president's signing of the order. President Biden on Monday signed a sweeping executive order to guide the development of artificial intelligence, requiring the industry to develop safety and security standards, introducing new consumer protections, and giving federal agencies an extensive to-do list to...

In This Case, Biden Administration Looks to Protect Trump

'Trump Too Small' slogan becomes a Supreme Court fight over free speech

(Newser) - President Biden's Justice Department has taken former President Donald Trump to task for his handling of classified documents and efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election . But in another court case, the Biden administration looks "to protect Trump," Reuters reports. The case before the Supreme...

FAA Nominee Withdraws
After 19 Months,
the FAA Has a Leader

After 19 Months, the FAA Has a Leader

Michael Whitaker confirmed in 98-0 Senate vote

(Newser) - After 19 months, there's finally somebody in charge at the Federal Aviation Administration. Michael Whitaker, a deputy FAA administrator during the Obama administration, was confirmed to a five-year term running the FAA in a 98-0 Senate vote Tuesday. Whitaker, who has held senior roles at several airlines, had the...

Judges Find Administration Probably Violated Free Speech
Administration Can Fight
Online Posts for Now

Administration Can Fight Online Posts for Now

Supreme Court says it will consider lawsuit over efforts to take down COVID, election posts

(Newser) - The Supreme Court said Friday it will take up a lawsuit accusing the Biden administration of unconstitutionally trying to silence political views it disagrees with on social media, the AP reports. In the meantime, the court said it's blocking a lower court order curbing those efforts to have posts...

Administration Commits $3.5B to Update Power Grid

Granholm calls it the biggest such investment ever

(Newser) - The Biden administration on Wednesday announced $3.5 billion for 58 projects across the country to strengthen electric grid resilience as extreme weather events such as the deadly Maui and California wildfires continue to strain the nation's aging transmission systems. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said it was the largest...

'Acute' Need at Border Spurs a Big Biden Reversal

Administration waives 26 federal laws to clear way for new wall construction in Texas

(Newser) - Three years ago, Joe Biden vowed that, if elected, he'd never erect a single new section of border wall between the United States and Mexico. Now, President Biden has rethought that, due to an "acute" need to keep illegal immigration at bay. The AP reports the commander in...

White House Rolls Out a Gun Violence Initiative

VP Kamala Harris will oversee the new Office of Gun Violence Prevention

(Newser) - For the first time, the White House will have an office dedicated solely to fighting gun violence. The Biden administration announced its plans Wednesday on the new office, which Reuters notes will "implement existing laws and work with local authorities to pass gun safety legislation at the state level,...

Biden Invokes Executive Power, Goes Ahead With Climate Corps

Shot down by Congress, New Deal-style corps will serve as major green-jobs training program

(Newser) - After being thwarted by Congress, President Biden will use his executive authority to create a New Deal-style climate initiative that will serve as a major green-jobs training program. In an announcement Wednesday, the White House said the program will employ about 20,000 young adults who will build trails, plant...

Trump Has Thoughts on Iran Prisoner Swap

Former president blasts 'absolutely ridiculous' deal as 5 freed Americans arrive home

(Newser) - Americans detained for years in Iran arrived home Tuesday after being freed as part of a politically risky deal that saw President Biden agree to the release of nearly $6 billion in frozen Iranian assets, per the AP . The prisoners landed at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, with clapping and cheers heard...

US Frees Up $6B in Frozen Iran Funds in Prisoner Swap Deal

Arrangement advances to free 5 Iranian prisoners in US in exchange for 5 American prisoners in Iran

(Newser) - Five American citizens detained in Iran are now set to be released, after the Biden administration agreed to release five Iranian citizens held in the United States. Per the AP , the next step in the deal also included the US issuing a waiver to banks around the world to allow...

Biden Yanks Alaska Oil Leases
Biden Yanks Alaska Oil Leases

Biden Yanks Alaska Oil Leases

'We have a responsibility,' president says of Interior Dept. move in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

(Newser) - As then-President Trump's days in the White House came to a close, an Alaskan state development agency was granted a slew of oil and gas leases that ended decades of a drilling moratorium in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This week, President Biden's Department of the Interior nixed...

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