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It's a 'Milestone' for Cancer Vaccines
Cancer Just Got
a Little Less Scary

Cancer Just Got a Little Less Scary

BioNTech's mRNA vaccine appears to prevent pancreatic cancer's return in phase one trial

(Newser) - BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine overshadowed its development of an mRNA vaccine to target cancer , but that vaccine takes center stage in a phase one trial, offering new hope for the treatment of notoriously deadly and stubborn pancreatic cancers. Some 90% of pancreatic cancer patients who have tumors surgically removed see...

FDA Posts Analysis of Pfizer Shots for Kids Under 5

Says the kid-sized dose appears to be safe and effective

(Newser) - Update: The FDA on Sunday posted its analysis of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for children under age 5, announcing that the kid-sized doses do appear to be safe and effective. The agency posted a similar analysis of Moderna's vaccine for the youngest age group last week. Next up: Wednesday'...

Pfizer Offers Update on Shots for Kids Under 5

Preliminary data suggest 3 shots offer strong protection for the youngest patients

(Newser) - Three doses of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine offer strong protection for children younger than 5, the company announced Monday. Pfizer plans to give the data to US regulators later this week in a step toward letting the littlest kids get the shots. The news comes after months of anxious waiting...

Pfizer Wants FDA to OK Boosters for 5- to 11-Year-Olds

3rd dose among this set appears to offer significant antibody boost, even against omicron

(Newser) - Pfizer said Thursday it wants to expand its COVID-19 booster shots to healthy elementary-age kids. US health authorities already urge everyone 12 and older to get one booster dose for the best protection against the newest variants—and recently gave the option of a second booster to those 50 and...

Omicron-Specific Booster Trials Are Now Underway

Moderna cites 'long-term threat demonstrated by omicron's immune escape'

(Newser) - The first participant has received a shot in Moderna's Phase 2 clinical trial of an omicron-specific vaccine booster. Moderna, which made the announcement Wednesday, expects to enroll 600 adults in the US study, including some who have already received a booster shot, per Reuters . "We are reassured by...

FDA: Fine to Get Booster After Just 5 Months

It also now recommends boosters for kids 12 to 15

(Newser) - The US is expanding COVID-19 boosters as it confronts the omicron surge, with the FDA allowing extra Pfizer shots for children as young as 12. Boosters already are recommended for everyone 16 and older, and federal regulators on Monday decided they're also warranted for 12- to 15-year-olds once enough...

FDA Approves Boosters for Some Teens

Specifically, those aged 16 and 17; CDC decision is pending

(Newser) - The US is expanding COVID-19 boosters, ruling that 16- and 17-year-olds can get a third dose of Pfizer’s vaccine, per the AP . The US and many other nations already were urging adults to get booster shots to pump up immunity that can wane months after vaccination, calls that intensified...

Here's How Pfizer's Vaccine Fares Against Omicron

3 doses 'offer a sufficient level of protection from disease of any severity'

(Newser) - Two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine may be enough to prevent serious illness with the omicron variant, but may not be enough to prevent an infection, the companies said Wednesday. However, "preliminary laboratory studies demonstrate that three doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine neutralize the omicron variant,"...

BioNTech Founder: Omicron Unlikely to Cause Severe Cases

Ugur Sahin says vaccinated people should have protection against new variant

(Newser) - The seesawing of sentiment on the omicron variant continues. The co-founder of BioNTech, the company that partnered with Pfizer on a COVID vaccine, has weighed in with comments that are relatively optimistic. Ugur Sahin tells the Wall Street Journal that the company's existing vaccine should prevent serious illness among...

Pfizer Asks FDA to Authorize COVID Vaccine for Young Kids

Decision expected between Halloween and Thanksgiving

(Newser) - Pfizer and BioNTech formally requested that the FDA authorize emergency use of a coronavirus vaccine for more than 28 million US children aged 5 to 11 on Thursday, keeping in line with a plan to have the doses available by Thanksgiving . The FDA will now gather its vaccines advisory committee...

Vaccine Name 'Comirnaty' Is Not Going Over Well
Vaccine Name 'Comirnaty'
Is Not Going Over Well

Vaccine Name 'Comirnaty' Is Not Going Over Well

Still planning to call it the 'Pfizer vaccine'? You're not alone

(Newser) - Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine may have gotten full FDA approval Monday, but the reaction wasn't all good: Many were scratching their heads over the new name it will be marketed under, Comirnaty. "The person(s) who came up with this name should never be allowed to name anything ever...

Pfizer Vaccine Could Be Nearing 'Full Approval'

Latest data indicates 91.3% efficacy for 6 months

(Newser) - The coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech maintains 91.3% efficacy for at least six months after the second dose, even against the worrisome B.1.351 variant first identified in South Africa, the companies said Thursday. The findings—which double the previous best estimate of 90 days of protection,...

A Vaccine for Cancer? COVID Scientist Thinks So

Ozlem Tureci, founder of BioNTech, says shots to fight tumors could be in the offing

(Newser) - The scientist who won the race to deliver the first widely used coronavirus vaccine says people can rest assured the shots are safe, and the technology behind it will soon be used to fight another global scourge—cancer. Ozlem Tureci, who co-founded the German company BioNTech with her husband, Ugur...

2 Big Finds on the Pfizer Vaccine Front

One dose is effective, and the vaccine can be stored in ordinary freezers

(Newser) - A new study has produced two big finds that could have wide-ranging implications for coronavirus vaccine distribution and storage. Per the Wall Street Journal , the peer-reviewed research out of Israel published Thursday in the Lancet shows that just one shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 85% effective at stopping symptomatic...

Mixing Vaccines Could Provide 'Better Antibody Response'
New Study Looks
at Mixing Vaccines

New Study Looks at Mixing Vaccines

Human trial will attempt to replicate results found in mice

(Newser) - There have been limited cases of people receiving one coronavirus vaccine for their first dose, and a different vaccine for their second. So how will that affect their immunity? That's now the subject of a trial in the UK, seeking to discover whether a mix of vaccines proves effective...

US Philanthropists Getting Vaccine to Iran

Unidentified group aims to ship 150K doses of Pfizer vaccine to hard-hit country

(Newser) - An unidentified group of US-based philanthropists plans to send 150,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine to Iran in the coming weeks, Iranian media reported Monday, per the AP . Details remained scarce in the report by the semiofficial Tasnim News Agency. It quoted the chief of the country's Red...

Pfizer Makes Big Vaccine Commitment

Pharma giant will give US another 100M doses by July 31

(Newser) - Pfizer and BioNTech will supply the US with an additional 100 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine under a new agreement, reports the AP . The drugmakers said Wednesday that they expect to deliver all the doses by July 31. Pfizer already has a contract to supply the government with 100...

Vaccine Maker Tries to Ease Fears About New Strain

BioNTech CEO says its current vaccine should work against it, and will be fixable if it doesn't

(Newser) - Experiments will be needed to be sure, but BioNTech figures the vaccine the German company developed with Pfizer will work against the new coronavirus strain now racing through Britain. "We don't know at the moment if our vaccine is also able to provide protection against this new variant,...

This Long-Awaited Moment Arrives in US

First doses of COVID vaccine are administered

(Newser) - It's a big moment in the COVID fight: The first doses of a vaccine have been administered in the US. "I feel hopeful today. Relieved," ICU nurse Sandra Lindsay tells the AP after getting her shot at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York. She was...

90-Year-Old Grandmother Gets First UK Vaccine
UK Rolls Out Its Vaccine

UK Rolls Out Its Vaccine

90-year-old grandmother is the first recipient

(Newser) - Margaret Keenan turns 91 next week but already has her gift from the UK government. Keenan was the first person to receive a vaccine dose Tuesday as part of the UK's mass vaccination program , which will be rolling out 800,000 doses of Pfizer and BioNTech's vaccine at...

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