endangered species

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A Glimmer of Hope for Orca Who Carried Dead Calf

Tahlequah is pregnant again, though it's too soon to celebrate

(Newser) - The orca who carried the body of her dead calf for 17 days over 1,000 miles may get another shot at motherhood. Tahlequah was found to be pregnant during a recent study of the body condition of critically endangered southern resident orcas off the Northwest coast. John Durban of...

For Half a Century, This Photo Was Impossible
For Half a Century, This
Photo Was Impossible
in case you missed it

For Half a Century, This Photo Was Impossible

California condors have finally returned to Sequoia National Park

(Newser) - Sequoia National Park is celebrating "an important milestone": the return of California condors for the first time in almost 50 years. The largest land bird in North America long ago occupied the Sierra Nevada mountains, where giant sequoia trees provided ideal cavities for nests. But there were only 22...

Trump's Grizzly Move Is Called 'Purely Political'

Trump has scrapped plans to reintroduce grizzlies into North Cascades National Park

(Newser) - The forested mountains in and around North Cascades National Park in north central Washington state have long been considered prime habitat for threatened grizzly bears, so environmental groups are upset the Trump administration scrapped plans to reintroduce the apex predators there, the AP reports. US Secretary of the Interior David...

After 'Strict Instructions' to Stay Put, Rare Birds Disappear

NZ experts working to reintroduce shore plovers are just a bit frustrated

(Newser) - A colony of rare birds has disappeared in New Zealand to the chagrin of scientists who required government approval to carefully transport the birds to a predator-free island in the midst of the pandemic. The shore plover, the world's rarest plover, is native to New Zealand, but was almost...

Fate of 'Map Turtles' May Hang on Feds' Decision

2 species in Mississippi and Louisiana will be considered for protection

(Newser) - The federal government says it will decide whether protection is needed for a freshwater turtle found only in Mississippi and a related species found in Mississippi and Louisiana, per the AP . The agreement settles a lawsuit filed in January calling for a declaration that Pearl River map turtles and Pascagoula...

Even Endangered Rhinos Are Affected by the Pandemic

Work to save northern white rhino has stalled

(Newser) - It’s not quite a case of coitus interruptus, but efforts to create a very special baby are definitely on hold. Blame the pandemic. Groundbreaking work to keep alive the nearly extinct northern white rhino subspecies—population, two—by in-vitro fertilization has been stalled by travel restrictions. And time is...

Count Finds Endangered Predator Bouncing Back

Number of wolves in the wild is the highest since federal effort began

(Newser) - A voice interrupted the crackle of the radio at base camp: "Starting pursuit." The rest of the team on the ground at Gila National Forest in New Mexico was eager to hear those words after the low-flying helicopter crew had been working all morning to get close to...

Sorry, Climate Change. There&#39;s Another Problem
Sorry, Climate Change.
There's Another Problem

Sorry, Climate Change. There's Another Problem

Tamar Stelling has a new way to measure Earth's loss of species

(Newser) - Climate change isn't our only environmental problem—and evidence lies in the North Sea. Back in the 16th century a Dutch fishmonger could witness "whales everywhere, as far as the eye can see," writes Tamar Stelling at the Correspondent . "Some majestically spring from the water as...

Lightning Strikes Rare Mountain Gorillas

4 dead in Uganda in 'big loss for species'

(Newser) - There are about 1,000 mountain gorillas left on planet Earth, and there are four fewer after a lightning strike felled the rare creatures in Uganda, reports the BBC . The three adult females, including a pregnant female, and infant male were discovered in Mgahinga National Park with "gross lesions"...

Wolf's 8,700-Mile Journey Ends in Death

OR-54 was found dead on Wednesday

(Newser) - The endangered female gray wolf known as OR-54 is dead, and with it her 8,700-mile fruitless journey for a mate. The Sacramento Bee reports Oregon wildlife biologists got a GPS-tracking collar on her in October 2017, and her "incredible journey" has been closely watched since. She entered California...

Officials to Review Trump Jr's 'Unusual' Summer

The US Fish and Wildlife Service will take a look

(Newser) - Donald Trump Jr.'s summer trip to Mongolia is falling under a little extra scrutiny, Roll Call reports. Following a report that he illegally killed an endangered sheep and imported parts of it back to America, the US Fish and Wildlife Service plans to take a closer look. At...

Report: Trump Jr. Had an 'Unusual' Summer Vacation

He killed a rare Mongolian sheep, got retroactive permit, met with nation's president: ProPublica

(Newser) - Donald Trump Jr. lived the "Yurt Life" over the summer, embarking on an expedition with his son Donald to Mongolia that he documented in a series of Instagram posts . Now, ProPublica and WYNC report that Trump Jr. received "special treatment" during the trip, which "blurred the lines...

Incredibly Rare Species Seen for First Time in 30 Years
Incredibly Rare Species Seen
for First Time in 30 Years
in case you missed it

Incredibly Rare Species Seen for First Time in 30 Years

Trap cameras in Vietnam spotted 'mouse deer'

(Newser) - A tiny deer-like species not seen by scientists for nearly 30 years has been photographed in a forest in southern Vietnam, a conservation group says. Images of the silver-backed chevrotain, commonly called the Vietnamese mouse deer, were captured in the wild by trap cameras, Global Wildlife Conservation says. The group...

Fish Can't Survive Without Its 'Saw.' A Man Cut It Off

Florida man faces year in prison after pleading guilty to killing endangered smalltooth sawfish

(Newser) - A Florida man accused of removing an appendage from an endangered species may now be going to federal prison for it. CNN reports that Jacksonville's Chad Ponce, 38, could face a year behind bars and have to pay a $50,000 fine after witnesses say they saw him kill...

He Stole a Famous Lemur, Will Go to Prison for It

Aquinas Kasbar, now 19, allegedly wanted to keep Isaac as a pet

(Newser) - A 33-year-old ring-tailed lemur named Isaac is believed to be the oldest of his kind in captivity in North America. That he made it to 33 was lucky: On July 27, 2018, the then-32-year-old was stolen from California's Santa Ana Zoo. The teen who took him has now been...

86 of 147 Tigers Rescued From Temple Have Died

Authorities say inbreeding made them vulnerable

(Newser) - More than half the tigers rescued three years ago from a Buddhist temple in Thailand where they served as a popular tourist attraction have died of disease, wildlife officials said Monday. The tigers were vulnerable to illness because of inbreeding, leading to laryngeal paralysis causing respiratory failure, says national parks...

'Almost Unachievable' Goal Hit in Quest to Save Rhino

Scientists have created 2 northern white rhino embryos

(Newser) - Scientists announced Wednesday they have succeeded in creating two embryos of the near-extinct northern white rhino as part of an international effort to save the species, which is down to just two animals worldwide, both of them female. The embryos, created in the lab with eggs taken from the females...

Trophy Hunter Gets US Permit to Import Body of Rare Rhino

Michigan hunter gets dispensation in what Humane Society calls 'pay-to-slay scheme'

(Newser) - The Trump administration says it will issue a permit to a Michigan trophy hunter to import the skin, skull, and horns from a rare black rhinoceros he shot in Africa. Documents show Chris D. Peyerk of Shelby Township, Mich., applied last year for the permit required by the Fish and...

Only 2 Northern White Rhinos Are Left. Unless This Works

7 eggs were fertilized Sunday, taken from the last living females

(Newser) - Silvia Colleoni's hand holding a syringe was trembling as she injected liquid into a micro pipette to facilitate the aspiration of sperm from one of the last then-living male northern white rhinos on Earth. Her nervousness in the Avantea laboratory in northern Italy on Sunday was understandable. Whether the...

For Giraffes, a Piece of Much-Needed Good News

A key World Wildlife Conference committee vows to protect them

(Newser) - Nations around the world moved Thursday to protect giraffes as an endangered species for the first time, drawing praise from conservationists and scowls from some sub-Saharan African nations, the AP reports. Thursday's vote by a key committee at the World Wildlife Conference known as CITES paves the way for...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>