Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

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AOC Lights &#39;Impeachment&#39; Fire
AOC: Dems Have the Scandal
sunday talk shows

AOC: Dems Have the Scandal

On Twitter and talk shows, Ukraine is a hot topic

(Newser) - Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rekindled the impeachment flame Saturday with a tweet that accused Democrats of harboring a scandal worse than anything President Trump has done, USA Today reports. "At this point, the bigger national scandal isn't the president's lawbreaking behavior—it is the Democratic Party's refusal...

Volatile Ad During Debate Takes Aim at AOC
Another Debate Flashpoint:
A Volatile Ad About AOC
the rundown

Another Debate Flashpoint: A Volatile Ad About AOC

GOP group makes a comparison to her and the Khmer Rouge

(Newser) - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was not, of course, on stage Thursday night with the Democratic candidates for president. But the freshman congresswoman nevertheless is in the center of a debate-related controversy on Friday. It all stems from a jarring ad from a new GOP group that aired during the debate on ABC,...

Congressman&#39;s Drink of Water Becomes a Flashpoint
Congressman's Drink of Water
Becomes a Flashpoint
the rundown

Congressman's Drink of Water Becomes a Flashpoint

Steve King says claims of immigrants drinking out of toilets are overblown, but AOC fires back

(Newser) - Seldom has a drink of water caused such a political controversy. But Congressman Steve King's gulp at an immigration detention facility has reignited a debate about conditions on the US-Mexico border and drawn Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez into the fray. The details about what's going on:
  • The start of it:

Ocasio-Cortez Says Tweet by Aide Was a Bad Idea

Chief of staff compared lawmakers to Dixiecrats before resigning

(Newser) - Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she was not happy with a tweet from her chief of staff comparing a group of House members to segregationists of the early 20th century. And she says she told him so. "I think it was divisive,” the New York Democrat told the Daily ...

AOC Asks McConnell About Photo of 'Team Mitch' Boys

Image shows the males poised to manhandle a cutout of her

(Newser) - Amy McGrath isn't the only one with a bone to pick with Mitch McConnell over a tweet . Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted at the Senate majority leader Monday night, hours after a photo posted to social media showing seven males clad in "Team Mitch" shirts poised to manhandle a...

Dems Are Not Happy With NYT's Trump Headline

'Unbelievable' was one response to banner after weekend mass shootings

(Newser) - There are plenty of armchair headline writers on any given day, but more than a few raised concerns Monday about one in particular in the New York Times . USA Today notes disbelief and anger, especially from high-profile Democrats, was a prominent response to the way the Gray Lady chose to...

Pelosi After AOC Meeting: There Was No 'Hatchet' to Bury

House speaker says she and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez had a 'positive' meeting Friday on 'range of issues'

(Newser) - The House of Representatives is about to take a six-week recess, but one notable meeting took place Friday that provoked some "palace intrigue," per Politico . House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spent 30 minutes behind closed doors with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, after weeks of what seemed to be a tense...

New Immigration Flashpoint: A Detained American Teen
Detained Texas Teen Is
New Immigration Flashpoint
the rundown

Detained Texas Teen Is New Immigration Flashpoint

US-born Francisco Erwin Galicia has been held 3 weeks, says attorney

(Newser) - Francisco Erwin Galicia was born in Dallas 18 years ago and has lived in the city all his life, says his attorney. The problem is that Galicia has been held by Customs and Border Protection for three weeks now after being stopped at a checkpoint, the attorney says, and his...

2 Cops Fired Over AOC Facebook Post
2 Cops Fired Over
AOC Facebook Post

2 Cops Fired Over AOC Facebook Post

One officer said she 'needs a round'

(Newser) - Two Louisiana police officers have been fired over a Facebook post that appeared to threaten Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez —one for posting it, and the other for liking it. Gretna Police Chief Arthur Lawson said Charlie Rispolo and Angelo Varisco were fired for violating the department's social media policy,...

GOP Group Sorry for 'Jihad Squad' Post

'Political jihad is their game,' Illinois group said of Democratic lawmakers

(Newser) - An Illinois Republican group has apologized and removed from its Facebook page a post that showed images of four Democratic congresswomen who have been criticized by President Trump and referred to them as the "Jihad Squad." The post appeared Friday night on the Republican County Chairman's Association...

Cop on Facebook: AOC 'Needs a Round'

The Louisiana officer posted the message Thursday

(Newser) - A Louisiana police officer posted a Facebook message Thursday saying Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a "vile Idiot" who "needs a round, and I don't mean the kind she used to serve." The post refers to AOC's time as a bartender and appears to suggest that...

Trump Fans Have New Rallying Cry
Trump Fans Have
New Rallying Cry

Trump Fans Have New Rallying Cry

They shout 'send her back' at a rally in North Carolina

(Newser) - A combative President Donald Trump rallied Republican supporters Wednesday in North Carolina, harshly criticizing four fiery, left-wing congresswoman of being un-American and claiming they are the face of the Democratic Party that will ruin the country, the AP reports. "I think in some cases they hate our country,"...

Trump: &#39;I Don&#39;t Have a Racist Bone in My Body!&#39;
House Readies Vote, as
Trump Denies Racism
the rundown

House Readies Vote, as Trump Denies Racism

'I don't have a Racist bone in my body!' he writes

(Newser) - The controversy over President Trump's tweeted criticism of four progressive lawmakers was poised to ratchet up even more Tuesday as the House prepared to vote on a resolution condemning his words as racist. Before the vote, however, Trump shot back against that accusation. Details and developments:
  • The resolution: NPR

Trump Goes After 4 Lawmakers Anew
Trump Goes After 4
Lawmakers Anew

Trump Goes After 4 Lawmakers Anew

President accuses them of 'vile' and 'hateful' comments

(Newser) - The fallout over President Trump's volatile criticism of four female members of Congress apparently isn't going away soon. Trump himself continued the theme Tuesday morning on Twitter. "The Democrat Congresswomen have been spewing some of the most vile, hateful, and disgusting things ever said by a politician...

Trump Not at All Worried About Aftermath of His Tweet
Pelosi Says a Resolution
Condemning Trump Is Coming
the rundown

Pelosi Says a Resolution Condemning Trump Is Coming

While Trump says, 'Many people agree with me'

(Newser) - Democrats and several right-wing commentators were quick to denounce President Trump's Sunday tweet that four progressive Democratic congresswomen should "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested [countries] from which they came." Now Republican lawmakers are starting to offer their own take. In a...

Trump Posts 2 More Tweets on 'Unpopular Congresswomen'

The president didn't start his week by backing down

(Newser) - President Trump started his Monday by essentially doubling down on a Sunday tweet that has been the target of widespread condemnation. After his remark that four progressive Democratic congresswomen should "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested [countries] from which they came" was blasted by...

Trump's 'Go Back' Tweet Called 'Worst Error of Presidency'

Few conservatives are defending him

(Newser) - With a tweet widely denounced as racist, President Trump has apparently managed to do what Nancy Pelosi was struggling to accomplish—unite the squabbling Democratic caucus. Pelosi and other Democratic lawmakers were among those slamming Trump for his remark that four progressive Democratic congresswomen should "go back and help...

Dowd: There's a 'Snot-Nosed Punk' in the Dem Fight

Columnist criticizes AOC and her chief of staff

(Newser) - Maureen Dowd helped spark this battle, and now she's taking sides. The New York Times columnist—whose Nancy Pelosi interview frayed tempers within the Democratic Party—reviews recent events and finds one side too extreme. "In the age of Trump, there is no more stupid proposition than that...

Black Lawmaker Accuses AOC of 'Using the Race Card'

Clay slams Ocasio-Cortez, 'ignorant' chief of staff

(Newser) - Discord in the Democratic caucus: After Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of targeting "newly elected women of color," several black and Latino lawmakers took Pelosi's side Thursday, including Rep. William Lacy Clay. Clay, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, accused Ocasio-Cortez of "...

New Friction Emerges Between Pelosi, AOC

House speaker is tired of tweets from progressive Democrats

(Newser) - "You got a complaint? You come and talk to me about it," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told Democrats in a closed-door meeting Wednesday, chiding members who've been airing frustrations over Twitter. "Do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that that is just...

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