Virginia Military Institute

3 Stories

Another Confederate Statue Coming Down

VMI is taking down its prominent statue of Stonewall Jackson

(Newser) - The Virginia Military Institute began work Monday to remove a prominent statue of Confederate Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, an effort initiated this fall after allegations of systemic racism roiled the school. A crew was inspecting the statue at the public military college in Lexington, poised to haul away the...

Stonewall Jackson Will Go, VMI Concedes

Military college announces other changes after allegations of systemic racism

(Newser) - The Virginia Military Institute's board voted Thursday to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson that stands in front of the historic barracks on campus—and that, until a few years ago, cadets had to salute. School spokesman William Wyatt said the board also voted to...

Tillerson: Crisis in Ethics Threatens US Democracy

'When we go wobbly on the truth ... we go wobbly on America'

(Newser) - Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned of a growing crisis in "ethics and integrity in our society and among our leaders" during a commencement address at the Virginia Military Institute, reports Politico . If not addressed, "American democracy, as we know it, is entering its twilight years,"...

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