a quiet place

2 Stories

Rampage Pummels Past A Quiet Place t o Box Office No.1
Rampage Edges Past
A Quiet Place to No.1

Rampage Edges Past A Quiet Place to No.1

The Dwayne Johnson flick just barely beat out the John Krasinski thriller

(Newser) - After a wobbly start, Dwayne Johnson muscled his way to a No. 1 opening for Rampage—but just barely. Close on its heels was the word-of-mouth sensation A Quiet Place in its second week in theaters, and not too far behind that was the Blumhouse horror Truth or Dare in...

'A Quiet Place' Makes Surprise $50 Million Debut
A Quiet Place Makes Loud Debut

A Quiet Place Makes Loud Debut

It's the second highest grossing debut this year, with a $50M weekend opening

(Newser) - John Krasinksi's A Quiet Place has opened with a thunderous $50 million in ticket sales for the year's second-best debut after Black Panther . The Paramount Pictures thriller far exceeded expectations to land one of the top opening weekends for a horror release. Directed by Krasinski, and starring him...

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