Russia investigation

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Report: Trump's Attacks on Sessions Draw Mueller's Notice

Trump calls him 'Mr. Magoo,' reports 'WaPo'

(Newser) - Robert Mueller's team is interested in President Trump's attacks last summer on Jeff Sessions—whom Trump reportedly likens to an elderly, bumbling cartoon character—and his team has been questioning people to that end, sources tell the Washington Post . Mueller is probing whether Trump tried to obstruct justice...

Report: Hope Hicks Admits Lying for Trump

But 'white lies' didn't involve Russia, she says

(Newser) - White House Communications Director Hope Hicks didn't answer all of investigators' questions during a House intelligence committee interview Tuesday, insiders say—but she was honest about occasionally being dishonest. Sources tell the New York Times that Hicks admitted that working for President Trump had required her to tell "...

Mueller Indicts New Name in Russia Investigation

Attorney Alex Van Der Zwaan is accused of lying about his dealings with Rick Gates

(Newser) - More Robert Mueller moves: Prosecutors have charged an attorney they say lied to federal investigators in the Russia probe, reports the Hill . A document filed in federal court in Washington Tuesday accuses Alex Van Der Zwaan of one charge of making false statements, per the AP . The information was filed...

Report: Former Trump Aide Plans to Plead Guilty

Rick Gates will testify against Paul Manafort, sources say

(Newser) - A former Trump campaign aide has decided 18 months in prison for fraud-related charges is the best deal he's going to get from Robert Mueller's team, insiders tell the Los Angeles Times . The sources say that in return for leniency, Rick Gates plans to change his plea to...

Clapper&#39;s Prediction on Mueller: &#39;More Shoes to Drop&#39;
Clapper on Russia Threat:
Trump 'Never Talks About That'

Clapper on Russia Threat: Trump 'Never Talks About That'

Also, perspectives on this week's school shooting in Parkland

(Newser) - Robert Mueller's indictment against 13 Russians and the school shooting in Parkland, Fla. , spurred much of the conversation on the Sunday morning circuit. After the special counsel's newest indictment, President Trump spent much of the weekend tweeting how there was "no collusion" between himself or members of...

George W. Bush Counters Trump on Russian Meddling

Says 'there's pretty clear evidence'

(Newser) - Former President George W. Bush said on Thursday that "there's pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled" in the 2016 American presidential election, forcefully rebutting fellow Republican Donald Trump's denials of Moscow trying to affect the vote, reports the AP . While never mentioning President Trump by name,...

Report: Lawyers Afraid Trump Would Lie in Mueller Interview

They've urged him to rebuff special counsel, sources say

(Newser) - President Trump has claimed he would "love to" be interviewed under oath by special counsel Robert Mueller and that he's "looking forward" to it. His lawyers, however, are worried that Trump will make false statements, potentially leading to a charge of lying to investigators, and have urged...

Democrats Want Vote on Releasing Their Own Memo

GOP expected to release more reports on 'wrongdoing'

(Newser) - Amid the fallout from the release of the GOP-produced memo on alleged FBI surveillance overreach, House Democrats are pushing for the release of their own memo. Democrats, who are expected to call for a vote in a Monday afternoon meeting of the House Intelligence Committee, say their document will serve...

Gowdy on Memo: Russia Probe Valid With or Without It
Gowdy on Memo:
Russia Probe
Valid With or
Without It

Gowdy on Memo: Russia Probe Valid With or Without It

Sen. Dick Durbin, meanwhile, says memo could 'precipitate a constitutional crisis'

(Newser) - The memo released Friday by the House Intelligence Committee that alleges FBI and DOJ overreach has dominated the news cycle this week, and Sunday morning's news shows kept it top of mind, per the Hill . Some takes from both sides of the aisle:
  • GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy, who

All Eyes on FBI Chief Wray in Wake of Memo's Release

White House aides were nervous he would quit, though his allies doubt he will

(Newser) - The controversial memo released Friday has put one key player "in a bind," as Politico puts it. That would be FBI Director Christopher Wray, who will have 35,000 FBI employees watching his reaction after the memo on alleged surveillance abuses was revealed to the public despite his...

New Name in Spotlight in Mueller Investigation
New Name in Spotlight
in Mueller Investigation
the rundown

New Name in Spotlight in Mueller Investigation

White House communications director Hope Hicks is under scrutiny

(Newser) - A new name may play an unexpectedly big role in the Robert Mueller investigation: Hope Hicks. The 29-year-old director of White House communications is coming under scrutiny for comments she allegedly made in regard to Donald Trump Jr.'s controversial meeting with Russians during the campaign, reports the New ...

Reports: Trump Has Read Memo, Ready to Release

White House reportedly agrees to 'technical edits'

(Newser) - The saga over whether the White House will or won't release "the memo" may be over on Friday. Multiple reports—including at Fox News , ABC News , and the Washington Post —say President Trump has read the document and is set to release it. The White House, however,...

Trump's Thoughts on GOP Memo Caught on Camera

President overheard supporting release of Devin Nunes-led memo on FBI after State of the Union

(Newser) - President Trump was overheard Tuesday night telling a GOP lawmaker he's totally in favor of releasing a classified memo on the Russia investigation. "Oh yeah, don't worry," the president told South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan on the House floor after his first State of the Union...

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