vitamin deficiency

2 Stories

At One Hospital, 80% of COVID Patients Had This in Common

Treating vitamin D deficiency 'might have beneficial effects'

(Newser) - The results of a new study on COVID-19 patients may have you seeking the sun. Researchers in Santander, Spain, examined 197 patients admitted to hospital for coronavirus treatment between March 10 and March 31, and found 82% had vitamin D deficiency. Comparatively, just 47% had the same deficiency in a...

Boy's Diet of Pork, Cheerios Nearly Made Him Go Blind

He got too little vitamin A from his ultra-strict eating habits

(Newser) - You really should eat your carrots. And kale. The parents of an 11-year-old boy in Canada learned that the hard way after doctors solved the mystery behind their son's serious vision loss. Toronto doctors who examined the boy spotted a buildup of Bitot's spots on his corneas, Live...

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