Confederate statues

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Taking Lee Down Is a First Step: Descendant
Please Take
Down My

Please Take Down My Ancestor's Statue

Descendant of Robert E. Lee makes the case in Virginia

(Newser) - Robert W. Lee IV grew up with a Confederate flag displayed in his room, taught that the Confederacy was a just cause fought to preserve states' rights. Now an adult, father and pastor of a Christian church, Lee broadened his education and understanding of the Lost Cause and its...

Protesters Target Confederate Statues
Protesters Target
Confederate Statues 

Protesters Target Confederate Statues

Multiple cities see graffiti attacks

(Newser) - Protesters took to the streets of cities across America for a fourth night of rallying against the death of George Floyd, and the AP reports that Confederate monuments in Virginia, the Carolinas, and Mississippi were targeted. One at the University of Mississippi was spray-painted with the words "spiritual genocide,...

First His Statue Came Down. Now His Body Will Be Removed

Bodies of Confederate general and his wife to be re-interred

(Newser) - In 2017, a Confederate general's statue was removed from a Memphis park (a move for which the city was punished ). Now, an even larger undertaking: The bodies of Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife will be removed from the park as well. The Sons of Confederate Veterans had...

Confederate Group Nabs Statue Toppled at UNC

University will create $2.5M trust for preservation of Silent Sam

(Newser) - Descendants of Confederate soldiers will soon get their hands on a statue of one such soldier, torn from the grounds of the University of North Carolina last year. Protesters at the Chapel Hill campus toppled Silent Sam , erected in 1913 and dedicated to "the sons of the university who...

Statue Behind Charlottesville Unrest Is Back in the News

Robert E. Lee monument is defaced soon after judge rules it must stay

(Newser) - The statue of Robert E. Lee that was at the heart of the deadly unrest in Charlottesville, Va. , is once again in the news. NBC29 reports that somebody vandalized the base of the statue, which sits in a local park, by spray-painting "1619" on it. The reference is to...

Clueless Vandals May Have Confused 2 General Lees

Museum in North Carolina honors a World War II Lee, not the Civil War Lee

(Newser) - Someone tried to set fire to a statue of Maj. Gen. William C. Lee outside his museum in North Carolina, and officials suspect the "jerk punk" had his General Lees confused. Robert E. Lee led Confederate forces in the Civil War, and statues of that general and other monuments...

At Site of Toppled Confederate Statue, More Trouble

7 people are arrested at UNC Chapel Hill after scuffles during rally to restore 'Silent Sam'

(Newser) - Seven people were arrested Saturday at a rally calling for a century-old Confederate statue at the University of North Carolina to be returned after it was yanked down days ago , reports the AP . About a dozen people carrying Confederate flags were met by dozens of protesters that don't want...

Toppled Confederate Statue Leads to Criminal Probe

'Silent Sam' was pulled to the ground by protesters at UNC Chapel Hill

(Newser) - A criminal investigation has been opened following the toppling of a Confederate monument on the University of North Carolina campus at Chapel Hill. Per Reuters , administrators with the university system announced the probe on Tuesday after calling the teardown of the "Silent Sam" statue an example of "mob...

University of North Carolina's 'Silent Sam' Statue Toppled

Protesters used rope to bring down Confederate statue

(Newser) - A statue dedicated to the memory of Confederate soldiers 105 years ago came crashing to the ground at the University of North Carolina on Monday night. "Silent Sam," a statue of a Confederate soldier donated to the university by the United Daughters of the Confederacy and erected in...

Republicans Punish Memphis for Removing Confederate Statues

(Newser) - The Republican-dominated House in Tennessee voted Tuesday to punish the city of Memphis for removing Confederate monuments by taking $250,000 away from the city that would have been used for a bicentennial celebration next year, the AP reports. Rep. Antonio Parkinson began to call the amendment vile and racist...

Confederate Statues Taken Down After Memphis Sells Parks

Davis, Forrest statues came down soon after sale

(Newser) - Two Confederate statues came down in Memphis on a dramatic night that had been months in the planning. Statues of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest were removed from two parks Wednesday night after the city sold the parks to a nonprofit called Memphis Greenspace Inc....

Court Blocks Removal of Confederate Statue

Dallas city council voted 13-1 against Lee monument

(Newser) - A last-minute court order blocked the removal of the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from a park in Dallas even as work crews were prepared to take it down. US District Judge Sidney Fitzwater granted a temporary restraining order requested Wednesday by Hiram Patterson, the AP reports. His...

Alabama Unveils a New Confederate Monument

Other states are tearing down tributes to Dixie

(Newser) - Alabama just got a new Confederate memorial, even as similar monuments have sparked protests and violence elsewhere. reports that more than 200 people attended the unveiling Sunday of a stone dedicated to "Unknown [Alabama] Soldiers" with the Confederacy at Confederate Veterans Memorial Park in Crenshaw County. "...

Charlottesville Confederate Statues Covered Up

City made the decision to symbolize mourning for Heather Heyer

(Newser) - Workers in Charlottesville draped giant black covers over two statues of Confederate generals on Wednesday to symbolize the city's mourning for a woman killed while protesting a white nationalist rally, the AP reports. The work began around 1pm in Emancipation Park, where a towering monument of Gen. Robert E....

Confederate Soldier Statue Beheaded in Ohio Cemetery

Its head was stolen, but its hat was left behind

(Newser) - Police say a Confederate soldier statue at a cemetery in Ohio has been damaged by vandals who took its head. Columbus police say vandals appear to have climbed on an arched memorial at Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery and toppled the statue atop the monument to the ground. The AP reports...

'Blood on Your Hands': Charlottesville Meeting Erupts

City will cover statues in black for period of mourning

(Newser) - The Confederate statues at the heart of Charlottesville's deadly violence will be covered in black fabric during a period of mourning, the Daily Progress reports. The city council on Monday night voted to cover the monuments to Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson during a tumultuous meeting at which...

Man Charged With Trying to Blow Up Confederate Statue

He was found at base of statue in Houston park

(Newser) - There is a nationwide debate over what to do about Confederate statues—but just about everybody agrees that Andrew Schneck's approach is not the way forward. The 25-year-old man was arrested Saturday for allegedly trying to blow up a statute of Confederate Lt. Dick Dowling in Houston's Hermann...

Down With Confederate Monument, Up With Missy Elliott Statue?

If 25K petitioners have their way, yes

(Newser) - The more than 25,000 people who've signed a viral online petition so far don't just want a Confederate monument in Portsmouth, Virginia, removed—they want it replaced with a monument to Missy Elliott. The idea isn't as random as it might seem; the iconic rapper hails...

Another Campus Removes Confederate Statues

University of Texas takes down monuments to Robert E. Lee, others

(Newser) - University of Texas President Greg Fenves ordered the immediate removal of statues of Robert E. Lee and other prominent Confederate figures from a main area of campus, saying such monuments have become "symbols of modern white supremacy and neo-Nazism, " per the AP . Fenves announced the move Sunday night...

Robert E. Lee Statue Defaced, Removed at Duke

Duke prez says removal shows 'deep and abiding values of our university'

(Newser) - Duke University removed a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee early Saturday, days after it was vandalized amid a national debate about monuments to the Confederacy, the AP reports. The university said it removed the statue early Saturday morning from Duke Chapel where it stood among 10 historical figures. Officials...

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