2024 Olympics

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Eiffel Tower's Olympic Revamp Angers Thousands

125K have signed petition against tree felling

(Newser) - The Eiffel Tower is undergoing a makeover, including a paint job, before the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, though not all Parisians are happy with the planned changes. AFP reports some are "up in arms" over a plan to fell 22 trees near the base of the famous landmark,...

Breakdancing Is Now an Olympic Sport

Skateboarding, surfing will also be on the Paris roster

(Newser) - Old notions of what constitutes an Olympic sport are going to be turned on their head and spun around at the Paris 2024 Games. Breakdancing became an official Olympic sport Monday, and skateboarding, surfing, and sport climbing were added to the Paris roster, the AP reports. The latter three sports...

New Olympic Logo Features Rings, City Name, and ... Marianne

People aren't quite sure what to make of design for 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris

(Newser) - A French government spokeswoman calls it "magnifique," while an International Olympic Committee rep says it's "innovative." The rest of the world ... isn't quite sure what to make of a new Olympic logo unveiled for the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. The BBC notes that...

2024 Olympics May Boast 'More Artistic' New Sport

IOC appears to be on board for break-dancing

(Newser) - Break-dancing might just become an Olympic sport. Organizers of the 2024 Games in Paris have put forth their suggestions for four sports to be added to the current roster of 28, with breakdancing listed alongside surfing, climbing, and skateboarding. The latter three sports are already confirmed for Tokyo 2020, but...

It's Officially Paris 2024, LA 2028 for Olympics

IOC 'rubber stamps' previously determined arrangement

(Newser) - This was one of those rare Olympic moments where everyone walked away a winner. Paris for 2024. Los Angeles for 2028. And the International Olympic Committee for transforming an unruly bidding process to lock down its future by choosing not one, but two Summer Olympics hosts at the same time....

Los Angeles Reaches Deal to Host 2028 Olympics

That leaves Paris for 2024

(Newser) - Los Angeles has reached an agreement with international Olympic leaders that will open the way for the city to host the 2028 Summer Games, the AP reports. City Council President Herb Wesson's office confirmed the deal Monday. Spokeswoman Caolinn Mejza says the pact is expected to be reviewed by...

Looks Like LA, Paris Will Host 2024, 2028 Olympics

If a 3-way deal with the IOC works out

(Newser) - If they can agree who goes first, Paris and Los Angeles will be awarded the 2024 and 2028 Olympics. International Olympic Committee members voted unanimously to seek a consensus three-way deal between the two bid cities and the IOC executive board, the AP reports. Talks will open with Paris widely...

Only 2 Cities Are Still Bidding to Host 2024 Olympics

Budapest says bye-bye to controversial bid

(Newser) - The International Olympic Committee is due to meet in September to vote on the site of the 2024 Olympics—but if one more city drops out, they won't need to. The Hungarian government confirmed Wednesday that Budapest's bid has been withdrawn, leaving Paris and Los Angeles as the...

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