
4 Stories

Jellyfish Suggest Deep-Sea Mining Could Be a Problem
Is Jellyfish Mucus a
Warning Sign of Sorts?

Is Jellyfish Mucus a Warning Sign of Sorts?

Experiment suggests deep-sea mining could potentially hurt the creatures

(Newser) - The rush to find the minerals needed to power our batteries and other electronics has mining companies looking to the seafloor—but at what potential cost to the marine life that lives above it? A study published Tuesday in Nature Communications aimed to answer that question using jellyfish, and as...

Pastor Warns Things 'Might Get Nasty.' They Did
Pastor Warns
Things 'Might
Get Nasty.'
They Did
in case you missed it

Pastor Warns Things 'Might Get Nasty.' They Did

Michael Todd of Tulsa's Transformation Church under fire for rubbing spit on man during sermon

(Newser) - "One touch from God can bring clear vision" reads the caption accompanying the most recent upload from an Oklahoma church, showing "a very special Sunday" service that definitely got people buzzing about not God's touch, but its pastor's. The Tulsa World notes that thousands of people...

Mucus From Colorful Frog Could Contain Flu Fighter
One Illness May 
Meet Its Match in ...
Frog Mucus

One Illness May Meet Its Match in ... Frog Mucus

South Indian amphibian has molecule in secretions that may fend off some flu strains

(Newser) - Kissing a frog may not conjure a prince, but mucus from one colorful Indian variety could one day lead to new ways to fight off the flu, the Verge reports. A study published in the journal Immunity details how scientists tested secretions from an Indian frog known as Hydrophylax bahuvistara...

It's a Little Gross, but Snot Is Also Crucial

When healthy, we produce half a cup a day

(Newser) - There's a lot of snot oozing out of people's nostrils this time of year, but did you know we produce half a cup a day just when we are healthy, and unwittingly swallow almost all of it? PBS Digital Studios has published two "gross science" videos on...

4 Stories
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