Michael Flynn

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Michael Flynn's Ex-Partner Convicted of Secret Lobbying

Bijan Kian convicted on charges of conspiracy and acting as a foreign agent

(Newser) - A jury on Tuesday convicted a one-time business partner of former national security adviser Michael Flynn on charges he illegally acted as a Turkish agent when he and Flynn undertook a project to discredit an exiled cleric wanted by Turkey's government. Bijan Kian, 67, was convicted on charges of...

House Panel OKs Subpoenas for Big Names in Trump Probe

Including Jared Kushner, Jeff Sessions

(Newser) - The House Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to authorize subpoenas for 12 people mentioned in special counsel Robert Mueller's report, including President Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the AP reports. The panel also voted to authorize subpoenas for documents and testimony related to Trump'...

DOJ Releases Full Transcript of Phone Call to Flynn's Attorney

A shorter version came out in the Mueller report

(Newser) - Now you can read every "uh" and "uhm"—and a few other, lengthier words—spoken by one of President Trump's attorneys to a Michael Flynn attorney in a voicemail, ABC News reports. On Friday, the special counsel's office put out a fuller transcript of the...

Flynn Saved a Voicemail. Judge Tells DOJ to Release It

And to make public portion of Mueller report

(Newser) - Former national security adviser Michael Flynn told the special counsel's office that people connected to the Trump administration and Congress sought to influence his cooperation with the Russia investigation, and he provided a voicemail recording of one such communication, prosecutors said in a court filing made public Thursday. Prosecutors...

Trump Talks Treason, Pardons in Fox Interview

He accuses the FBI of 'treasonous acts,' doesn't rule out pardon of Michael Flynn

(Newser) - President Trump called in to Sean Hannity's show on Fox News Wednesday and spoke for 45 minutes in his first interview since the conclusion of Robert Mueller's investigation. He didn't want to talk much about pardons, but he had plenty to say about the investigation, and some...

Plan to Sell Nuclear Plants to Saudis Under New Scrutiny

Michael Flynn pushed proposal over the objections of ethics and security advisers

(Newser) - Senior White House officials pushed a project to share nuclear power technology with Saudi Arabia despite the objections of ethics and national security officials, according to a new congressional report citing whistleblowers within the administration. Lawmakers from both parties have expressed concerns that Saudi Arabia could develop nuclear weapons if...

Michael Flynn, Meet Your New Neighbor

Sean Spicer buys a house across the street from former national security adviser

(Newser) - Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer has bought a house in Rhode Island, and his new neighbor is a familiar face from their days together in the Trump administration: former national security adviser Michael Flynn, the AP reports. The Newport Daily News , citing public records, reported that the sale...

Comey Sparred With Republicans Over Flynn Interview

They suggested he was biased against Trump officials

(Newser) - House Republicans grilled James Comey over the FBI's January 2017 interview of Michael Flynn in a closed-door session Monday, according to transcripts released Tuesday. Comey defended the interview to GOP lawmakers from the House Oversight and Judiciary committees who suggested that the FBI treated Trump administration officials differently than...

Flynn's Sentencing Hearing Takes Unexpected Turn

Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn the option of delaying; he took it

(Newser) - Michael Flynn's fate was in the hands of Judge Emmet Sullivan on Tuesday, and the federal judge dished out a surprise twist: The sentencing ended up being delayed after Sullivan suggested Flynn could actually get prison time despite the prosecution's recommendation he get none. Sullivan was doing no...

Flynn's Sentencing May Not Be So 'Uneventful' After All

His attorneys recently tried to make the case he was tricked into lying to the FBI

(Newser) - Michael Flynn's sentencing hearing is due to start at 11am Tuesday, a day that began with his former boss wishing him well. "Good luck today in court to General Michael Flynn," Trump tweeted in reference to his first national security adviser, who pleaded guilty last year as...

On Eve of Flynn Sentencing, 2 Associates Are Charged

It's all related to Flynn's lobbying for Turkey, while he was working on the Trump campaign

(Newser) - Two men involved in a Turkish lobbying campaign led by former national security adviser Michael Flynn have been charged with illegal lobbying in a case related to special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. An indictment unsealed Monday against Flynn's former business partner, Bijan Kian, and a Turkish businessman, Ekim...

Lawyers: Flynn Made 'Uncharacteristic Error in Judgment'

They say he doesn't deserve prison time

(Newser) - Lawyers for Michael Flynn asked a judge Tuesday to spare him prison time, saying he had devoted his career to his country and taken responsibility for an "uncharacteristic error in judgment." The arguments to the judge echoed those of special counsel Robert Mueller's office, which last week...

Mueller Filing Suggests Harsh Punishment for Probe Thwarters

CNN suggests Trump could be of that number

(Newser) - President Trump ought to be worried by special counsel Robert Mueller's Tuesday court filing describing Michael Flynn's "substantial" help in the probe into Russian election interference, CNN reports, highlighting one line in particular. "Senior government leaders should be held to the highest standards," Mueller writes...

Mueller Reveals Flynn's Cooperation Was 'Substantial'

He recommends no prison time for Trump's former national security adviser

(Newser) - President Trump's former national security adviser provided so much information to the special counsel's Russia investigation that prosecutors say he shouldn't do any prison time, according to a court filing Tuesday that describes Michael Flynn's cooperation as "substantial." The filing by special counsel Robert...

Mueller Signals He's Ready for Michael Flynn Sentencing

The former National Security Adviser's legal battle could soon come to a close

(Newser) - Special counsel Robert Mueller is ready for a judge to sentence former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, according to a court document filed Monday. The move would bring Flynn's involvement in the Russia investigation to a close nearly a year after he pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with...

At Dec. 2016 Meeting, an Alleged $1M Overture

Ex-Qatari delegate Ahmed al-Rumaihi says Michael Cohen offered him access to Trump

(Newser) - Michael Cohen seems to have kept busy after the election as a "Trump whisperer," and new developments out of the Mideast offer further revelations on his apparent attempts to cash in. Sources tell the Washington Post that in the days before a Dec. 12, 2016, Trump Tower meeting...

Trump Lawyer Reportedly Floated Pardons for 2 Figures

But John Dowd denies report in 'New York Times' regarding Flynn, Manafort

(Newser) - President Trump's lawyer, John Dowd, discussed pardons for Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort with their lawyers as special counsel Robert Mueller was building cases against them, three people with knowledge of the conversations tell the New York Times . If true, the Times points out the timing would be significant,...

New White House Strategy Is Bad News for Michael Flynn
New White House Strategy
Is Bad News for Michael Flynn
the rundown

New White House Strategy Is Bad News for Michael Flynn

Trump's legal team reportedly ready to cast him as a liar

(Newser) - The White House is reportedly considering a shift in strategy toward Michael Flynn, and it's one that Flynn will not be happy about. The Washington Post reports that President Trump's legal team plans to cast the former national security adviser as as liar if he implicates anybody in...

Trump Blasts FBI Before Praising New Graduates

He also says he doesn't want to discuss a pardon of Michael Flynn, 'yet'

(Newser) - President Trump laced into FBI leadership Friday, while proclaiming his loyalty and support for law enforcement in an address at the agency's training academy. "It's a shame what's happened" with the FBI, the president said as he left the White House for a speech at the...

Trump: FBI Ruined Flynn, Let Clinton Go Free

He insists Hillary lied to FBI and got away with it, though Comey testified to the contrary

(Newser) - President Trump defended Michael Flynn on Monday by invoking Hillary Clinton. While speaking to reporters, the president said he felt "very badly for Flynn" and declared that the FBI treated the former national security adviser much more harshly than it did Clinton. "Hillary Clinton lied many times to...

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