Joe Biden 2020

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Trump, Biden Talk About Pandemic in Phone Call

They had been talking about talking for days

(Newser) - After days of back and forth—"I'd love to speak to him" and "I’m happy to hear he’ll take my call"—President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden talked by phone Monday about the pandemic. The brief conversation was pronounced "a good...

Coronavirus May Make Election 2020 Even Weirder

Biden says online Democratic convention is 'very possible'

(Newser) - Joe Biden said Sunday that the Democratic National Convention, already delayed until August because of the coronavirus, may need to take place online as the pandemic continues to reshape the race for the White House, the AP reports. The party "may have to do a virtual convention,” the...

Biden: Dem Convention Should Be Postponed

'I think it's going to have to move into August'

(Newser) - Joe Biden is on course to become the Democratic nominee—but it may not become official until a lot later than expected. The candidate said Wednesday night that the Democratic National Convention should be pushed back from July to August because of the coronavirus pandemic, the New York Times reports....

Poll Shows Trump and Biden Running Close

President's support for November lags approval rating

(Newser) - With his approval rating at a high point , President Trump is now running nearly even with Vice President Joe Biden among voters in a new poll. As the pandemic has worsened, the president has erased most of last month's 7-point gap between the two, the Washington Post reports. Biden'...

Former Aide Makes Harrowing Biden Claim
Ex-Biden Aide Makes
Harrowing Accusation
the rundown

Ex-Biden Aide Makes Harrowing Accusation

Tara Reade has more to tell about her old boss

(Newser) - "You're nothing to me." A former Joe Biden aide says those words are still ringing in her ears after he allegedly sexually assaulted her in 1993, the Huffington Post reports. The accuser, Tara Reade, went on a podcast this week and said Biden kissed her, thrust his...

Biden Supports Bill, but No More Debates

Presidential candidate criticizes Trump's Easter goal

(Newser) - Joe Biden said Wednesday he hopes the stimulus bill passes Congress quickly, adding that more spending will be required soon to overcome the economic damage done by the pandemic. "We're going to need new infrastructure going down the road here," the former vice president said. "And...

Bloomberg Drops Plans to Pay Workers, Launch Super PAC

Former Democratic candidate donates to party instead

(Newser) - There will be no new Super PAC funded by Michael Bloomberg to help the Democratic nominee and no more pay for his campaign workers after all. The former candidate will write a $18 million check to the Democratic National Committee instead, the New York Times reports. When Bloomberg entered the...

Tulsi Gabbard Drops Out, Backs Joe Biden
Tulsi Gabbard
Calls It Quits

Tulsi Gabbard Calls It Quits

Hawaii congresswoman drops out, endorses Joe Biden

(Newser) - Tulsi Gabbard is out. The Hawaii congresswoman dropped from the 2020 race on Thursday and endorsed Joe Biden, reports USA Today . Gabbard had barely been registering in the polls, and she had failed to qualify for any of the recent debates. She did, however, manage to win two delegates from...

Sanders: It&#39;s Time to &#39;Assess&#39;
It's Time
to 'Assess'

Sanders: It's Time to 'Assess'

Candidate had another rough primary night, but isn't calling it quits

(Newser) - After another rough primary night , Bernie Sanders will now "assess" the future of his 2020 run, his campaign manager said Wednesday. As Politico points out, the phrase is often trotted out by candidates on the brink of calling it quits. When Elizabeth Warren did so, for example, she bowed...

Sanders Under Pressure After Biden&#39;s Triple Win
Sanders Under Pressure
After Biden's Triple Win

Sanders Under Pressure After Biden's Triple Win

Biden reaches out to Sanders supporters

(Newser) - Joe Biden cruised to victory in all three states that held Democratic primaries Tuesday—but there were no triumphant rallies in Florida, Illinois, and Arizona for him to address. Instead, the former vice president, obeying federal guidance against gatherings of more than 10 people, addressed supporters from his home in...

Joe Biden Wins Florida Easily
It's a Clean Sweep
for Joe Biden

It's a Clean Sweep for Joe Biden

He takes Florida, Illinois, and Arizona

(Newser) - Polls have closed in the three states that went ahead with their primaries Tuesday, and the result is another dominating night for Joe Biden. The former VP cemented his lead over Bernie Sanders in the delegate race by sweeping all three contests—Florida, Illinois, and Arizona, as called by the...

Key Takeaways From the Biden-Sanders Debate
'11th Time Was the Charm'
at Biden-Sanders Debate

'11th Time Was the Charm' at Biden-Sanders Debate

Strong night may have sealed it for Biden

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders needed a clear victory in Sunday night's debate to regain momentum in the race for the Democratic nomination. Most analysts say he didn't get one, despite some strong moments in his first head-to-head debate with Joe Biden. In a live audience-free debate overshadowed by the coronavirus...

Biden Commits to Female Running Mate
Biden Commits to a
Female Running Mate

Biden Commits to a Female Running Mate

Sanders said he will do the same 'in all likelihood'

(Newser) - In a debate dominated by discussion of the coronavirus outbreak , Joe Biden promised to pick a woman as his running mate if he becomes the Democratic nominee. "I commit that I will, in fact, pick a woman to be vice president," the former vice president said. "There...

Biden, Sanders Debate in DC
Outbreak Looms Large
in Biden, Sanders Debate

Outbreak Looms Large in Biden, Sanders Debate

There is no live audience at first head-to-head clash

(Newser) - Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are taking part in a very unusual Democratic debate: Because of the coronavirus crisis, there is no live studio audience at the debate, which was shifted from Phoenix to Washington DC. Before their first head-to-head matchup, the two candidates greeted each other by bumping elbows....

Nation's Largest Union Makes Its Endorsement

NEA waits til late in the game, goes for Biden as 4 big states get ready to vote

(Newser) - The nation’s largest labor union has lined up behind Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, with the National Education Association on Saturday endorsing the former vice president for the Democratic nomination over his last remaining primary rival Bernie Sanders. The NEA’s board of directors chose Biden following a recommendation...

Now, It&#39;s Mano-a-Mano
'And Then There Were Two'

'And Then There Were Two'

Sunday's debate will feature only two candidates: Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden

(Newser) - And then there were two. Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are set to meet Sunday night in their first one-to-one presidential primary debate after months of Democratic free-for-alls that presaged a dramatic culling of the field since the opening round of the 2020 race, the AP reports. Some key questions...

Biden's Latest Move Follows Security Scares

Campaign officially requests Secret Service protection

(Newser) - Joe Biden's campaign has formally requested Secret Service protection for the candidate, reports Fox News . A congressional official tells CNN that House and Senate leaders from both parties have been informed of "a formal request for USSS protection" with "disposition of the matter expected soon." The...

Biden Tells Nation How He'd Handle This Crisis

To defeat the spreading coronavirus, Democratic candidate promises a scientific approach

(Newser) - Saying "this virus laid bare the severe shortcomings of the current administration," Joe Biden presented his plan for stopping the new coronavirus while contrasting it point-by-point with President Trump's actions. The Democratic presidential candidate gave his address in Wilmington, Delaware, on Thursday, the day after Trump spoke...

Sanders' Remarks on Cuba Could Cost Him Big in Florida

Biden has advantage among various demographics, including Hispanics, ahead of Tuesday's primary

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders' 2020 campaign is struggling after Joe Biden's big wins in recent primaries, and another important state on the horizon also doesn't look particularly promising for the Vermont senator. Marc Caputo writes for Politico that after "Michigan broke Bernie Sanders' heart Tuesday, Florida looks ready to...

Sanders Explains His Next Steps, Strategically

He's staying in the race, but didn't attack Joe Biden

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders may be down after his Tuesday night losses, but he's certainly not out. In Wednesday comments, the Democratic candidate said he was staying in the race and looking forward to his Sunday night one-on-one debate with Joe Biden. In what CNN describes as "unusually frank and...

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