Joe Biden 2020

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A Big Biden Worry Grows Larger: Latino Voters
A Big Biden Worry Grows
Larger: Latino Voters
the rundown

A Big Biden Worry Grows Larger: Latino Voters

Trump is making headway, especially in Florida

(Newser) - A slew of new stories on the November race have a familiar theme: Joe Biden is in trouble with Latino voters. The issue is especially prominent in Florida—where Biden will appear on Tuesday—but polls suggest that Trump is making big headway among Latinos nationwide. Coverage:
  • Nationally: Biden led

Biden Warns of Nation 'Ablaze,' Trump Predicts It'll Cool Down

President dismisses climate change as a cause of wildfires

(Newser) - During a briefing on the state's wildfires while in California on Monday, President Trump discounted climate change as a concern—and cause. Responding to an official who asked him to not "ignore the science," the BBC reports, the president said, "I don't think science knows...

Bernie Issues Warning to Biden
Bernie Issues
Warning to Biden

Bernie Issues Warning to Biden

The Vermont senator sees trouble on the horizon

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders is warning that if onetime rival Joe Biden doesn't do more to promote his own policies and reach out to Latino voters, the Democratic presidential nominee is at risk of falling short to President Trump this November, the AP reports. Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist who left...

Trump Gets Good News on 2 Important States
2 Battleground States
Shift to the Right
in case you missed it

2 Battleground States Shift to the Right

Cook Political Report changes ratings for Florida and Nevada

(Newser) - Labor Day has come and gone, which means that it's time to start getting serious about watching the presidential race, says Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight. "It's no longer 'too soon' to look at polls, even (if) you're the type of person who's inclined to...

Bloomberg: Here, Joe, Have $100M for Florida

Billionaire putting money where his mouth is in Sunshine State, freeing resources elsewhere

(Newser) - Remember when Mike Bloomberg ran for president for like six seconds, spent a fortune, then dropped out, and endorsed Joe Biden ? He's now putting a considerable amount of money where his mouth is when it's coming down to crunch time for Team Biden: Announcing Sunday that "...

Somber Day Brings a Rare Meeting
Somber Day Brings
a Rare Meeting

Somber Day Brings a Rare Meeting

Biden, Pence were together at 9/11 ceremony in New York

(Newser) - Two former members of Congress crossed paths on Friday, and the encounter was a rare one in an unusual year, notes the Hill . Joe Biden and Mike Pence greeted each other with an elbow bump and chatted briefly at a morning ceremony at Ground Zero in New York City to...

Here's Why There Are No Biden Ads on TV Today

Presidential contender pulls them on 9/11 anniversary

(Newser) - It's the 19th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, and Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden is marking the occasion by pulling all his television ads for the day. Politico says presidential contenders have long gone dark on the 9/11 anniversary, hitting a bit of a pause on their...

For Trump Campaign, a Surprising &#39;Cash Crunch&#39;
For Trump Campaign,
a Surprising 'Cash Crunch'
the rundown

For Trump Campaign, a Surprising 'Cash Crunch'

President weighs putting $100M of his own money into the race, per Bloomberg

(Newser) - Candidate Trump spent $66 million of his own money on the 2016 campaign. President Trump might make the unusual move of pouring even more of his own money into the 2020 race, reports Bloomberg . Trump is considering a personal outlay of up to $100 million, an unprecedented expense for an...

Trump Slams Biden and Harris for &#39;Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric&#39;
New Flashpoint in the
2020 Campaign: COVID Vaccine
the rundown

New Flashpoint in the 2020 Campaign: COVID Vaccine

Trump says Biden, Harris must apologize for 'anti-vaccine rhetoric'

(Newser) - President Trump on Monday used the term "anti-vaccine" to describe his Election 2020 opponent and his running mate after they remarked on whether or not they'd get a coronavirus vaccine if one becomes available before the election. Here's what went down, per NBC News and the Hill...

Harris: This Could Cost Us the Election
Harris: This Could
Cost Us the Election
sunday talk shows

Harris: This Could Cost Us the Election

Kamala Harris says she's 'a realist' about the political forces at play

(Newser) - Kamala Harris says foreign interference, doubt cast about the election by President Trump, and voter suppression could potentially cost her and Joe Biden the White House in November. "I am a realist about it. Joe is a realist about it," the California senator said on CNN's State ...

Joe Biden Has an Unlikely New Ally

Anita Hill, who says she'll vote for him

(Newser) - Back in 1991, Joe Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee when Anita Hill walked before his all-male panel, the star witness in the confirmation hearing of Clarence Thomas accusing the would-be Supreme Court justice of sexual harassment. The circus that followed, in which senators impugned Hill's personal...

This Vote Could Be a Nail-Biter
How 2 Votes Could
Make All the Difference
2020 election

How 2 Votes Could Make All the Difference

CNN paints 'realistic scenarios' in which Trump or Biden barely win the Electoral College

(Newser) - Think the 2020 election will go smoothly? Over 500,000 mail-in ballots were rejected in the primaries. President Trump is urging absentee voters to vote twice. The USPS drama got Congress involved . Now, with such omens lurking, CNN reports on "realistic scenarios" in which Trump or Joe Biden could...

Biden Meets With Blakes, Tells Kenosha Change Can Come
Biden: I Spoke With
Jacob Blake

Biden: I Spoke With Jacob Blake

Shooting victim says 'nothing is going to defeat him,' says former VP

(Newser) - Joe Biden told the people of Kenosha, Wisconsin, that the turmoil their city is experiencing can be part of an awakening that helps the US confront centuries of systemic racism and social discord. "We're finally now getting to the point where we're going to be addressing the...

3 Former GOP Governors Throw Their Support to Biden

Rick Snyder, Christine Todd Whitman, and Bill Weld are part of new coalition

(Newser) - After four years of a Trump presidency, former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder says he just wants some civility. And in his opinion, that means Joe Biden must become president. Snyder, who traces his history in the Republican party back to the 1976 Republican National Convention, announces his endorsement of Biden...

Biden to Trump: This Is All Your Fault

The Democratic candidate slams Trump's response to COVID-19

(Newser) - Joe Biden made headlines Wednesday by criticizing President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, the Hill reports. "Let me be clear, if President Trump and his administration had done their jobs early on with this crisis, American schools would be open, and they’d be open safely,"...

Biden, DNC Shatter Fundraising Records

'We literally couldn’t count the money fast enough'

(Newser) - Unless President Trump's campaign releases even more impressive numbers, Joe Biden's August will go down in history. Biden and the Democratic National Committee raked in a total of $364.5 million last month, by far the best fundraising month in American political history, the Hill reports. The previous...

Moderators Announced for 3 Presidential Debates

Fox's Chris Wallace is first on the list

(Newser) - A Fox News anchor has been chosen as the moderator of the first debate between President Trump and Joe Biden—but the Trump campaign may not be thrilled about it. The Commission on Presidential Debates announced Tuesday that the Sept. 29 debate in Cleveland will be moderated by Chris Wallace,...

Animal Crossing Fans Are Split on Biden Campaign's Move

Some think it's clever, others not so much

(Newser) - For anyone who's ever thought, "I wish there was a way to campaign for Joe Biden while playing Animal Crossing," well, now there is. The Biden campaign is now offering four official yard signs users can download and display in the uber-popular Nintendo Switch video game. Some...

What Looks Like a Landslide May End Up Being a 'Mirage'

Analytics firm says Trump could have big lead at first, then lose when mail ballots are counted

(Newser) - President Trump might well have a huge lead over Joe Biden when election night 2020 comes to a close, but that doesn't mean he'll win. A Democratic analytics firm warns Axios of what it calls a "red mirage" on Nov. 3. The issue is that most Republicans...

Trump Mentions Plane Filled With 'Thugs' in Dark Uniforms

He also says Biden is controlled by people in 'dark shadows'

(Newser) - In an interview on Fox News on Monday night, President Trump made the case that Joe Biden is not in control of his own campaign. So who is? "People that you've never heard of, people that are in the dark shadows," he told Laura Ingraham, per Politico...

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