President Trump

Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>

China Furious After Trump Signs 2 Hong Kong Bills

Beijing threatens 'countermeasures' for 'evil' laws

(Newser) - Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong held a rally Thursday night to thank President Trump for signing two bills supporting human rights in the territory —but the central government in Beijing was furious. China's Foreign Ministry accused the US of backing "violent criminals" and warned that "countermeasures"...

Trump Signs a Bill That Might Upset China

The president supports pro-democracy activists

(Newser) - President Trump on Wednesday signed two bills aimed at supporting human rights and pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong, the AP reports. Trump signed the bills, which were approved by near unanimous consent in the House and Senate, even as he expressed some concerns about complicating the effort to work out...

Giuliani Was Doing Something Else in Ukraine

But President Trump's lawyer says it's not that big a deal

(Newser) - Looks like Rudy Giuliani juggled a lot with Ukraine—trying to dig up dirt on President Trump's political enemies while pursuing private business deals worth at least $300,000 with Ukrainian officials. No deals happened, but documents show he signed a retainer agreement on his company letterhead. Asked about...

Trump Tweets Doctored Image of Rocky's Body, His Face

It was posted without a caption

(Newser) - A tweet from President Trump is generating some attention Wednesday, and not because of what he wrote. In fact, it's a wordless post. The Hill reports that roughly an hour after getting to Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla., the president tweeted a photoshopped image (see...

Anonymous Anti-Trump Author Says He Will Reveal Identity

'Donald Trump has not heard the last of me'

(Newser) - After much speculation about his identity , the anonymous author of A Warning had an "Ask Me Anything" session on Reddit and promised not to stay anonymous forever. "I am not afraid to use my own name to express concern about the current occupant of the Oval Office,"...

Trump Holds 'Homecoming' Rally in Florida

He slams 'maniacs' behind impeachment process

(Newser) - Prompting a profane chant. Describing his own speeches as “ranting and raving.” Advising the governor of Florida to not always wear a jacket so people know he’s not fat. Now a Florida man, President Trump held what his campaign dubbed a “homecoming rally” near Miami on...

Mattis Aide Denies Being 'Anonymous'

Guy Snodgrass rejects theory

(Newser) - Not me, says Guy Snodgrass. The former speechwriter for ex-defense chief James Mattis went on CNN Tuesday and denied speculation that he is the anti-Trump author known as Anonymous. "No, I’m not the writer," he said. And a bit later: "To put it to rest, no...

In McGahn Ruling, the Stakes Are High
In McGahn
the Stakes 
Are High
the rundown

In McGahn Ruling, the Stakes Are High

Could affect separation of powers, along with the impeachment inquiry

(Newser) - Will former White House counsel Don McGahn have to testify before Congress about his old boss? A federal judge ruled Monday that he must, but the Justice Department said Tuesday that it will appeal, reports the Hill . No word yet on when a final resolution to the case might come,...

Man Who Cracked Primary Colors Thinks He Knows 'Anonymous'

Kusnet believes author is Mattis speechwriter

(Newser) - David Kusnet, the former Bill Clinton speechwriter who deduced that Joe Klein wrote Primary Colors, believes he has figured out the identity of another anonymous author. Kusnet writes in the New Republic that he strongly suspects, based on a "close reading of the text," that the author of...

High Court Puts Hold on Trump Tax Returns

Stay will be effect until justices decide whether to take case

(Newser) - The Supreme Court kept a lower court ruling from taking effect Monday that would have allowed Congress to see President Trump's financial records, including tax returns. The justices were the last chance remaining for the president's lawyers, who had lost their arguments for not turning over the records...

Chinese Woman Sentenced in Mar-a-Lago Trespass

Judge orders Yujing Zhang deported

(Newser) - A federal judge on Monday sentenced a Chinese businesswoman to eight months in prison for trespassing at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club and lying to Secret Service agents. U.S. District Judge Roy Altman also ordered that Yujing Zhang, 33, be turned over to immigration officials for deportation upon her...

Rick Perry Sees Trump as the 'Chosen One'

In fairness, he thought Obama was one, too

(Newser) - President Trump took a ribbing over the summer when he referred to himself as the "chosen one." Trump later called the remark sarcastic, but it appears Rick Perry disagrees. In an interview with Ed Henry of Fox News, the energy secretary said Trump was indeed "the chosen...

Ousted Navy Secretary Pens Final Letter to Trump

Richard Spencer says he and president disagree on 'good order and discipline'

(Newser) - Newly fired Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer is telling his side of the story in a final letter to President Trump. Spencer writes that he could not in "good conscience obey" Trump's order to back off on any further discipline of a Navy SEAL who'd been accused...

'Deeply Troubled' Defense Secretary Fires Navy Chief

Navy Secretary Richard Spencer has been told to resign

(Newser) - Well, that settles it: Navy Secretary Richard Spencer just got fired. Defense Secretary Mark Esper demanded his resignation Sunday amid turmoil over a pending military review of a tarnished Navy SEAL, Fox News reports. Esper sought Spencer's resignation "after losing trust and confidence in him regarding his lack...

Navy Chief Stands in 'Open Defiance' of the President

US Navy Secretary Richard Spencer wants review of Edward Gallagher to continue

(Newser) - The battle over a tarnished Navy SEAL is heating up in Washington. On Friday, US Navy Secretary Richard Spencer lent his support to a pending Navy panel that will decide the military future of Edward Gallagher—despite President Trump's assertion that Gallagher remain a SEAL, Reuters reports. "I...

Trump: I Stopped China From Attacking Hong Kong

'We have to stand with Hong Kong, but I’m also standing with President Xi. He’s a friend of mine'

(Newser) - President Trump didn't just talk about impeachment in his long phone-in to Fox & Friends Friday morning. He also touched on the unrest in Hong Kong , with some surprising statements. "If it weren't for me, Hong Kong would've been obliterated in 14 minutes," Trump said,...

Trump&#39;s New Message: &#39;I Want a Trial&#39;
'I Want a Trial,' Says Trump.
Here's What's Next
the rundown

'I Want a Trial,' Says Trump. Here's What's Next

President expects Senate to clear him

(Newser) - "I want a trial." President Trump went on Fox & Friends Friday morning and said he looked forward to a Senate trial on impeachment to clear his name, reports Mediaite . After Trump made the statement, host Brian Kilmeade asked, "You want a trial?" And Trump doubled down:...

Trump Could Be Impeached Without a Single GOP Vote

President has been on a 'charm offensive'

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi said earlier this year that she would not be in favor of impeachment unless it was "something compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan." The House Intelligence Committee impeachment hearings over the last two weeks produced some compelling evidence of wrongdoing, according to Democrats—but the "bipartisan"...

Trump Pays Respects at Dover Air Force Base

He attends return of 2 fallen US soldiers

(Newser) - President Trump has said the toughest part of his job is receiving the remains of fallen service members. On Thursday night, he was at Dover Air Force Base for the return of two more Americans killed overseas. The White House said the president would be at the Delaware base to...

Trump Blasts &#39;Human Scum&#39; as Hearings Resume
'This Is All Going
to Blow Up'
the rundown

'This Is All Going to Blow Up'

Impeachment witness Fiona Hill recalls her warning to Gordon Sondland

(Newser) - As the impeachment hearings got back underway on Capitol Hill Thursday, President Trump called Democrats participating in the proceedings "human scum." In a morning tweet, Trump wrote that "corrupt politician Adam Schiff’s lies are growing by the day," and he urged Republicans to stay united...

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