President Trump

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An &#39;Abrupt Shift in Tone&#39; for Trump on Reopening
An 'Abrupt Shift in Tone'
for Trump on Reopening
the rundown

An 'Abrupt Shift in Tone' for Trump on Reopening

President says he 'disagrees strongly' with Georgia's plan

(Newser) - Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is allowing certain nonessential businesses to reopen Friday, albeit with restrictions, and some people aren't happy with the plan—including, apparently, the president. "I want him to do what he thinks is right," President Trump said at Wednesday's press briefing. "But...

Here's What Trump's Immigration Order Does

President signed it Wednesday; it's not as drastic as many expected

(Newser) - President Trump claimed Wednesday that he had signed an executive order “temporarily suspending immigration into the United States.” But experts say the order will merely delay the issuance of green cards for a minority of applicants, the AP reports. Trump said his move was necessary to help Americans...

CDC Director Might Be Regretting That Interview
CDC Director Might Be
Regretting That Interview
the rundown

CDC Director Might Be Regretting That Interview

Robert Redfield is walking back his comments on second wave of coronavirus

(Newser) - On Tuesday, the Washington Post published an interview with Dr. Robert Redfield in which the CDC director seemed to indicate an inevitable second wave of coronavirus infections was likely to be worse than this initial wave. By Wednesday, Redfield was walking back those remarks. President Trump tweeted Wednesday that Redfield...

Harvard Won&#39;t Accept $8.7M in Aid After All
Harvard Changes
Mind on That $8.7M

Harvard Changes Mind on That $8.7M

University reverses course on federal aid after criticism from Trump and others

(Newser) - President Trump is getting his wish . Harvard University said Wednesday it would not accept $8.7 million in federal aid from the $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief package. Stanford, Princeton, and Yale also announced they would not take the millions set aside for them, as scrutiny of the wealthy universities'...

Top Pandemic Official: Here's Why I Just Got Ousted

Rick Bright says he was demoted for his take on drug promoted by President Trump

(Newser) - The head of a government agency combating the coronavirus pandemic alleged Wednesday that he was ousted for opposing politically connected efforts to promote a malaria drug that President Trump touted without proof as a remedy for COVID-19, the AP reports. Rick Bright, former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and...

Hydroxychloroquine Falls Out of Favor
Trump Called It a Potential
'Game Changer.' No Longer
the rundown

Trump Called It a Potential 'Game Changer.' No Longer

A coronavirus panel recommended against hydroxychloroquine's use on Tuesday

(Newser) - The bloom appears to be off the rose when it comes to the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine. President Trump has repeatedly touted it as a possible treatment for the novel coronavirus, but a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed study released Tuesday found there were more deaths among COVID-19 patients at US veteran hospitals who were...

In 'Abrupt' Tweet, Trump Writes of Shooting Down Iranian Boats

But a tweet won't change the rules of engagement

(Newser) - Both Politico and the New York Times frame it as an "abrupt" tweet from the president: "I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea," wrote President Trump on Wednesday morning. It...

Trump Demands Harvard Pay Back $8.6M

University says $8.6M in relief was no loan

(Newser) - Harvard says it has no intention of paying back nearly $9 million in coronavirus relief aid, despite President Trump's demand it do so. During Tuesday's coronavirus briefing, Trump said the world's wealthiest university, with an endowment fund of $40 billion, should pay back $8.6 million it...

Trump Offers More Details on Immigration 'Pause'

Green card recipients will be barred for 60 days

(Newser) - President Trump offered more details Tuesday on his decision to suspend immigration "in light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy." During his daily coronavirus briefing, the president said green card recipients would be blocked from moving to the US for 60 days, the Washington Post reports. He...

Trump: I'm Going to 'Suspend Immigration'

President says he'll make temporary move to protect the nation from coronavirus

(Newser) - President Trump said Monday that he will sign an executive order “to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States” because of the coronavirus, the AP reports. “In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American...

Trump Criticizes GOP Governor Over Tests
Trump Slams GOP Governor
Over Coronavirus Testing
the rundown

Trump Slams GOP Governor Over Coronavirus Testing

Monday's White House press briefing got weird

(Newser) - At Monday's press briefing, President Trump said the nation's governors have been provided with lists of locations providing additional coronavirus testing in their states—and then he proceeded to call out Larry Hogan, whom the Daily Beast calls "one of the leading Republican governors" confronting the crisis...

Trump: I Left Romney Off Virus Panel Deliberately

'I’m not a fan,' and 'I don’t really want his advice'

(Newser) - When President Trump formed a large bipartisan task force on the coronavirus last week, it included every Republican senator except one : Mitt Romney. The reason? President Trump is holding a grudge against the Utah senator and former Massachusetts governor. That isn't speculation from news stories—Trump himself acknowledged it...

Trump: Fox News &#39;on a Bad Path&#39;
Trump Not Happy
With Fox News

Trump Not Happy With Fox News

President says network is 'on a bad path' after Nancy Pelosi interview

(Newser) - President Trump is a well-known fan of Fox News, but on Sunday, his words for the network weren't laudatory ones. "Nervous Nancy is an inherently 'dumb' person," he tweeted , referring to Nancy Pelosi's interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. "She wasted all...

Pyongyang: There Was No 'Nice Note' From Kim to Trump

North Korea denies Trump's Saturday claim

(Newser) - President Trump said Saturday that he had recently gotten "a nice note" from Kim Jong Un, but by the following day, North Korea was denying its leader had sent any such thing. "There was no letter," Pyongyang's Foreign Ministry said, per the New York Times and...

White House, Congress 'Very Close' to $450B Deal

Aid package will offer billions for hospitals, testing

(Newser) - The Trump administration and Congress are nearing an agreement as early as Sunday on an aid package of up to $450 billion to boost a small-business loan program that has run out of money and add funds for hospitals and COVID-19 testing, the AP reports. With small-business owners reeling during...

Drudge Has Words for Trump
Drudge Has Words for Trump

Drudge Has Words for Trump

Traffic is anything but down, conservative aggregator says after president's slam

(Newser) - President Trump is apparently adding a former BFF to his list of fake news, tweeting an attack on the Drudge Report on Saturday. "I gave up on Drudge (a really nice guy) long ago, as have many others," Trump tweeted , per CNN . Of the conservative website's traffic,...

Doctor Who Cited Trump Gets in Trouble With Feds
Feds Charge Doctor
Who Cited Trump

Feds Charge Doctor Who Cited Trump

Jennings Staley was allegedly selling a 'COVID-19 cure' that included hydroxychloroquine

(Newser) - "Guaranteed." That word has gotten San Diego physician Jennings Staley in hot water after he allegedly promoted—and offered to sell—the drug hydroxychloroquine as a cure for COVID-19, CNN reports. Staley had offered the drug on his website (now taken down) and cited President Trump's enthusiasm...

Lacking US Coordination, 17 Governors Gang Up

The question is when to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic

(Newser) - President Trump, in a roller-coaster week of reversals and contradictions, told governors to "call your own shots" on lifting stay-at-home orders once the coronavirus threat subsides, the AP reports. But then he took to Twitter to push some to reopen their economies quickly and tell them it was their...

Trump: It's Time to 'LIBERATE' 3 States

President cites Michigan, Virginia, and Minnesota, where shutdown protests took place

(Newser) - President Trump issued an all-caps plea Friday to "LIBERATE" three states under lockdown orders from Democratic governors. "LIBERATE MINNESOTA!" he tweeted , and followed it up with similar tweets on Michigan and Virginia. As Politico notes, all three states saw public protests this week by people chafing against...

Trump Outlines Gradual Reopening

Plan Outlines
in Stages

Plan Outlines Reopening in Stages

Areas hit hard by COVID-19 would have to wait

(Newser) - President Trump presented a road map Thursday for recovering from the economic pain of the coronavirus pandemic, laying out "a phased and deliberate approach" to restoring normal activity in places that have strong testing and are seeing a decrease in COVID-19 cases. "We're starting our life again,...

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