President Trump

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Trump Suggests 'Set Up' Involving Buffalo Protester

President implies, sans evidence, Martin Gugino is antifa actor who faked fall; Gugino is still in hospital

(Newser) - President Trump is pushing a conspiracy theory that claims the elderly Buffalo protester who remains in the hospital after he was allegedly assaulted by two police officers faked his fall. "Could be an ANTIFA provocateur," Trump wrote in a Tuesday tweet . Trump, offering no evidence, said 75-year-old Martin...

Barr on Trump's Bunker Visit: 'Things Were So Bad'

AG says Secret Service recommended president go there for safety; Trump said it was for an 'inspection'

(Newser) - President Trump's retreat to the White House's underground bunker late last month as hundreds of protesters for George Floyd demonstrated outside earned derision from many and an excuse from Trump : He'd gone there just for a "tiny little short period of time," during the daytime,...

Trump Campaign Rallies Are Coming Back

They're expected to resume within 2 weeks

(Newser) - President Trump loves his rallies, but he hasn't held one since March 2, before the coronavirus pandemic took hold and the country largely went into lockdown. Now, campaign officials tell Reuters and Politico that the president's campaign rallies are coming back sometime in the next two weeks. Dates,...

Trump Tweets on 'Sincerity' of Romney's March

Senator had walked Sunday with protesters in capital

(Newser) - Sen. Mitt Romney's march with protesters Sunday did not go unnoticed by President Trump, a frequent sparring partner. "Tremendous sincerity, what a guy," Trump tweeted Monday. "Hard to believe, with this kind of political talent, his numbers would 'tank' so badly in Utah!" Romney...

New Polls Signal Trouble for Trump
Poll Sees
Big Problem
for Trump
With Women
the rundown

Poll Sees Big Problem for Trump With Women

NBC calls it a widening 'canyon'

(Newser) - A spate of new polls, some public, some internal, suggest trouble for President Trump's 2020 campaign. One in particular sees a growing problem with his support among women. The details:
  • CNN: The latest poll from CNN has Joe Biden up by 14 points overall, 55% to 41%. Last month,

214 Scientists Urge Zuck: Do Something About Trump

Zuckerberg-funded researchers say it's time to curb misinformation from president

(Newser) - The pushback against Mark Zuckerberg continues: 214 scientists who have received grants from a Chan Zuckerberg Initiative program published a letter they sent the Facebook founder over the weekend. In it, the researchers, about 10% of whom are employed by foundations run by Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, call...

Powell: Trump Has &#39;Drifted&#39;
Powell: Trump Has 'Drifted'
sunday talk shows

Powell: Trump Has 'Drifted'

The former secretary of state also says he's voting for Biden

(Newser) - Colin Powell hit State of the Union on Sunday and added his name to the list of ex-military officials criticizing President Trump, CNN reports. The former Republican secretary of state said Trump has "drifted away" from the Constitution in his strongman response to the George Floyd protests: "We...

NYT: Bush Won&#39;t Back Trump&#39;s Re-Election
NYT: GOP Elite
Won't Vote for Trump

NYT: GOP Elite Won't Vote for Trump

Former President Bush, many elite GOP names are backing away from the incumbent

(Newser) - President Trump may or may not get his big Republican National Convention in August, but it's sounding like some top Republican names won't be there. As the New York Times reports, citing "people familiar with their thinking," former President George W Bush won't be voting...

Trump to Germany: We're Pulling Out

The president is reducing US military presence in Germany

(Newser) - President Trump is ordering the Pentagon to pull thousands of troops from Germany—a move that drew criticism and some speculation that it's just a tit-for-tat with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Guardian reports. The order will remove almost 9,500 troops and reduce the US troop presence there...

Brees Makes Statement 'to President Trump'

The NFL quarterback explains his evolving views on Instagram

(Newser) - Drew Brees and President Trump locked horns online Friday over the issue of NFL players who take a knee to protest police brutality, USA Today reports. With Brees apologizing—not once , but twice —for saying those who take a knee disrespect the US flag, Trump criticized Brees on Twitter...

Zuckerberg: It's Time I Take a Fresh Look at Things

Facebook's CEO says he'll review company policies

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook will reconsider its content policies after a backlash erupted in the company and spilled over in the media, CNN reports. "I know many of you think we should have labeled the President's posts in some way last week," he wrote on Facebook about...

Ivanka Trump Isn't Happy After Getting 'Cancelled'

The president's daughter tweets about her Wichita State University speech

(Newser) - Ivanka Trump fired back Friday after Wichita State University canceled her planned speech at the WSU tech school's virtual graduation ceremony, the Hill reports. "Our nation's campuses should be bastions of free speech," she tweeted along with a video of the speech she planned to give....

Facebook Resignations Add Pressure on Trump Posts

As Zuckerberg refuses to bend, employee anger builds

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg's defense of allowing President Trump's post about shooting looters, and the CEO's refusal to budge during an employee town hall Monday, have only increased the anger inside Facebook. There have been a handful of resignations this week, with one departing employee, Recode reports, posting on...

Biden Rips Trump for Calling It a 'Great Day' for George Floyd

President had cited police victim in celebrating drop in unemployment

(Newser) - Invoking the name of a black man killed by white police officers, who's become a symbol of police brutality and racial injustice, in celebrating an economic report didn't go over well with Joe Biden. President Trump had cited George Floyd earlier in the day Friday at the White...

Black Lives Matter Doesn't Like DC Mayor's Big Move

Local arm of group criticizes decision to rename street near the White House

(Newser) - About 4am Friday, artists and work crews started to paint a message on two blocks of 16th Street NW, a stretch that runs up to Lafayette Square and the White House. Just after 11, a worker put up a new street sign, and the cheering began, as Andra Day's...

Trump Points to Jobs Report as Cure for Race Issues
Trump: It's a 'Great Day'
for George Floyd
the rundown

Trump: It's a 'Great Day' for George Floyd

President celebrates the jobs numbers, speaks of need for 'fair treatment' from police

(Newser) - "Victory lap." That's the term used by the AP and CNN to describe President Trump's reaction to Friday's surprisingly strong jobs report . "This shows that what we've been doing is right," Trump said in the Rose Garden, referring to the White House...

Trump Sued Over Use of Force on DC Protesters

Civil rights groups file federal lawsuit

(Newser) - Civil rights groups including the ACLU and Black Lives Matter are taking the Trump administration to court over the forcible clearance of protesters ahead of the president's church photo-op across from the White House Monday. In a federal lawsuit filed Thursday, the groups say the use of methods including...

Trump Pledges to Campaign Against GOP Senator

'Get any candidate ready, good or bad, I don't care'

(Newser) - President Trump says he will support any candidate "good or bad" against Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski when she is up for re-election in 2022. The president fired back Thursday after the Alaska senator agreed with former defense chief Jim Mattis' criticism of the president and said she "was...

Trump Drops Direct Hint on Pardoning Roger Stone

Longtime adviser is due in prison this month

(Newser) - Roger Stone is due to report to begin serving his prison sentence of more than three years on June 30. For most people convicted of crimes, that would be distressing. But President Trump suggested Thursday that his longtime adviser has nothing to worry about, the Washington Post reports. "Roger...

So Was It Tear Gas? First, Define &#39;Tear Gas&#39;
Was That Tear Gas in DC?

Was That Tear Gas in DC?

Trump insists it wasn't used on protesters in DC, though a pepper compound was

(Newser) - Before President Trump walked from the White House to nearby St. John's Church on Monday, authorities cleared protesters from his path. Now a debate is simmering over a simple question: Did they fire tear gas? President Trump and his press secretary insist the answer is no. "They didn’...

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