President Trump

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Trump Pardons Included Elderly Moonshiner

Oklahoma man pleaded guilty in 1952

(Newser) - President Trump's wave of pre-Christmas pardons has included high-profile allies like Roger Stone along with lesser-known names like Alfred Lee Crum, who was busted for making hooch almost 70 years ago. Crum, who received a full pardon Tuesday, was 19 in 1952 when he pleaded guilty in Oklahoma to...

Trump Issues 26 More Pardons
Trump Issues 26 More Pardons

Trump Issues 26 More Pardons

They include Stone, Manafort, Kushner father

(Newser) - President Trump's pardon-palooza continued for a second night Wednesday, when he issued another 26 pardons—including ones for Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, who were convicted of multiple crimes after being indicted during Robert Mueller's investigation. Trump commuted longtime friend Stone's sentence in July , days before he...

Trump Leaves for Mar-a-Lago
Trump Leaves for Mar-a-Lago

Trump Leaves for Mar-a-Lago

He's left the stimulus bill in limbo

(Newser) - President Trump has left the White House, leaving confusion in Washington behind him. The president and first lady Melania Trump departed for Mar-a-Lago Wednesday afternoon and they are expected to remain at the Florida resort until the new year, Fox reports. A Federal Aviation Administration alert restricts airspace over Mar-a-Lago...

Trump Makes Good on Threat, Vetoes Defense Bill

President's move sets up a possible override vote

(Newser) - President Trump has vetoed the annual defense policy bill, following through on threats to veto a measure that has broad bipartisan support in Congress and potentially setting up the first override vote of his presidency. The bill, which has been passed for 59 years in a row, affirms 3% pay...

Trump Shocks Aides With His Call for $2K

And some of his staunchest opponents agree

(Newser) - President Trump has a complaint—and some of his fiercest critics are on his side this time. In video posted to Twitter on Tuesday, the POTUS called the $600 figure arrived at by Congress for round two of coronavirus stimulus money "ridiculously low," calling on lawmakers to bump...

Trump&#39;s Private Bankers Resign
Trump's Private
Bankers Resign

Trump's Private Bankers Resign

They helped arrange $330M in Deutsche Bank loans

(Newser) - This time next month, President Trump will be a private citizen—but he won't have the same private bankers. Deutsche Bank announced Tuesday that two employees in charge of lending to Trump and Jared Kushner have resigned, the Hill reports. "Rosemary Vrablic and Dominic Scalzi have tendered their...

Trump Issues Wave of Pardons
Trump Just Issued 15 Pardons

Trump Just Issued 15 Pardons

Group includes 2 convicted in Mueller probe

(Newser) - President Trump on Tuesday pardoned 15 people, including Republican allies, a 2016 campaign official ensnared in the Russia probe, and former government contractors convicted in a massacre in Iraq. The pardons included former Republican Reps. Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins, the AP reports. Collins, the first member of Congress to...

Deborah Birx Says She&#39;ll Help Biden, Then Retire
Task Force Mainstay
Plans to Retire

Task Force Mainstay Plans to Retire

Dr. Deborah Birx has taken heat for her Thanksgiving trip

(Newser) - Dealing with a backlash after a Thanksgiving trip, Dr. Deborah Birx said Tuesday she's going to retire, though she'll offer to assist President-elect Joe Biden's administration with its coronavirus efforts first. "I will be helpful in any role that people think I can be helpful in,...

Reports Suggest Controversial Final Month for Trump
White House Officials
Are Reportedly 'Unnerved'
the rundown

White House Officials Are Reportedly 'Unnerved'

One conservative pundit wants Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell kept away from Trump

(Newser) - For President Trump and his supporters, it's another example of fake news. But a slew of reports about the White House paints a picture of a president pondering radical action over the next month in an attempt to stay in office. Days ago, reports circulated about Trump floating the...

Christie: I Might Challenge Trump in '24

'I would not rule it out'

(Newser) - In President Trump's view, the 2020 election is still not settled. And yet, headlines about a potential 2024 contest already are surfacing. In a Monday interview with conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt, Chris Christie said he's considering a run in the next presidential election—even if...

'To Show His Support,' Trump Fan Cast Illegal Ballot

Bruce Bartman, 70, charged with voting as dead mother in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - A Pennsylvania supporter of President Trump has been charged with perjury and unlawful voting after allegedly casting a vote for his dead mother. Prosecutors say Bruce Bartman actually registered two dead women to vote as Republicans in Nether Providence Township in advance of the presidential election: his mother Elizabeth Bartman,...

Trump to GOP Senators: 'Sadly, Mitch Forgot'

President criticizes Senate leader as 'first one off the ship' after acknowledgement of Biden win

(Newser) - President Trump sent a warning of sorts to Republican senators Monday night about crossing him when it comes to his challenge of the election, reports Axios . An email to the lawmakers criticizes Mitch McConnell, who publicly acknowledged Joe Biden as president-elect last week. "Sadly, Mitch forgot,” reads the...

Trump Order Requires Classical Architecture for Federal Buildings

Executive order slams 'unappealing' modernist buildings in Washington, DC

(Newser) - With 29 days left in office, President Trump is seeking to leave his mark on the architecture of Washington, DC. An executive order issued Monday states that new federal buildings in the nation's capital should be constructed in classical styles, the Federalist reports. "Classical architecture encompasses such styles...

'Nothing to Worry About,' Biden Says as He Gets His Shot

Trump deserves some credit, president-elect says

(Newser) - President-elect Joe Biden took his first dose of coronavirus vaccine on Monday, thanking health care workers and expressing confidence in the process. Nurse practitioner Tabe Mase put the needle in Biden's left arm, on live television, at Christiana Hospital in Newark, Delaware. "We owe these folks an awful...

New Statements by Outgoing Barr Won't Please Trump

Attorney general says no need for special counsels on election fraud or Hunter Biden

(Newser) - William Barr's last day as attorney general is Wednesday, and he's going out in a way that surely won't please President Trump. In a news conference Monday, Barr said he saw no reason to appoint a special counsel to investigate claims of election fraud or the business...

Trump Mulls Sidney Powell for Top Job at 'Raucous Meeting'

Trump considered naming her special counsel to probe voter-fraud allegations

(Newser) - Sidney Powell, special counsel to oversee voter-fraud allegations? Trump discussed the idea at a raucous White House meeting Friday night and met with some resistance, insiders tell the New York Times . Rudy Giuliani, who attended by phone, spoke out against it. So did White House counsel Pat Cipollone and chief...

Rand Paul: Trump Should Pardon Snowden
Rand Paul Suggests
Controversial Pardon Idea

Rand Paul Suggests Controversial Pardon Idea

Senator wants Trump to let Edward Snowden go free

(Newser) - As President Trump considers presidential pardons before his term expires, Sen. Rand Paul is suggesting a controversial one in the pages of the Federalist . The Kentucky senator says the president should pardon Edward Snowden , who is now living in exile in Russia. In Paul's view, the former National Security...

They Bet on a Trump Win. Now They Want Their Money

Gamblers threaten legal action against betting sites, saying race shouldn't have been called for Biden

(Newser) - President Trump continues to push his claims of election fraud, and last week, he tried to support that narrative with a tweet tied to gambling, per . "At 10:00 P.M. on Election Evening, we were at 97% win with the so-called 'bookies,'" he...

Federal Rule Change Fixes Trump's Shower Complaint

'You take a shower, the water doesn't come out'

(Newser) - The Trump administration has relaxed a regulation restricting water flow from showerheads, a pet peeve of President Trump, who complained that he wanted more water to make his hair "perfect." Since 1992, federal law has dictated that showerheads shouldn’t spew more than 2.5 gallons of water...

Prosecutors Say 'Ethical Hacker' Guessed Trump Password

It took him seven tries to guess 'maga2020!'

(Newser) - Despite denials from the White House, prosecutors have determined that Dutch cybersecurity researcher Victor Gevers successfully hacked into President Trump's Twitter account weeks before the election—but they've decided he shouldn't be punished. Dutch prosecutors said Wednesday that Gevers acted "ethically" when he guessed President Trump'...

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