President Trump

Stories 2821 - 2840 | << Prev   Next >>

Trump Offers Dueling Tweets on Cohen, Manafort

And throws Obama in for good measure

(Newser) - President Trump briefly mentioned Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort's situations while in West Virginia on Tuesday night; on Wednesday morning he elaborated on his thoughts on the men's legal developments on Twitter. CNN reports it spoke with White House advisers who say Trump and his backers will be...

Cohen's Lawyer Rips Into Trump, Repeatedly

Lanny Davis makes the morning talk show rounds

(Newser) - The days of Michael Cohen being willing to "take a bullet for" the president are seemingly long gone. He testified on Tuesday that he made hush-money payments to two women "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office." In the wake of his...

Trump: &#39;Where Is the Collusion?&#39;
Trump: 'Where Is
the Collusion?'

Trump: 'Where Is the Collusion?'

Cohen's lawyer says he has information for Mueller

(Newser) - If President Trump was rattled by the conviction of former campaign manager Paul Manafort and the guilty plea of former lawyer Michael Cohen , he didn't show it at a rally in West Virginia hours later. He told the crowd in Charleston on Tuesday night that he felt "badly"...

Cohen Guilty Pleas Involve Payoffs to Two Women

Charges against the president's former attorney include campaign finance violations

(Newser) - Ex-Trump attorney Cohen has entered guilty pleas to charges that include campaign finance violations involving payoffs to two women, per the AP . The hush money payments were part of a coordinated effort to influence the 2016 presidential election, the president's former "fixer" said in a federal court in...

Reports: Michael Cohen Strikes a Plea Deal

The big question is whether that means he's cooperating with Robert Mueller

(Newser) - Big news that surely will not please President Trump: His former "fixer," Michael Cohen, has struck a plea deal with prosecutors, reports ABC News and the New York Times . Other outlets don't go quite as far, saying that he's close to a deal, but all should...

Trump Denies New Report About Obama
Trump Denies New
Report About Obama

Trump Denies New Report About Obama

'New Yorker' alleges he considered revoking his predecessor's security clearance

(Newser) - A New Yorker article about former CIA chief John Brennan's animosity toward President Trump makes a jarring allegation that has caught the attention of Trump himself. Reporter Adam Entous writes that Trump last year considered taking the unprecedented step of revoking former President Obama's security clearance as friction...

Trump Worried Mueller Interview Will Be a Perjury Trap

He says it could be his word against Comey's

(Newser) - President Trump still hasn't confirmed whether he plans to speak to special counsel Robert Mueller—but he did speak to Reuters to outline his concerns about a potential interview, describing it as a possible "perjury trap." Trump said he worries that it could work against him if...

Melania Talks Cyberbullying, Gets Expected Reaction

Media coverage draws line to President Trump's tweets

(Newser) - Melania Trump encouraged technology and social media companies Monday to provide more opportunities for young people to share ideas for how to be good citizens online. Pressing forward with an effort to combat youth cyberbullying, the first lady said that while most children are more aware than some adults of...

Trump to Brennan: Bring It On
Trump: I 'Hope'
Brennan Sues Me

Trump: I 'Hope' Brennan Sues Me

President calls him a 'hack'

(Newser) - Former CIA director John Brennan on Sunday revealed that he has consulted with lawyers and may sue President Trump in the wake of his security clearance being revoked. Trump's response on Monday was essentially: Bring it on. "I hope John Brennan, the worst CIA Director in our country’...

Giuliani Follows Up on His 'Truth Isn't Truth' Line

He likens it to 'he said/she said'

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani uttered a memorable line in defense of President Trump on Sunday when he declared that "truth isn't truth." Not surprisingly, it kicked up quite a reaction online, and on Monday, Giuliani tweeted about what he meant. The explanation in full: "My statement was not...

Trump's New Plan Upends Obama Emissions Policy

And the coal industry won't be complaining

(Newser) - For President Trump, federalism and climate policy just don't mix—a fact that has environmental experts in a state of high anxiety, the Washington Post reports. Trump plans to announce this week that each state can set its own own coal-emission standards (pending EPA approval) rather than follow the...

White House Counsel Has Spoken to Mueller for 30 Hours

Don McGahn has given special counsel insight into Comey firing, Trump attempts to fire Mueller: 'NYT'

(Newser) - "For a lawyer to share so much with investigators scrutinizing his client is unusual." But what makes it even more unusual is that the lawyer in question is White House counsel Don McGahn and his client is the president of the United States, The New York Times reports...

Trump to Move 'Very Quickly' on Another Security Clearance

DOJ official Bruce Ohr is in the president's sights

(Newser) - Justice Department official Bruce Ohr—who President Trump says aided his political enemies during the campaign—may be the next person to have his security clearance revoked. "I think that Bruce Ohr is a disgrace, with his wife, Nellie," Trump told reporters Friday, saying that he plans to...

Trump Just Proposed a Huge Change for Corporate America

He asks the SEC to do away with quarterly earnings reports, move to twice a year

(Newser) - Amid another busy morning on Twitter, President Trump proposed what would be a historic shift for corporate America. He asked the SEC to do away with the requirement that publicly traded businesses file quarterly earnings reports, per the Wall Street Journal . Instead, Trump floated the idea of twice-yearly reports. "...

Trump on Axed Parade: &#39;Now We Can Buy More Jet Fighters!&#39;
Trump: I Axed Parade
Over Local Politicians' Greed
the rundown

Trump: I Axed Parade Over Local Politicians' Greed

They 'know a windfall when they see it'

(Newser) - President Trump says there's someone to blame for his military parade being canceled , and it is "local politicians," per a Friday morning tweet. "The local politicians who run Washington, D.C. (poorly) know a windfall when they see it. When asked to give us a price...

Man Who Oversaw bin Laden Raid: Take My Clearance, Too

William McRaven joins others criticizing president's John Brennan decision

(Newser) - President Trump's decision to strip former CIA chief—and frequent Trump critic—John Brennan of his security clearance apparently isn't sitting well in the intelligence community. A dozen former top senior officials, including former CIA chiefs, have signed a letter condemning the move, reports CBS News . "[W]e...

Trump Isn't Getting His Military Parade This Year

Pentagon says it's now looking at 2019

(Newser) - Cost estimates of up to $80 million over initial predictions appear to have rained on President Trump's parade. Pentagon spokesman Col. Rob Manning says Trump's plan for a military parade in Washington, DC, this fall have been postponed until next year at the earliest, the BBC reports....

Omarosa Releases Latest Secret Recording

It features Lara Trump; Trump's daughter-in-law says she feels betrayed

(Newser) - Omarosa Manigault Newman on Thursday released another secret audio recording that she says proves President Trump wanted to silence her after firing her from the White House. In the recording played on MSNBC, Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump offers Manigault Newman a job earning $15,000 a month, the AP...

Anonymous Officials Say Trump's Military Parade Will Cost $92M

But, they warn, that number is not yet finalized

(Newser) - The Veterans Day military parade President Trump ordered in February has been controversial from the start, with critics wondering if Trump was trolling the nation , the Pentagon saying the tanks Trump wanted couldn't be involved , and the Office of Management and Budget warning the whole thing could cost millions...

Trump Responds After Newspaper Editorials

He sees 'COLLUSION' on the part of the media

(Newser) - More than 340 newspapers published editorials Thursday decrying President Trump's repeated attacks on the media, and now Trump has responded. "The Boston Globe, which was sold to the the Failing New York Times for 1.3 BILLION DOLLARS (plus 800 million dollars in losses & investment), or 2....

Stories 2821 - 2840 | << Prev   Next >>