President Trump

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Trump Claims He Rejected Trudeau's Meeting Request

No meeting was requested, Canadians say

(Newser) - Canada, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in particular, were among President Trump's many targets in his freewheeling press conference Wednesday. Trump claimed that he had rejected a one-on-one meeting with Trudeau at the United Nations this week because talks to renegotiate the NAFTA deal are not going well, the...

Trump: I Could Change My Mind on Kavanaugh

President says he plans to watch Thursday's hearing

(Newser) - At what CNN refers to as a "rare news conference" Wednesday in New York—just the fourth solo, formal, announced-in-advance news conference since he became president—President Trump said he would watch Thursday's Senate hearing, at which Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, the first...

Trump Opens UN Security Council Meeting With Accusation

Accused China of trying to interfere in our midterms

(Newser) - President Trump on Wednesday accused China of trying to meddle in the 2018 elections in a bid to keep him down. While opening a UN Security Council meeting, Trump put it like so, per the BBC : "In my remarks yesterday to the United Nations General Assembly, I laid out...

Laughter as Obama References the Trump Administration

He didn't say Trump's name, but took a swipe at him all the same

(Newser) - Former President Barack Obama took a swipe at President Trump's attitude to the environment Wednesday, saying the world needs "political and social commitment" to achieve sustainability. "Unfortunately we have a US administration that deals differently around these issues," he said to laughter from the audience as...

Trump Shares His Preference: 'I Like the 2-State Solution'

President wades into Middle East politics at the UN

(Newser) - President Trump waded into thorny Middle East politics while at the United Nations on Wednesday, endorsing the two-state solution to bring an end to the decades-long conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, while poised to denounce the dangers posed by Iran. Trump, a day after being greeted with laughter by...

Here's the President's Crazy New Limo, Complete With Blood

A refrigerator full of blood, to be specific

(Newser) - President Trump is being driven around New York Tuesday in a brand-new presidential limo—one with what NBC News calls "an unprecedented level of security." The Detroit Free Press , meanwhile, says it's "one of the most exclusive, impenetrable and expensive cars in the world." The...

Trump to UN: Only Our 'Friends' Get Aid

He asserts US independence from the world body, bashes Iran

(Newser) - President Trump addressed the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, with his familiar "America First" theme taking prominence. "We reject the ideology of globalism," the president told the world body. One of Trump's early boasts drew unexpected laughter from the audience, though he laughed it off and...

Trump Unloads: 'She Admits She Was Drunk'

The president addresses Brett Kavanaugh accusations at the UN

(Newser) - President Trump amped up the rhetoric Tuesday by calling Democrats "con artists" and saying Brett Kavanaugh's second accuser "has nothing" on the Supreme Court nominee, USA Today reports. "She admits that she was drunk," says Trump of Deborah Ramirez, who accuses Kavanaugh of exposing himself...

Trump&#39;s Boast Draws Laughter at UN
Trump Pauses
UN Speech,
Surprised by

Trump Pauses UN Speech, Surprised by Laughter

Audience members snickered when he boasted of his administration's accomplishments

(Newser) - President Trump was addressing the UN Tuesday morning, and he got an unexpected reaction from an early boast: laughter. "In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country," Trump told the General Assembly, which prompted some audible...

All Those Sources Who Said Rosenstein Was Out Are Wrong

At least until Thursday, it seems

(Newser) - That Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would end the day without a job seemed all but certain Monday morning, with major media outlets variously reporting he had either resigned, planned to do so, or would be fired before the day was out. Instead, it looks like he'll end Monday...

Trump Backs Nominee; Conway Sees 'Left-Wing Conspiracy'

'This could be one of the single most unfair, unjust things to happen to a candidate'

(Newser) - As Brett Kavanaugh fends off the allegations of a second accuser , he has the unequivocal support of a key backer—President Trump. "I am with him all the way," Trump said Monday as he entered the UN headquarters in New York, reports the Washington Post . Trump also dismissed...

New Book: Yes, Russia Got Trump Elected
Another 'Incendiary' Book
on Trump Hits Shelves

Another 'Incendiary' Book on Trump Hits Shelves

This one argues that Russians did indeed turn the election

(Newser) - Another book on the Trump presidency is coming out, and it won't be received well at the White House. In fact, it "promises to be incendiary," writes Jane Mayer at the New Yorker . The title should explain why: Cyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a ...

New Rule Could Punish Green Card Applicants on Public Assistance

Trump administration proposes making it 'a heavily weighed negative factor'

(Newser) - Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free—well, maybe not your huddled masses if they're poor, under a new policy being considered by the Trump administration that would deny green cards to immigrants on public assistance. As CNN reports, the Department of Homeland...

Maria Protesters Mark Anniversary With Message for Trump

Hundreds of Puerto Ricans give nod to hurricane's 1-year mark by stopping by Mar-a-Lago

(Newser) - Dozens of vehicles slowly approached President Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on Saturday afternoon, blasting reggaeton and salsa as they drove by. They honked their horns and waved Puerto Rican flags draped from their cars on their way to a rally a few miles away to mark the one-year...

Key Order Floats Around White House, 'Author Unknown'

The document would trigger a federal crackdown on Silicon Valley

(Newser) - President Trump is about to hit America's tech giants with federal antitrust probes, if a newly leaked document holds any water—and it may not hold any water at all, the Washington Post reports. Revealed Friday by Bloomberg , the draft executive order would empower federal agencies to investigate Google,...

Report: Rosenstein Wanted to Record, Oust Trump

But deputy attorney general denies 'New York Times' report about 25th Amendment

(Newser) - The New York Times is out with quite a story: It says Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein proposed secretly recording President Trump last year and using the recordings to have Trump ousted from office. Rosenstein, however, flatly denies it, calling the story "inaccurate and factually incorrect" in a statement....

Trump Questions Credibility of Kavanaugh Accusation

If the attack were as bad as Ford says, she would have gone to police, says president

(Newser) - President Trump has largely held his tongue in defense of Brett Kavanaugh, but he is now challenging the account of accuser Christine Blasey Ford and questioning why she didn't come forward much sooner with her allegation of sexual misconduct. "I have no doubt that, if the attack on...

Report: Trump Urged Spain to Build Wall Across Sahara

Spanish minister says president offered advice on migrants

(Newser) - Spain's foreign minister says President Trump offered the Spanish government some very Trumpian advice on dealing with an influx of cross-Mediterranean migrants. Josep Borrell says the president suggested building a wall across the Sahara desert, even though only two small enclaves in the region are Spanish territory, the Telegraph...

Trump on Sessions: 'I Don't Have an Attorney General'

That's not his only scathing quote

(Newser) - President Trump has ripped into Attorney General Jeff Sessions plenty of times on Twitter; now he's doing it in the Oval Office. The Hill reports on its Tuesday sitdown with the president for Hill.TV, for an interview it describes as "one of his most ferocious broadsides to...

Polish President Wants &#39;Fort Trump&#39; in His Country
'Fort Trump' Could
Become Reality

'Fort Trump' Could Become Reality

Polish President Andrzej Duda wants permanent American military base in Poland

(Newser) - Poland's leader pressed President Donald Trump on Tuesday to consider creating a permanent American military base in Poland, offering a tempting incentive: The installation would be called "Fort Trump." Polish President Andrzej Duda extended the invitation during a one-on-one meeting with Trump at the White House that...

Stories 2721 - 2740 | << Prev   Next >>