
3 Stories

Guy in Ebola Suit Rescues Skunk

Paramedic spotted distressed animal

(Newser) - Rescuing skunks isn't in paramedic Justin Mausz's job description—but he decided he had to act when he arrived at his Toronto-area workplace Sunday morning and saw one in the parking lot with a plastic cup stuck on its head. He donned full Ebola protective gear to help...

Here's What Potent Pot Does to Your Brain

Study finds damage in white matter used to send signals

(Newser) - A new study raises concerns for those who indulge in potent forms of marijuana. Researchers out of King’s College London and Rome's Sapienza University studied brain scans of 56 patients who had reported an episode of psychosis and 43 healthy volunteers. They found that those who regularly smoked...

Potent 'Skunk' Pot Ups Psychosis Risk
Potent 'Skunk' Pot
Ups Psychosis Risk

Potent 'Skunk' Pot Ups Psychosis Risk

Milder hashish poses no increased risk, researchers say

(Newser) - Despite efforts to reclassify marijuana down to a Schedule II (read: less dangerous) drug, there are some people who still insist on its dangers—and new research may back those theories up. Scientists at King's College London have discovered that smoking potent, or "skunklike," cannabis was tied...

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