
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

The New Cabinet Arrived by Plane. Then an Explosion

At least 16 people are said to be dead after a blast in Aden, Yemen

(Newser) - At least 16 people were killed Wednesday and another 60 wounded when a blast occurred at the airport in the southern Yemeni city of Aden. The explosion happened a short time after the country's newly formed Cabinet arrived by plane; no one on that plane was killed or injured,...

Pompeo Blames Iran
Pompeo: It's Iran's Fault

Pompeo: It's Iran's Fault

The Secretary of State points a finger after drone strike in Saudi Arabia

(Newser) - Forget Yemen. This was all Iran. That was the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's take Saturday after drone attacks struck Saudi Arabian oil facilities and choked half the country's crude production, the Wall Street Journal reports. Pompeo tweeted that it was "an unprecedented attack on the world'...

Airstrikes on Rebel-Run Prison Kill More Than 100

It was deadliest strike on Yemen so far this year

(Newser) - Yemen is reeling from what has been described as the deadliest attack so far this year after multiple airstrikes by a Saudi-led coalition hit a detention center run by the country's Houthi rebels, killing at least 100 people and wounding dozens. The center in southwestern Dhamar province had around...

US Official: A Missile Downed Our Drone in Yemen

Houthis have claimed responsibility

(Newser) - Two US officials confirmed to Reuters what a Houthi military rep has claimed: that a US drone was shot down over Yemen on Tuesday night. What is less established is whether the Iran-allied Houthi rebels downed the MQ-9 drone. That's what the rep claims; one official tells CNN a...

Saudi Oil Field Attacked
Saudi Oil Field Attacked

Saudi Oil Field Attacked

Yemen's Houthi rebels cause a fire at the Shaybah oil field

(Newser) - Drones launched by Yemen's Houthi rebels attacked a massive oil and gas field deep inside Saudi Arabia's sprawling desert on Saturday, causing what the kingdom described as a "limited fire" in the second such recent attack on its crucial energy industry, the AP reports. The attack on...

Khashoggi Death May Have Ripple Effects in Yemen War

'Time is now' for ceasefire, Pompeo says

(Newser) - At an apparent turning point in one of its hardest foreign policy challenges, the Trump administration is demanding a ceasefire and the launch of UN-led political talks to end the Saudi-Iran proxy war in Yemen. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis called for a halt to hostilities within 30 days. The renewed...

In This Conflict, Everybody Is Accused of War Crimes

UN investigators say all parties in the war in Yemen are guilty of atrocities

(Newser) - The conflict in Yemen may be a complex international issue, but UN investigators have just found a depressing common denominator: A new fact-finding reports suggests that all parties to the conflict are guilty of war crimes, reports the BBC . That largely means three groups: The Yemen government, the Houthi rebels...

Missile Headed for Saudi Palace Is Intercepted

Rebels in Yemen claim responsibility for the attack

(Newser) - The Saudi-led coalition fighting Yemen's Shiite rebels said it intercepted a missile fired over southern Riyadh on Tuesday, which the rebels said was targeting a leadership meeting at the royal palace in the kingdom's capital, Riyadh. It was the second time in as many months that a rebel...

Strongman's Death May Worsen Saudi-Iran Conflict

Ali Abdullah Saleh is killed, and Yemen's civil war is expected to get worse

(Newser) - Yemeni rebels killed their erstwhile ally Ali Abdullah Saleh, the country's former president and strongman, as their forces battled for control of the capital, Sanaa, officials said. The collapse of their alliance throws Yemen's nearly three-year-old civil war into unpredictable new chaos, per the AP . The war is...

US Oil Worker Abducted in Yemen, Says Family

Danny Burch's colleagues blame Houthi rebels

(Newser) - An American oil worker has reportedly been kidnapped in Yemen. The wife of 63-year-old Danny Burch, an employee of Yemeni-owned oil company Safer, says five armed men driving a pickup truck without license plates took him from his car on a busy street in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa on...

Kerry: Yemen's Houthi Rebels Free US Citizens

They were released as part of a complicated diplomatic arrangement

(Newser) - John Kerry says Yemen's Houthi rebels released two US citizens on Saturday, the AP reports. The US Secretary of State said the unidentified Americans were freed as part of a complicated diplomatic arrangement that included airlifts for Yemenis wounded by an airstrike this past week carried out by a...

US Strikes Yemen Rebels for First Time

Navy says it's retaliation for missile launches

(Newser) - American officials say US-launched Tomahawk cruise missiles have destroyed three coastal radar sites in Houthi-controlled territory on Yemen's Red Sea coast. The strikes marked the first shots fired by the US in anger against the Houthis in Yemen's long-running civil war, the AP reports. The retaliatory action early...

US Teacher Seized in Yemen
US Teacher
Seized in Yemen

US Teacher Seized in Yemen

Officials say he's suspected of spying

(Newser) - Yemeni officials say an American who worked as an English teacher in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, has been detained on suspicions of espionage. The officials told the AP on Wednesday that he was arrested at his house in Sanaa on Tuesday and taken to the national security headquarters. Witnesses told...

Iran: Saudi-Led Airstrike Hit Our Embassy in Yemen

Reporter sees no visible damage as tensions rise after Shiite cleric's execution

(Newser) - More Saudi-Iran trouble Thursday morning: Tehran accused the Saudi-led coalition battling Shiite rebels in Yemen of bombing its embassy there in an overnight airstrike. However, an AP reporter who reached the site just after the announcement by Iran's state-run news agency said the embassy was still standing without any...

Unnamed American Hostage Still in Yemen

English teacher, 35, still in custody of Shiite Houthi rebels

(Newser) - Despite early reports that three US hostages were freed in Yemen yesterday, authorities now say just two have arrived in Oman, which negotiated their release. Shiite Houthi rebels chose to keep a third US hostage in custody; he's identified only as a 35-year-old Muslim convert who had been in...

Yemen Rebels Free US Hostages

Identities aren't released

(Newser) - Yemen's Shiite Houthi rebels today released three Americans and three other foreign hostages, say Houthi officials and authorities at the airport in Sanaa. Their identities weren't made public, nor were details about their detention. But at least one of them is a journalist, whom Houthi offiicals said "...

Friend Reveals ID of US Hostage in Yemen

Scott Darden was taken by rebels while transporting humanitarian aid

(Newser) - The wife of a 45-year-old Atlanta man—one of three Americans being held hostage by Houthi rebels in Yemen—is pleading for his freedom. "We are asking for his safe return," Diana Loesch tells the Washington Post . "He loved the Yemeni people." The newspaper reports the...

Moroccan F-16 Goes MIA Ahead of Yemen Ceasefire

So far Yemen has remained relatively tight-lipped about the missing fighter jet

(Newser) - A Moroccan F-16 fighter jet taking part in a Saudi-led coalition targeting Shiite rebels in Yemen has gone missing, the North African nation's military said today, a day ahead of the start of a proposed five-day humanitarian ceasefire. It wasn't immediately clear what happened to the jet, which...

Saudis: We Repelled Rebel Border Attack

'Dozens' dead after attempted Houthi incursion

(Newser) - A cross-border attack on Saudi Arabia by Yemeni rebel forces resulted in late-night clashes that left three Saudi soldiers and "dozens" of Yemeni rebels dead, according to the Saudi Defense Ministry. A ministry statement said that a group of Yemen's Shiite rebels attacked "border posts and control...

Washington Sends Warship to Yemen

The USS Theodore Roosevelt may intercept Iranian arms

(Newser) - Proxy war, anyone? A US Navy aircraft carrier is headed for waters near Yemen amid concerns that Iran is sending fresh arms to Shiite Houthi rebels there, the AP reports. The USS Theodore Roosevelt will join other US ships in the area while roughly eight Iranian vessels, possibly carrying arms,...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>