Alberto Nisman

7 Stories

Judge Tosses Case Against Argentine Prez

Rules Alberto Nisman's case didn't meet 'minimal conditions'

(Newser) - A federal judge today dismissed a prosecutor's allegations that Argentine President Cristina Fernandez tried to cover-up the alleged involvement of Iranian officials in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires. Judge Daniel Rafecas said the documents originally filed by the late prosecutor Alberto Nisman failed to...

In Argentina, a Nation of Sudden Conspiracy Theorists

The mysterious death of Nisman is the nation's sudden obsession

(Newser) - The mysterious death of special prosecutor Alberto Nisman has turned Argentina into a nation of Oliver Stones, reports the New York Times in a look at the new favorite national pastime, as various conspiracy theories blame President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner , the nation's spy agency, or really, anyone. "...

In Prosecutor's Trash: Draft of Arrest Warrant for Argentine Prez

Document accusing Cristina Kirchner reportedly found in Alberto Nisman's home

(Newser) - A 26-page draft of an arrest warrant for Argentine President Cristina Kirchner was found in the garbage at the apartment of deceased federal prosecutor Alberto Nisman , the New York Times reports, adding further mystery to his already conspiracy-theory-laden death. The country's lead investigator in the case—Nisman was found...

Rattled Argentina Disbands Spy Agency

Fernandez to limit powers of new intelligence service

(Newser) - There are still far more questions than answers in the mysterious death of special prosecutor Alberto Nisman, but the case has already changed Argentina. President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner—who earlier said she was convinced the death wasn't the suicide it was initially labeled as—has announced plans to...

Argentine Prez: 'The Suicide Was Not a Suicide'

Alberto Nisman's report released as his death gets murkier

(Newser) - Argentine President Cristina Fernandez dropped a bombshell on the mysterious death of Alberto Nisman today, telling state media that suspicions "have been converted into certainty. The suicide (I'm convinced) was not a suicide." That's in direct contrast to her statement Monday, which said she believed the...

Gun That Killed 'Cover-Up' Prosecutor Wasn't His

Associates say Argentina's Alberto Nisman was eager to testify

(Newser) - The death of special prosecutor Alberto Nisman the day before he was due to testify about an alleged cover-up in the bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires is looking pretty fishy to many Argentines—not least because of the country's history of suspicious high-level suicides, and...

Argentina Prosecutor Who Claimed Cover-Up Found Dead

Alberto Nisman found shot to death hours before set to testify

(Newser) - A special prosecutor who accused Argentine President Cristina Fernandez of ordering impunity for Iranian suspects in the South American country's worst terrorist attack has been found shot dead. Alberto Nisman, who was set to testify today in a closed-door hearing, was found in his Buenos Aires apartment late yesterday,...

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