happiest countries

8 Stories

This Is the Happiest Nation on Earth
This Is the Happiest
Nation on Earth

This Is the Happiest Nation on Earth

Finland tops World Happiness Report for 8th straight year; US comes in at No. 24

(Newser) - Feeling down in the dumps? Maybe it's your country. Unless you're in Finland, which just took the top spot on this year's World Happiness Report for the eighth year straight, reports CNN . The annual ranking used Gallup World Poll data from more than 140 countries around the...

This Is the Happiest Nation in the World

Finland ranks No. 1 in UN-sponsored World Happiness Report; Afghanistan comes in last

(Newser) - OK, we get it—everyone in Finland lives in a constant state of ecstasy. Well, maybe that's a bit hyperbolic, but it's hard not to come to that conclusion after seeing that for the fifth year in a row, Finland has emerged in the top spot in the...

This Is the Happiest Country in the World

It's not the US, which comes in at No. 14, per 'Forbes'

(Newser) - Saturday is marked as the International Day of Happiness , and in some parts of the world, that contentment factor is especially prevalent. Forbes reports on the 2021 World Happiness Report , the ninth installation, which calls the past year a year "like no other." The Gallup World Poll team...

Top 10 Happiest Nations
Top 10 Happiest Nations

Top 10 Happiest Nations

Finland tops World Happiness Report for 2nd year, while US slips

(Newser) - America has fallen in the UN's World Happiness Report , released annually since 2012. The US sits in 19th place, down one spot from 2018 and five spots from 2017, reports US News & World Report . Ryan Cooper at the Week argues there's much to learn from Finland, which...

This Is the World's Happiest Country

World Happiness Report is out for 2018

(Newser) - The United States is at its unhappiest level since the annual World Happiness Report was first released in 2012. This year, the US came in No. 18, down four spots from last year, the Washington Post reports. The report was released Wednesday by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, an initiative...

Most, Least Happy Countries in the World

US does not make the top 10

(Newser) - The annual report from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network on the world's happiest and least happy countries is out, and if you live in the United States, sorry: The US doesn't make it into the Top 10 (it's ranked No. 13). The survey ranks 157 countries using...

The 10 Happiest Countries
 The 10 Happiest Countries 

The 10 Happiest Countries

Once again, Panama leads the pack

(Newser) - US citizens who want a happier life may want to leave the country. The Gallup-Healthways Global Well-Being Index has issued its second annual list of country rankings, looking at 145 countries and how their residents fare in various "well-being elements." Those elements: a sense of purpose, social relationships,...

The 10 Happiest Countries
 The 10 Happiest Countries 

The 10 Happiest Countries

At the top: Panama

(Newser) - Think the US is the happiest country in the world? Think again: It doesn't even make it into the top 10, according to the latest Gallup-Healthways Global Well-Being Index, which looks at financial status, social well-being, community well-being, physical health, and residents' goals and sense of purpose. The top...

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