male birth control

3 Stories

Male Birth Control Gel Shows a Lot of Promise
Birth Control
Gel for Guys

Behold, Birth Control Gel for Guys

Hormonal solution found to suppress sperm count within 8 weeks on average in phase 2 trial

(Newser) - A novel birth control option for men, as easy as applying lotion once per day, appears to be effective within weeks with minimal side effects to boot, according to new research. NES/T, a hormonal solution to block sperm production, is applied to the shoulders once per day. One of 222...

'Major Step Forward' for Male Birth Control Pill
Male Birth
Control Pill
Is One Step

Male Birth Control Pill Is One Step Closer

Trial shows pill is safe with minor side effects, including weight gain

(Newser) - After years of intrigue , researchers are celebrating "a major step forward" for the male birth control pill. A month-long clinical trial shows a once-daily male pill is safe and effective at suppressing the hormones needed for sperm production, and has no negative effect on sex drive, according to researchers...

Birth Control Shot for Guys May Be Here by 2017

Long-lasting Vasalgel contraceptive would require just a single injection

(Newser) - There may be another birth control option headed our way, and the guys will get to take the lead on this one. The Parsemus Foundation has tested an injectable, non-hormonal polymer contraceptive on male baboons that appears to successfully prevent pregnancy in females, Medical Daily reports. The procedure, which requires...

3 Stories