Fight for $15

4 Stories

10 Women File Harassment Claims Against McDonald's

Groups help the women in 9 cities bring forth allegations

(Newser) - Energized by the #MeToo movement, two national advocacy groups are teaming up to lodge sexual harassment complaints against McDonald's on behalf of 10 women who have worked at the fast-food restaurant in nine cities. The workers—one of them a 15-year-old from St. Louis—alleged groping, propositions for sex,...

'Hands Off My Buns': McDonald's Workers Allege Sex Harassment

In one case, employee says supervisor rubbed his genitals on her

(Newser) - Workers once swarmed McDonald's to protest low wages. At lunchtime on Thursday, workers in more than 30 US cities will protest another gripe: sexual harassment. Some 15 sexual harassment complaints from eight states have been filed against McDonald's and its franchises in the past month, alleging employees were...

Low Wages Cost Taxpayers $153B a Year
 Low Wages 
 Cost Taxpayers 
 $153B a Year 

Low Wages Cost Taxpayers $153B a Year

About half of public assistance goes to working households

(Newser) - The Fight for $15 is planning a big day for Tax Day , and ahead of that comes a study that gives credence to its premise that minimum wage isn't enough to live on: A UC Berkeley study out today pegs the cost of low wages at $153 billion a...

Dozens Busted in 'Fight for $15' Fast-Food Protests

Demonstrators nationwide demand $15 an hour

(Newser) - Dozens of protesters have been arrested in at least two cities so far today during nationwide protests seeking $15 an hour for fast-food workers, reports the AP . At least three people in McDonald's work clothes in New York's Times Square and about two dozen demonstrators at a Detroit...

4 Stories
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