Anthony Weiner

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A Cheat Sheet to Tonight's GOP Debate

Among the things to watch for: Will Weiner make an appearance?

(Newser) - Tonight’s New Hampshire debate marks the “informal kickoff” to the 2012 GOP race, with nearly all the major candidates appearing. Joshua Green of the Atlantic breaks down the seven things to watch for:
  • Romney in the lead? He’s topping the polls; will he shine in this performance?

Weiner Now Considering Resigning: Source

He's worried about how Hillary Clinton may be advising wife

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner is finally seriously considering resigning, a source tells the New York Daily News . The relentless interest in and continuing revelations of the New York representative's sexting proclivities are beginning to convince him that he's not going to be able to push his way past the scandal...

Why Sex Scandals Never Snag Women

Female politicians have a different attitude about job, research shows

(Newser) - After Mark Sanford, Eliot Spitzer, John Ensign, and now Anthony Weiner, a sex scandal involving a male politician is barely even shocking anymore. What would be shocking? A sex scandal involving a female politician. And research points to a reason for that other than the widely accepted “boys will...

Tim Pawlenty Blasts Mitt Romney, 'Obam-newCare'
 Swipes at 

Pawlenty Swipes at 'Obam-neyCare'

Here's looking at you, Mitt Romney

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty declared open season on Mitt Romney today, equating Massachusetts' health reform with the federal overhaul in a mashup he termed "Obam-neyCare." “The president’s own words [are] that he patterned in large measure Obamacare after what happened in Massachusetts,” Pawlenty told Fox News....

Where's Weiner in Latest Photos? Congress' Gym

Congressman snapped pics in towel in locker room

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner liked to pose in various stages of undress at his apartment, with his cats, and now apparently in a towel at the House Members Gym. The latest self-portraits mostly involve his BlackBerry's camera and a mirror, and were sent to at least one woman, TMZ reports. They...

Bill Maher, Jane Lynch Read 'Weinerlogues'

You really don't want to watch this

(Newser) - As if the Anthony Weiner saga weren't squirm-inducing enough, Bill Maher took it a step further, New York mag reports. The Real Time host brought out Jane Lynch, and the pair proceeded to give a dramatic reading of Weiner's less-than-subtle Facebook exchanges with a blackjack dealer in Vegas—...

Anthony Weiner Will Enter Therapy, Won't Resign

He will take temporary leave from Congress

(Newser) - Probably only surprising in that this didn't happen sooner: Anthony Weiner just played the rehab card. He will take a temporary leave from Congress to "seek professional treatment to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person,” says his office. But he will not resign, despite...

Nancy Pelosi Urges Weiner to Resign

He loses support of top House Democrats

(Newser) - Another bad day for Anthony Weiner: Nancy Pelosi and other top House Democrats told him to resign today, reports Politico . Weiner has insisted he would not do so, but the shift from Pelosi, Steve Israel, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz will ratchet up the pressure significantly. They released statements within minutes...

Cops Investigate Weiner's Tweets to Girl, 17

Embattled rep says direct messages were 'neither explicit nor indecent'

(Newser) - When Anthony Weiner wasn't palling around with porn stars or blackjack dealers, he was apparently sending messages to high school girls. Police in Delaware yesterday were questioning a 17-year-old girl about her interactions with the congressman, Fox reports, which a Weiner rep characterized as "neither explicit nor indecent....

Tracy Clark-Flory: An Ode to Hairy Chests (Unlike Anthony Weiner's)

 An Ode to  
 Hairy Chests 

An Ode to Hairy Chests

They're natural, and that's sexy: Tracy Clark-Flory

(Newser) - There’s a key issue we’re forgetting in this whole Anthony Weiner scandal: His hairlessness, both on his chest and, apparently, elsewhere . “Depilation is increasingly visible among straight men, and it's a damn shame,” writes Tracy Clark-Flory at Salon . Sure, some women like men “as...

Weinergate Prompts Airline Special

It's 'too hard to resist'

(Newser) - Now we can all cash in on Weinergate: Spirit Airlines is holding a special deal dubbed “The Weiner Sale.” The fares are “too hard to resist,” notes one ad, viewable at the Frisky . There’s even a “Weiner Sale Expansion,” though the fares won’...

Another Day, Another Wiener Sex Scandal...

Not Anthony Weiner; New Mexico pol Michael Wiener

(Newser) - Weiner said he won’t resign , and neither will Wiener. That’s New Mexico’s Bernalillo County Commissioner Michael Wiener, recently accused of sexual harassment, reports. Wiener made a sexual joke—something about having both a Wiener and a Johnson on the County Commission—and also told a...

Traci Nobles, Anthony Weiner's 5th Online Lady Friend, Emerges
 5th Weiner Galpal Emerges 

5th Weiner Galpal Emerges

Traci Nobles outed by roommate

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner admitted to conducting inappropriate online relationships with six women , and now we know who the fifth one is. But Traci Nobles, unlike Lisa Weiss, Ginger Lee, and Meagan Broussard , did not want to come forward. Her roommate emailed the Las Vegas Sun a screenshot from Noble’s Facebook...

Stewart Aghast at Weiner's Daily Show Sex Fantasy

Host also confused by Weiner's apology to Bill Clinton

(Newser) - Jon Stewart was a little confused when he heard that Anthony Weiner apologized to Bill Clinton, officiant at his wedding and husband to his wife’s boss , after Weiner’s sexting scandal broke. "The congressman had a sex scandal and had to apologize to Bill Clinton? For what?” an...

Top 10 Sex Scandals to Hit the House

Anthony Weiner is far from alone on the list of House bad boys

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner is just the latest and most aptly-named bad boy to fall from grace in Congress's lower chamber: It was only February when Rep. Chris Lee's self portraits and search for hookups on Craigslist led him to join the ranks of the unemployed, and there was a...

Crotch-Shot Recipient: I Thought It Was Fake

Gennette Cordova insists chats with Weiner were never sexual

(Newser) - When Gennette Cordova saw the now-infamous photo of Anthony Weiner’s wiener on her Twitter account, “it didn’t make any sense,” she says. “I figured it must have been a fake.” Up until then, her online relationship with Weiner had never verged into sexual territory,...

Alec Baldwin Weighs Run for NYC Mayor

Weiner's downfall may create opening for 30 Rock star

(Newser) - With Anthony Weiner's hopes of becoming mayor of New York City rapidly shriveling, Alec Baldwin spies an opportunity. The 30 Rock star is believed to be considering throwing his hat into the ring now that the front-runner is fading, reports the Wall Street Journal . With the primary still two...

House Dems Urge Weiner To Quit

Colleagues bailing on NY rep after tweeted penis shot

(Newser) - A growing number of House Democrats are making it clear that they want their Weiner problem to go away. Pennsylvania's Allyson Schwartz, an ally of Nancy Pelosi, was the first to openly call for his resignation, and she was soon followed by others, reports the New York Times . "...

Anthony Weiner's Wife, Huma Abedin, Is Pregnant With Their First Child
 Weiner's Wife Is Pregnant 

Weiner's Wife Is Pregnant

Huma Abedin is expecting their first child

(Newser) - Normally, word that a congressman's wife is pregnant is not national news, but we remain in the Anthony Weiner worm hole. Yes, his 35-year-old wife, Huma Abedin, is in the early stages of pregnancy with their first child. The news comes not from a tabloid but from the New ...

Feminist Outrage? Try a Shrug of Resignation
Feminist Outrage?
Try a Shrug of Resignation
maureen dowd

Feminist Outrage? Try a Shrug of Resignation

Maureen Dowd: American women conditioned to 'assume the worst'

(Newser) - Bonjour, American women. You have "traded places with France" when it comes to attitudes about the not-so-noble pursuits of men, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . Consider that after the DSK scandal broke , "a spirited feminism" emerged in France, with women angrily demanding that the sexism...

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