Anthony Weiner

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Comey: I&#39;m &#39;Mildly Nauseous&#39; I Affected the Election
Comey: Huma Forwarded
Classified Emails to Weiner
the rundown

Comey: Huma Forwarded Classified Emails to Weiner

So he could print them out for her to present to Hillary Clinton

(Newser) - A day after Hillary Clinton blamed him in part for her election loss, FBI chief James Comey acknowledged to Congress that she might have a point: "It makes me mildly nauseous to think we might have had some impact on the election." But Comey defended his decision to...

Anthony Weiner May Get Hit With Child Porn Charge

He may face a mandatory 15 years in prison—minimum

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner could face child pornography charges—and a minimum 15 years in prison, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal . The Hill reports the 51-year-old Weiner allegedly sent a 15-year-old girl shirtless photos of himself, descriptions of sexual acts he wanted to perform with her, and more....

Lawyer 'Appalled' by Warrant FBI Used in Clinton Email Case

Judge unseals warrant used to seize and search Anthony Weiner's laptop

(Newser) - A judge has unsealed the warrant the FBI used to search Anthony Weiner's laptop in connection with the Hillary Clinton email case—and the lawyer who requested its unsealing says he's "appalled" by what it says, USA Today reports. The warrant states that the FBI had "...

Weiner Spotted Riding Horse at Sex Rehab Ranch

He's been keeping a low profile lately

(Newser) - Disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner, who has kept a low profile since his laptop became part of the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server, was spotted on Friday riding a horse at a Tennessee rehab facility that offers equine therapy for sex addiction. The New York ...

FBI Has Search Warrant for New Clinton Emails
FBI Has Search Warrant
for New Clinton-Related Emails

FBI Has Search Warrant for New Clinton-Related Emails

WikiLeaks announces new phase of election coverage

(Newser) - Election Day is just over a week away and there appears to be little chance that Hillary Clinton's latest email mess will be resolved before then: Law enforcement sources tell the Washington Post that the FBI has now obtained a search warrant for a laptop used by Anthony Weiner,...

Abedin Not Sure How Emails Got on Her Husband's Laptop

Also: FBI chief Comey is formally accused of overstepping his authority

(Newser) - The issue of newly discovered emails related to Hillary Clinton's use of a private server dominated headlines Sunday, though it remains unclear whether the emails themselves contain anything new or damaging because the FBI has yet to begin searching them. (They were found on the computer of Anthony Weiner,...

Clinton Urges FBI to Explain Inquiry &#39;Without Delay&#39;
Clinton Urges FBI to Explain
Inquiry 'Without Delay'

Clinton Urges FBI to Explain Inquiry 'Without Delay'

Trump says this is 'bigger than Watergate'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's emails are back in the news and she wants the FBI to hurry up and explain why. At a Friday night press conference in Iowa, Clinton told reporters that she wants the FBI to release the "full and complete facts" about its renewed probe, which centers...

Weiner's Alleged Chats With Girl, 15, Under Investigation

'T Dog' could get 15 years under NY law

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner's sexting wrecked his political career, his comeback attempt, his media career, and his marriage —and now even his freedom could be at stake. The AP reports that the former congressman's alleged online relationship with a 15-year-old girl is being investigated by authorities in New York...

Latest Weiner Allegations Involve Texting With Teen

Daily Mail has all the unfortunate details

(Newser) - Huma Abedin dumped husband Anthony Weiner last month amid allegations that he couldn't stop his sexting ways. Those allegations have just gotten worse: The Daily Mail reports in painful, intricate detail that Weiner carried on a months-long relationship via text and Skype with a 15-year-old girl beginning in January...

Weiner: Yes, Child Services Is on My Case

NYC agency delivered investigation letter to his mom's house

(Newser) - There were whispers that child welfare authorities could be knocking on Anthony Weiner's door after his most recent sexting fiasco , and now that possibility has come to fruition. The former NYC mayoral candidate himself confirmed Thursday to the New York Times that the city's Administration for Children'...

Weiner's Woes Could Lead to 'Ugly' Custody Battle

Woody Allen couldn't write a movie script like this, divorce lawyer says

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner has already lost wife Huma Abedin over his latest sexting transgressions, but the fact that Weiner's young son may have been in one of his late-night selfie sessions could have him in trouble with child services. Experts tell the New York Daily News —which says it...

Twitter Not Being Kind to Serial Sexter Weiner

Plus: Weiner and Abedin have reportedly been 'estranged' for about a year

(Newser) - Huma Abedin is separating from Anthony Weiner after his latest online sexcapades, this time involving a series of sexts apparently sent between Weiner and an unnamed "40-something divorcee." But a source said to be close to Abedin tells Politico the couple had already been "estranged" and...

Huma Abedin Is Leaving Anthony Weiner
Huma Abedin Is
Leaving Anthony Weiner

Huma Abedin Is Leaving Anthony Weiner

Announcement follows new report of Weiner's sexting

(Newser) - A little more than five years after the first Anthony Weiner sexting story broke , wife Huma Abedin has announced she is leaving him. A brief statement from Abedin was posted on Twitter by NBC Nightly News editor Bradd Jaffy. It reads, "After long and painful consideration and work on...

Weiner Caught Sexting Again— This Time With Son in Pic?

Apparently so, per the New York Post, and his Twitter account has been deleted

(Newser) - In a case of bad timing that probably won't please Hillary Clinton, new sexting allegations have arisen involving Anthony Weiner, the husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, per USA Today . The New York Post , which originally reported the story, published a screenshot of a sexting session with a...

Weiner Documentary 'Never Stops Making You Gasp'

'One of the best political documentaries you'll ever see'

(Newser) - Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg planned to document Anthony Weiner's rise from the ashes as he campaigned for New York City mayor in 2013 following that infamous sexting scandal . But a triumphant return to politics is not what was caught on film. Get ready for one of the most...

Trump Mocks 'Perv' Husband of Clinton Aide Huma Abedin

That would be Anthony Weiner

(Newser) - Donald Trump got especially personal in a line of attack against Hillary Clinton last night, going after aide Huma Abedin and her "perv" husband Anthony Weiner. While speaking in Boston about Clinton's email scandal, Trump said Abedin had access to classified information, reports the Hill . “And who...

Least Influential Person of the Year? Rodman
 Least Influential Person 
 of the Year? Rodman 
'gq' list

Least Influential Person of the Year? Rodman

'GQ' rounds up the 25 people who didn't make a difference

(Newser) - Dennis Rodman certainly thinks he's influential, but GQ disagrees. The basketball star and self-styled North Korea ambassador is the No. 1 entry on the magazine's annual list of the 25 Least Influential People. Rodman "was the first prominent American celebrity invited inside the nation-sized prison that is...

De Blasio Wins NYC Primary; Runoff Unclear

Recount looms as Thompson refuses to concede

(Newser) - As expected, Bill de Blasio will easily finish first in New York City's Democratic primary for mayor, reports the AP . What's unclear is whether he will get the necessary 40% to avoid a runoff with the second-place finisher. With 97% of returns in, de Blasio had 40.02%,...

Weiner Concedes: 'I Was an Imperfect Messenger'

Sexting partner tries to crash NYC also-ran's event

(Newser) - While the final result in the Democratic primary for NYC mayor remains unclear , we can finally, finally stick a fork in Anthony Weiner's torturous campaign to run the Big Apple. The scandal-plagued former congressman finished in fifth place with around 5% of the vote. "We had the best...

O'Donnell to Weiner: 'What's Wrong With You?'

BuzzFeed calls trainwreck interview 'too amazing for words'

(Newser) - New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner appeared on The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell last night, and let's just say the interview is a memorable one. The host had just one question for Weiner: "What's wrong with you?" O'Donnell was not, as you might...

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