vaccines cause autism

4 Stories

With New Vaccine Study, 'a Truth Has Emerged' on Autism

Namely, as other studies have noted, that MMR vaccine isn't linked to the developmental disorder

(Newser) - The Centers for Disease Control and many others have long noted there's no proven link between vaccines and autism, and now the agency has yet another study to back those claims. CNN reports that the research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal looked to see if there...

Why Minnesota's Measles Outbreak Could Get Even Worse

Somali-Americans avoiding vaccines due to unfounded fears of autism

(Newser) - The Minnesota Department of Health has identified 34 cases so far in a measles outbreak, with a University of Minnesota infectious disease expert worried it's leading to a "gas-and-match situation" that will result in more cases and possibly even deaths, NPR reports. What health officials are worried may...

Prominent Anti-Vax Doctor Dead in Apparent Suicide

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet's office had been raided by feds earlier in week

(Newser) - Authorities say anti-vaccine Dr. Jeff Bradstreet has been found dead in an apparent suicide in North Carolina. The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office said this week that Bradstreet died of "a gunshot wound to the chest, which appears to be self inflicted." Bradstreet, 61, was found by a...

'Dangerous' RFK Jr Keeps Slamming Vaccines

Yet people still listen to him, writes Laura Helmuth

(Newser) - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has grabbed the spotlight in his fight against vaccines, and Laura Helmuth can barely believe it. "Fascinating it is, and absolutely maddening," she writes at Slate. "And dangerous." Kennedy believes that a vaccine preservative, thimerosal, causes autism, even though one medical organization...

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