Russia-Ukraine war

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Johnson's $95B Foreign Aid Bill Gets Boost From Dems

In 'rare bipartisan' moment, House votes 316-94 to advance aid packages for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan

(Newser) - With rare bipartisan momentum, the House pushed ahead Friday on a foreign aid package of $95 billion for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, including for humanitarian support, as a coalition of lawmakers helped it clear a procedural hurdle to reach final votes this weekend. Friday's vote produced a seldom-seen outcome...

Dem Puts GOP's Dawdling Over Foreign Aid on Blast

Rep. Rosa DeLauro accuses lawmakers of 'diddling around' while 'people are dying' in fiery speech

(Newser) - "Let's not sugarcoat what is going on here," the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee said Thursday before launching into a fiery speech in regards to the ongoing foreign aid debate, blasting Republicans for following the whims of former President Trump, whom she blamed in part...

Poland: We Stopped Plot to Kill Zelensky

Worker at Polish airport accused of conspiring with Russian agents

(Newser) - A Polish man has been arrested on allegations that he was trying to help Russia assassinate Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, prosecutors in Poland said Thursday. The man, identified only as Pawel K., allegedly planned to pass on security information about Poland's Rzeszow-Jasionka airport, which is near the Ukraine border...

Under Pressure, Johnson Revamps Foreign Aid Package

Biden backs new plan, which still could cost speaker his job

(Newser) - Speaker Mike Johnson's four-pronged foreign aid package has become five bills, and his job could depend on what happens with the reworked legislation. On Wednesday, Johnson told his Republican caucus that the House will stay in session until it votes Saturday evening on the package with stalled aid for...

Think Tank Warns US Aid Delay Is Benefiting Russia

More civilian deaths across Ukraine are reported

(Newser) - More civilians died across Ukraine on Sunday as analysts warned that delays in US military assistance would see Kyiv struggle to fight off Russian offensives. One man was killed after a Russian drone hit the truck he was driving in the Sumy region, the local prosecutor's office said. A...

Trump Has Plan to End Ukraine War. Ukraine Won't Like It

Former president wants to see Russia gain territory, limited NATO expansion: 'WaPo'

(Newser) - Donald Trump has a plan to stop the war in Ukraine, though Ukraine won't like it. The former president and presumptive Republican presidential nominee has spoken privately about his plan to pressure Ukraine to cede territory to Russia—specifically Crimea and the Donbas border region—in order to bring...

Ukraine Aid Could Lead to a Reckoning for Mike Johnson

House speaker faces flak from hard-right members of his own party, who may try to oust him

(Newser) - The House of Representatives is set to convene on Monday after a two-week recess, and Speaker Mike Johnson has indicated a top priority is to "take the necessary steps" on funding for Ukraine in its two-year-plus war with Russia, reports the Guardian . He faces opposition from the hard-right faction...

Drone Hits Nuclear Plant, Upping Risk of 'Major Accident'

Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant is under Moscow's control since Russia seized it in 2022

(Newser) - The head of the UN's atomic watchdog agency on Sunday condemned a Ukrainian drone strike on one of six nuclear reactors at the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, saying such attacks "significantly increase the risk of a major nuclear accident." In a statement on the...

Russia Propaganda Is Aired on House Floor, Intel Chair Says

Turner says colleagues repeat false information in Ukraine aid debate

(Newser) - Russian propaganda about the invasion of Ukraine has echoed in House debate, Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner said Sunday. Appearing on CNN's State of the Union, the Republican was asked about Rep. Michael McCaul's comments that Russian propaganda had seeped into their party's base. "Oh, it'...

A Beleaguered Ukraine Lowers the Draft Age

Zelensky signs law that drops the age to 25

(Newser) - Ukraine lowered its draft-eligible age for men from 27 to 25 on Wednesday, reflecting the strain that more than two years of war with Russia has put on its military and the need to infuse its depleted ranks with new conscripts. President Volodymyr Zelensky signed three bills into law aimed...

In Slaying of Russian Defector, a Brutally 'Clear Message'

Maksim Kuzminov was shot to death in Spain earlier this year, with the Kremlin suspected

(Newser) - The New York Times has followed up on the high-profile murder of a Russian helicopter pilot who defected to Ukraine, finding that the slaying of Maksim Kuzminov has renewed fears that the Kremlin's overseas hit teams are alive and well. Among the points:
  • The two men who killed him

Poland PM: 'We Haven't Seen a Situation Like This Since 1945'

Donald Tusk warns we're in 'prewar' era, Europe needs to up defense spending and prepare

(Newser) - Poland's prime minister is out with a new warning for the rest of his neighbors in Europe, cautioning that the continent is now in a "prewar" era that requires an increase in defense spending all around to keep everyone safe. "I don't want to scare anyone,...

&#39;Long Live Russia,&#39; Putin Shouts at Red Square Party
Putin Celebrates
Reelection, War

Putin Celebrates Reelection, War

Reelected Russian president stresses annexation of Crimea, victory in Ukraine to Red Square rally

(Newser) - Nationalistic songs played, his defeated rivals praised him, and newly reelected President Vladimir Putin shouted "Long live Russia!" to a crowd gathered Monday for a celebration in Moscow's Red Square. But the event could have come across as perfunctory, with much of the crowd attending by request,...

Major Drone Attacks Hit Russia During Election

Ukraine likewise reports shooting down drones

(Newser) - Ukraine launched a massive new wave of drone attacks Sunday on Russia as voters cast ballots on the final day of an election on extending President Vladimir Putin's rule for another six years. The Russian Defense Ministry reported downing 35 Ukrainian drones overnight, including four in the Moscow region....

Ukrainians Are Being Forced to Get Russian Passports

It's impossible to get by without one in occupied areas, but holders could be drafted

(Newser) - Russia has successfully imposed its passports on nearly the entire population of occupied Ukraine by making it impossible to survive without them, an AP investigation has found. But accepting a passport means that men living in occupied territory can be drafted to fight against the same Ukrainian army that is...

With Putin&#39;s Victory Not in Doubt, Russia Votes
Voting Begins in
'Sham' Russian Election

Voting Begins in 'Sham' Russian Election

Landslide Putin victory is not in doubt

(Newser) - Three days of voting in Russia's presidential election began Friday, and the only unknown about the outcome is how big Vladimir Putin's victory will be. The Russian leader's main political opponents are banned from running, jailed, exiled, or dead, and the only other candidates on the ballot...

Pentagon Is Rushing $300M in Weapons to Ukraine

Money was found in contract cost savings

(Newser) - The Pentagon will rush about $300 million in weapons to Ukraine after finding some cost savings in its contracts, even though the military remains deeply overdrawn and needs at least $10 billion to replenish all the weapons it has pulled from its stocks to help Kyiv in its desperate fight...

Orban Explains How Trump Would End Russia-Ukraine War

Invaded nation would receive no more funding, Hungary's prime minister says

(Newser) - Donald Trump has promised to end the Russia-Ukraine war " within 24 hours " if elected president again, but he hasn't said how. Viktor Orban, who met with Trump on Friday in Florida, has now provided an explanation, the BBC reports. "He will not give a penny in...

WiFi Network Name Lands Moscow Student in Jail

Officers confiscate router after a search

(Newser) - The Russian government's intolerance of dissent over its invasion of Ukraine has reached into a college dorm room. A Moscow State University student has been sentenced to 10 days in jail for giving his WiFi network the name "Slava Ukraini," which means "Glory to Ukraine."...

Ukraine Responds to Pope's 'White Flag' Remarks

Zelensky, foreign minister, others don't seem inclined to surrender to Russia anytime soon

(Newser) - Allies of Ukraine have been expressing their dismay at recently aired comments made by Pope Francis last month, in which he said Ukraine should have the "courage" to send up the "white flag" in its war with Russia, implying Ukraine should surrender. Now, a slew of Ukrainian officials...

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